8 Explosive Blogging Tips Other Clever Bloggers Won’t Share

There are many blogging tips which other bloggers are not sharing with

This blog post could probably the 10th, 100th or 1,000th that you had read about blogging tips and starting a blog. I am going to tell you that this blog (and this website) is different from any other and here’s why.

Do you really think that most successful bloggers will share their secrets, tips and tricks with you? Take a moment to think about it and I will wait.

Moments of silent…

Welcome back! Guess you figured it out right? Oh wait! If not, don’t worry, let me tell you why instead. Sharing vital information, tips and tricks in blogging with the other bloggers would probably means:

  1. More competitions
  2. Lesser traffic
  3. Less earnings
Most bloggers are successful because they have their own blogging tips and tricks
What are the top secret, high confidential and mind blowing blogging tips for bloggers? 

Makes any sense? Glad it does! We are on the right track here.

So, what makes me (and this blog), tell you the REAL answers on blogging tips? I am tired of seeing bloggers and potential writers going into this industry with the hope of making money blogging but ended disappointed!

I can’t teach you all the blogging tips (and tricks) I know and learned but if you follow my writings here, you will probably figure out all my tricks in blogging and start making a decent living through your blogs or websites.

I am not saying that other bloggers are lying to you but the fact is that not many are telling you the whole truth about blogging and life of a blogger. So, hear me out at least (even though how much you disagree with but do tell me why using the comment form below).

And before that, I would like to share with you some slides which I recently created:


Here are 8 blogging tips all bloggers must know

One of the best blogging tips is pouring enough time into blogging
Blogging takes time, devotion and persistent to be successful 

1. Blogging is more than a job. It’s a lifestyle.

If you have decided to step into the blogging industry, then allow me to give you a warm welcome. Now, let’s get into business…serious business.

If you want to be successful in blogging, then you need to be mentally and physically prepared to spend time into this challenging industry. For those who read the blog articles I posted few days back, I said that Sunday is my time off from blogging. Reality is…yes but partially. I promised myself that I will wake up earlier than usual on Sundays and do some backlinks for at least 2 hours a day. Half day work? You can call that anytime, buddy.

What I am trying to say is that if you want to make money blogging, then prepare to devote your time and effort into it. Don’t devote everything you got but at least, give it a 60% of everything you have first for starters.

Blogging tips #1: Everyone want to be making money through blogging but not many want to contribute time into serious blogging. So, which side of the fence are you on?

2. The reality between free blog sites and self hosted domains

It is no secret that there are bloggers who make money through their blogs on Blogspot. Oh yes they do and even one of my blogs on Blogger that is making $10 a day just through Google Adsense.

Differences between free and paid blog sites
Choose your blogging platform carefully when it comes to building a brand for your blog

You are here because you want to make money as a blogger right? How many bloggers out there who are extremely successful using their Blogspot account?

That’s what I am saying, yo!

Let’s see, Darren Rowse from ProBlogger, Jane from ProBloggingSuccess and Ana Hoffman from TrafficGenerationCafe doesn’t use these free blogging sites. Instead, they are using self hosted domains.

Basically, free blogging sites aren’t really free. Bloggers using these sites will be tied down not only to their terms and conditions but as well as the contents ownerships (for some sites).

On the other hand, self hosted domains allows bloggers to be the ‘˜King and Citizen’ of the site. This means that bloggers are free to do any changes they like and they wished for as long as they want to.

Blogging tips #2: Small time bloggers build blogs. Serious bloggers who want to make money blogging have their own identity, brand and of course, self hosted website.

3. Money is needed to start a blog…at least a little

Investing into blogging industry
Prepare to invest at least a little when it comes to blogging 

C’mon guys! Do you really think that you can earn money without investing a single cent? You probably could and I ain’t joking. However, trust me when I say that without investing some money, you are going to close many doors of opportunities. Clear example is in point #2 (above).

I started blogging years back and I was stingy (even now). I didn’t want to spend a single cent on blogging! I realized that my earning capabilities are very well confined in a small, 4-walls bedroom.

What I mean was I knew I couldn’t compete with the big guns without the help of paid blogging tools. That’s the fact. Bloggers who says that they don’t use paid blogging tools are lying. Okay, maybe they are not lying but check on their page rank, traffic etc. You get the point.

There will be times where you think you need to get a better WordPress theme, SEO content optimization or maybe a premium comment plugin to name a few. That’s when you need to spend money into blogging.

Blogging tips #3: Serious bloggers invest into blogging to ensure they grow and beat the rest…even when their competitors are sleeping.

4. Successful bloggers don’t spend a lot of time on their blogs and websites

One of the best blogging tips is to contribute to guest posts
Want to build good traffic blogs? Brush up on your Public Relations skills! 

