Tag: search engine optimization techniques

  • What Are The Best SEO Techniques After Google Penguin Update?

    What Are The Best SEO Techniques After Google Penguin Update?

    The latest Google Penguin Update has taken the SEO world by storm. This message from Google couldn’t be any more clearer especially when Google are searching for bad SEO techniques that websites and blogs are practicing. This made many SEO experts and even SEO enthusiast like me keep wondering what are the best search engine optimization techniques one should practice.

    Of course, for those who have no idea what Google Penguin Update was and or how will (and probably could had affected) your websites, this video from Matt Cutts explained them all.

    Movie time!

    Should you change your SEO techniques?

    It doesn’t matter if you are doing white hat SEO or black hat SEO. The bottom line is that you need to make sure you are doing it correctly.

    When I say correctly, it simply means that all your SEO techniques must not be spammy. Even if you are building backlinks from Web 2.0 or Wiki’s, you must make sure you need to pay extra attention to those small and petty things such as anchor text.

    If you are interested to understand how anchor text is going to change the face of search engine optimization techniques, then you can head over to this eBook on SEO link building or this one written by the famous Rand Fishkin from Moz.

    I even received some private message on Facebook asking if it is still worth using SEO tools in terms of website optimization. Of course, I am not talking about those free SEO tools but I am talking about those famous, search engine optimization tools such as link building tool and content optimization program.

    Now let me be very honest with you on this matter. I dare to say that premium SEO tools are still worthy and important in terms of search engine optimization.

    You see, there are probably tons of SEO tools out there to choose from regardless if they are free or paid. Either way, it depends back to the end user in terms of using them! I know many bloggers who fail to use Ultimate Demon link building tool to correctly and they were slapped pretty bad with the latest Google Update.

    What are the best SEO techniques right now?

    Disclaimer: These methods does not guarantee you 100% success in your search engine optimization strategies. However, use these methods as guidelines and modify them according to your website’s need.

    1. Understand the basic of search engine optimization (eBook version)
    2. Increase interaction and engagement on various blogs and websites of the same niche
    3. Creating deep links between websites and blogs (reading)
    4. The effect of guest posting (eBook version)
    5. Improve your website SEO ranking with this free SEO analysis and report

    The first part is rather clear. All these Google updates are done because (and I highly believe) Google wanted no one to misuse the SEO for their own advantage. This was what Adam from BloggingWizard said during one of our conversations:

    SEO techniques that uses bad link building will have negative impact on website
    This is just one part of our conversation but you get the point

    As you can see now, it seems pretty obvious that there are many SEO techniques which are (sadly) misused by many. I know I am going a little off topic here but just giving my opinion.

    Assuming that’s the case, it is best that we need to understand how this search engine optimization really works and you have two choices. You can either read this eBook which would cost you like less than $10 or follow this blog closesly for more SEO tips. Of course, you can also contact me if you have any issues as well!

    The reader’s engagement rule

    Readers engagement is one of the best SEO techniques for bloggers
    Welcome your readers and thank them for visiting your website

    In this article, I want to stress the importance of the reader’s engagement when it comes to SEO best practices. Now, ask your self a few quick questions first before we go in any deeper into the topic.

    • What do you know about reader’s engagement?
    • How can you practice SEO when you communicate with your readers?

    Reader’s engagement rule is huge. It consist not only other blogs and websites but it also involves social media. The rule of engagement for this types of SEO techniques are very simple indeed.

    You want to build good search engine ranking or quality backlinks. Now, the more people talk about your article, blog or website, the chances of you getting traffic is better. Don’t forget that big daddy, Google is more than happy to give higher SEO ranking to websites who are constantly and actively in the discussion.

    Have you noticed how websites such as ProBlogger, kikolani and probloggingsuccess are doing very well in search engine ranking page results? Have you ever why they always top the chart whenever you search for any related terms?

    The answer is easy. Look at the number of comments they have. We are not talking about 5 or 10. We are talking hundreds of comments, for Christ’s sake!

    Doesn’t this prove that reader’s engagement is one of the best SEO practices of all time? Yup, you got it right!

    Of course, there is a little bonus for those using WordPress platform. If you want to drive traffic to your website, I would highly recommend you to use CommentLuv Premium. This is the best comment plugin for WordPress when it comes to link building and search engine optimization methods.

    Hint: Some websites (including this website) are offering free follow backs or DoFollow link back when the reader had contributed a certain number of comments.

    The effect of guest posting in terms of search engine optimization

    Increase SEO ranking using guest post
    Guest post can easily create a healthy backlink to your website

    Are you interested to build quality backlinks for your website? I bet you are right and that’s why you are here right now. Guest posting was deem valuable in the past and now, it is worth more than gold.

    So, how does guest posting actually helps in terms of SEO?

    Every time a guest post is made, the writer is going to link the article back to his or her own website. Good for you since you are able to get 1 point for backlink right?

    Wait! There’s more!

    Whenever you are doing a guest post, you are not only selling your article but as well as selling your website and brand. Yes, you are telling people that you are alive and kickin’.

    The websites that you are going to publish your articles should be:

    • Well recognized
    • Having good traffic
    • A good Page Rank
    • And highly related to your niche

    When it comes to SEO techniques, Google and other search engines doesn’t really matter how you generate such backlinks (until certain extend of course). Let’s imagine this:

    One guest post consist of one links to root domain (author box), two deep links pointing to specific articles on your website. There goes three superb good link building points!

    Sounds good? Oh yes, it certainly does.

    If you want to venture into guest posting or simply making guest posting one of your SEO techniques, these are what you need to prepare:

    1. Quality articles of about 600 to 1,500 words (depending on websites and requirements)
    2. Do some bloody research. I mean…do some serious research before hand
    3. Write once but recheck it more than twice
    4. Find the best link building website to publish the article (okay I am joking about the link building website as any good page rank websites would do)

    Back to you

    What do you think of this article? With the latest Google Penguin update, are you going to change your SEO techniques? Do you have any other search engine optimization methods to share aloud? I am sure you have some under your sleeves and therefore, feel free to reply using the comment form below.

    Oh yes! Before I forget, I sincerely hope you will signup for my free SEO newsletter. If you have not, you could signup below and it would take less than 10 seconds of your time. I promise!

    Like this article? Please help me to share using the red button below.

  • Blow Your Competitions Away With SEO Link Building Techniques

    Blow Your Competitions Away With SEO Link Building Techniques

    With the latest Google update, it is extremely clear that proper SEO link building or white hat SEO is one of the few ways to really rank well on search engine result pages (SERPs).

    What do you really know about SEO link building?

    As I had written about the effect of the latest Google update, building links pointing deep into your root directory will not only save you from any future Google updates but also provide healthy website authority in the eyes of search engines. This is deemed one of the best search engine optimization techniques post Google Penguin update.

    Even this post on Famous Bloggers written by Adam highlighted the many ways to build some quality backlinks (and of course, one of the methods are below).

    SEO Link Building? What?

    I have a whole different perception when it comes to SEO link building. With today’s competition, building links the normal way is not enough if you want to compete with the big boy. I received this comment which I think it is rather interesting (and mind blowing).

    What is the best SEO technique nowadays?
    Thank you Louis for the comment! It got me thinking the whole night!

    Many people talk about SEO or search engine optimization. However, how many people actually practice the right search engine optimization techniques? I wrote several articles including the currently popular, Best SEO Tool For Website Optimization. I had stated (numerous times) that in the current world now, you need to think out of the box to do SEO.

    So, how can you do SEO? Here’s what I did:

    1. Understand how search engine optimization really works (reading)
    2. Get a free copy of this SEO report to know what you are lacking (detailed SEO analysis)
    3. Practice SEO link building not to your main domain but to deep root or in other words, linking specific articles
    4. Use different anchor text and make a variety of them to link back to your website, articles and pages
    5. Commenting on other blogs of the same genre and niche (recommended comment plugin to boost link building)
    6. Practice Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 link building (I will create a different topic for this)
    7. Using the right SEO tools to optimize content (reading)

    *p/s Some of them would have links which you can easily click on and check on the articles or SEO tools which I recommend.

    As you can see above, it only took 7 steps to properly optimized my website and it boosted my website in many ways (both traffic and SEO wise). This isn’t any BS talk as I have facts to show.

    I know you love seeing images and photos instead of just wall of text right? I posted my results in my article, How Website Optimization Can Save You From Google Panda/Penguin Update?

    Most of the above requires some reading but I am sure those will help you when it comes to doing SEO analysis or choosing the right SEO techniques for your website.

    Today, let’s talk about SEO techniques #3  and #4 only. I could go for all but I am afraid you will consider this article as a bedtime story instead! Go figure!

    Create SEO link building starting from your deep links outwards

    Website SEO ranking will increase with the number of deep links.
    Creating low quality backlink will increase the chances of being penalized by Google

    The rule of thumb for SEO link building technique is to create links pointing back to articles and pages instead of the root domain.