Yup you hear me loud and clear (okay, you read what I wrote – my apologies). Most successful bloggers doesn’t spend their whole day on their blog. So, what are they doing? Being a couch potato or lazing in their jacuzzi pool?

The fact is that they are spending at least 50% of their daily effort writing for other blogs and doing internet marketing. Hear any bells ringing when I say guest posting?

Good guest posting will generate enough traffic boost back to their own blogs simply because the sites they are writing for are having good traffic of their own. Don’t forget that this is not a good way but is a great way to increase blog traffic.

Starting a blog doesn’t sound to be that easy at this point right?

Even Darren Rowse (and wrote an eBook about it as well) agreed when he posted this:

Importance of guest posting
One of Darren’s most popular articles published on ProBlogger 

Blogging tips #4: A good blogger plans and strategize. Good blogging strategy will not only drive traffic but also creating good readership.

5. Successful bloggers uses content optimization tools in their blogs

Proper content optimization tools will increase the blog visibility in the eyes of search engines
Onsite content optimization is important to rank well on search engines 

I am not sure about you but I certainly realized this. Do you notice that famous bloggers and websites usually have excellent content?

Okay try this when you have the time.

  1. Pick an article you liked which was written by your favorite blogger
  2. Try to figure out what are the keywords which he or she is using or focusing
  3. Count the density of the keyword(s)

Obviously, this is clear. Out of 10 blog posts I counted, 7 of them have a very good density of keywords and they are very precise. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

I know once or twice could be okay but having like 7 to 8 articles out of 10 with the same ‘˜modus operandi’ aka M.O.? This is way too good to be called coincidence I would say.

I know there are a few bloggers who are really good and doing all this manually. However, a huge part of them doesn’t. Instead, they turn their heads into content optimization tools or blogging tools that helps them to enrich the article content.

Like it or not, many serious bloggers invested thousands if not hundreds on SEO tools to ensure their blogs and websites survive the cut.

Think maybe that your blog don’t need any SEO optimization? Here’s a free report that you can use to check on your blog’s SEO status.

If you are looking for content optimization techniques, I believe this article will keep you on the right track, The Best SEO Tool For Optimizing Your Website.

Blogging tips #5: Blogging industry is very competitive nowadays. Only those who are really serious in this business will actually grow and be successful.

6. The reality of monetizing a blog or website

I don’t mean to disappoint you but if you think Google Adsense can drive your earning like crazy, then you are wrong. Sorry.

Smaller blogs make money through Google Adsense. Bigger blogs make money through affiliate sales.

I believe I do not need to share with you which blogger is making money through affiliate sales and I certainly know quite a few bloggers who are making not three, not four but at least five digits of affiliate revenue monthly.

You see, I would consider this as the approach of making money blogging followed by different bloggers. Refer below to see on my earnings using one of the affiliate programs I joined:

eBay Affiliate Program is a good way for bloggers to earn money through affiliate sales
An example of my affiliate earning using eBay Affiliate Program 

From the image above, I could easily be earning more using affiliate sales compared to Google Adsense clicks. Makes sense? Go figure!

Blogging tips #6: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t focus making money with Google Adsense. Instead, focus making money blogging with Google Adsense and affiliate programs as well!

7. Traffic above earnings

Most bloggers focus on monetizing blog instead of increasing blog traffic
Traffic is the source of any blog monetization methods. Boost traffic and blog earnings will follow 

Why most bloggers fail and give up within the first 3 months of blogging? This is because most of them have the money sign on their forehead even before getting a stable traffic!

If you have plans on starting a blog to make money, then start thinking how to generate enough traffic first!

Traffic is the core factor which will affect your blog earning. The more traffic you are getting, the better chance of creating a money blog or at least, generating a nice and small income through blogging.

Blogging tip #7: Money blogs are generating money because of traffic and not the other way around. 

8. Control the number of advertisement on your blog

Most bloggers does this same mistake over and over again. As a blogger, you want your blog to be content rich and not advertisement rich. If you have in starting a blog, then make sure you control the limits on advertisements on your blog.

The number of advertisements which Google Adsense allow is only 3 per page. This clearly shows that not only Google Adsense acknowledge the importance of the banners, they also value the importance of content quality.

Blogging tips #8: Too many advertisement and banners aren’t good for blogging business. Reduce them and see traffic grow within the next few weeks if not months!

Increase your blog earnings by placing banners on hotspots only
Placing the right advertisement at the right location will increase click rates

Over to you

So, what do you think of these 8 blogging tips?

Like it or hate it?

Tell me all about it and if you have anything under your sleeves that you want to share. Who knows, you maybe be featured in my post as well!

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