    When I talk about SEO link building, I am talking about deep, deep links. Google and other search engines loves deep link building.

    This means that building link not pointing to your main website but to specific articles. The more you use this SEO technique, the better chance you are going to create good search engine optimization ranking for your website. Period!

    I used to build links in the past pointing to my root domain only but that is so wrong. What you need to do is instead of sharing your root domain, share your article or page links instead. This is to ensure that you are giving a good impression to other search engines that you are not trying to create low quality backlinks.

    Always remember that 10 quality backlinks worth more than 100 low quality backlinks.

    It’s a no brainer that search engines love backlinks. Because of this, take the opportunity to build even better quality backlinks. Anyone can create quality backlinks and therefore, do you want to be normal or be able to stand out from the crowd?

    Bet you want to stand out of the crowd right? Then start building backlinks using deep article link building technique. The deeper it is, the better chance it will rank!

    If you are looking for free Google resources to help you with some search engine optimization, maybe this would help.

    Less means more in smart SEO link building techniques

    Good SEO link building worth more than low quality backlinks
    What do you understand about backlinks from this image? Make any sense to you?

    What the hell am I talking about? Anchor text of course for Christ’s sake!

    What is anchor text?

    The anchor text, link label, link text, or link title is the visible, clickable text in a hyperlink. The words contained in the anchor text can determine the ranking that the page will receive by search engines – Wikipedia

    Okay so anchor text is something search engines care for. Great! What’s next?

    Using the right anchor text is another SEO link building technique. You want search engine to index your page or article and therefore, giving a good description is indeed, more than a great choice.

    See below for the examples for good anchor text examples for ReginaldChan.net:

    • Search engine optimization
    • Link building techniques
    • SEO link building
    • Best SEO tools
    • Search engine optimization techniques
    • Create backlink

    Using 6 different anchor texts for my website will ‘inform’ search engines that the site isn’t only about search engine optimization, but also consist of several different topics but are linked closely to the main topic (in this case, search engine optimization).

    Make any sense?

    Having more anchor words doesn’t confuse search engines IF you are using them correctly. Instead, it will provide deeper and better chances of optimizing your website in terms of keywords.

    A great tip when it comes to anchor text is always make sure you are using the right words to describe your links. A badly written example could easily reduce SEO ‘points’ for your website.

    So, what have you learned today about search engine optimization?

    It doesn’t matter if you are planning to build links to your website, practice the best SEO techniques or even doing a simple SEO analysis. Creating links and much more importantly, quality backlinks is the only and safest way to go after this Google Penguin update.

    This Google Penguin update not only brought search engine optimization a whole new level, it also make many SEO tools look bad. Of course, a few great SEO tools like this one for content optimization still able to perform well due to quality and performance. Of course, you can find the full list of my favorite SEO tools by clicking here as well.

    Are you building links correctly for your websites or blogs? Tell me if the last Google Update affected yours and how did you overcome that?

    Like this article? Please help me to share using the red button below.

  • 8 Explosive Blogging Tips Other Clever Bloggers Won’t Share

    8 Explosive Blogging Tips Other Clever Bloggers Won’t Share

    This blog post could probably the 10th, 100th or 1,000th that you had read about blogging tips and starting a blog. I am going to tell you that this blog (and this website) is different from any other and here’s why.

    Do you really think that most successful bloggers will share their secrets, tips and tricks with you? Take a moment to think about it and I will wait.

    Moments of silent…

    Welcome back! Guess you figured it out right? Oh wait! If not, don’t worry, let me tell you why instead. Sharing vital information, tips and tricks in blogging with the other bloggers would probably means:

    1. More competitions
    2. Lesser traffic
    3. Less earnings
    Most bloggers are successful because they have their own blogging tips and tricks
    What are the top secret, high confidential and mind blowing blogging tips for bloggers? 

    Makes any sense? Glad it does! We are on the right track here.

    So, what makes me (and this blog), tell you the REAL answers on blogging tips? I am tired of seeing bloggers and potential writers going into this industry with the hope of making money blogging but ended disappointed!

    I can’t teach you all the blogging tips (and tricks) I know and learned but if you follow my writings here, you will probably figure out all my tricks in blogging and start making a decent living through your blogs or websites.

    I am not saying that other bloggers are lying to you but the fact is that not many are telling you the whole truth about blogging and life of a blogger. So, hear me out at least (even though how much you disagree with but do tell me why using the comment form below).

    And before that, I would like to share with you some slides which I recently created:


    Here are 8 blogging tips all bloggers must know

    One of the best blogging tips is pouring enough time into blogging
    Blogging takes time, devotion and persistent to be successful 

    1. Blogging is more than a job. It’s a lifestyle.

    If you have decided to step into the blogging industry, then allow me to give you a warm welcome. Now, let’s get into business…serious business.

    If you want to be successful in blogging, then you need to be mentally and physically prepared to spend time into this challenging industry. For those who read the blog articles I posted few days back, I said that Sunday is my time off from blogging. Reality is…yes but partially. I promised myself that I will wake up earlier than usual on Sundays and do some backlinks for at least 2 hours a day. Half day work? You can call that anytime, buddy.

    What I am trying to say is that if you want to make money blogging, then prepare to devote your time and effort into it. Don’t devote everything you got but at least, give it a 60% of everything you have first for starters.

    Blogging tips #1: Everyone want to be making money through blogging but not many want to contribute time into serious blogging. So, which side of the fence are you on?

    2. The reality between free blog sites and self hosted domains

    It is no secret that there are bloggers who make money through their blogs on Blogspot. Oh yes they do and even one of my blogs on Blogger that is making $10 a day just through Google Adsense.

    Differences between free and paid blog sites
    Choose your blogging platform carefully when it comes to building a brand for your blog

    You are here because you want to make money as a blogger right? How many bloggers out there who are extremely successful using their Blogspot account?

    That’s what I am saying, yo!

    Let’s see, Darren Rowse from ProBlogger, Jane from ProBloggingSuccess and Ana Hoffman from TrafficGenerationCafe doesn’t use these free blogging sites. Instead, they are using self hosted domains.

    Basically, free blogging sites aren’t really free. Bloggers using these sites will be tied down not only to their terms and conditions but as well as the contents ownerships (for some sites).

    On the other hand, self hosted domains allows bloggers to be the ‘˜King and Citizen’ of the site. This means that bloggers are free to do any changes they like and they wished for as long as they want to.

    Blogging tips #2: Small time bloggers build blogs. Serious bloggers who want to make money blogging have their own identity, brand and of course, self hosted website.

    3. Money is needed to start a blog…at least a little

    Investing into blogging industry
    Prepare to invest at least a little when it comes to blogging 

    C’mon guys! Do you really think that you can earn money without investing a single cent? You probably could and I ain’t joking. However, trust me when I say that without investing some money, you are going to close many doors of opportunities. Clear example is in point #2 (above).

    I started blogging years back and I was stingy (even now). I didn’t want to spend a single cent on blogging! I realized that my earning capabilities are very well confined in a small, 4-walls bedroom.

    What I mean was I knew I couldn’t compete with the big guns without the help of paid blogging tools. That’s the fact. Bloggers who says that they don’t use paid blogging tools are lying. Okay, maybe they are not lying but check on their page rank, traffic etc. You get the point.

    There will be times where you think you need to get a better WordPress theme, SEO content optimization or maybe a premium comment plugin to name a few. That’s when you need to spend money into blogging.

    Blogging tips #3: Serious bloggers invest into blogging to ensure they grow and beat the rest…even when their competitors are sleeping.

    4. Successful bloggers don’t spend a lot of time on their blogs and websites

    One of the best blogging tips is to contribute to guest posts
    Want to build good traffic blogs? Brush up on your Public Relations skills! 

    Yup you hear me loud and clear (okay, you read what I wrote – my apologies). Most successful bloggers doesn’t spend their whole day on their blog. So, what are they doing? Being a couch potato or lazing in their jacuzzi pool?

    The fact is that they are spending at least 50% of their daily effort writing for other blogs and doing internet marketing. Hear any bells ringing when I say guest posting?

    Good guest posting will generate enough traffic boost back to their own blogs simply because the sites they are writing for are having good traffic of their own. Don’t forget that this is not a good way but is a great way to increase blog traffic.

    Starting a blog doesn’t sound to be that easy at this point right?

    Even Darren Rowse (and wrote an eBook about it as well) agreed when he posted this:

    Importance of guest posting
    One of Darren’s most popular articles published on ProBlogger 

    Blogging tips #4: A good blogger plans and strategize. Good blogging strategy will not only drive traffic but also creating good readership.

    5. Successful bloggers uses content optimization tools in their blogs

    Proper content optimization tools will increase the blog visibility in the eyes of search engines
    Onsite content optimization is important to rank well on search engines 

    I am not sure about you but I certainly realized this. Do you notice that famous bloggers and websites usually have excellent content?

    Okay try this when you have the time.

    1. Pick an article you liked which was written by your favorite blogger
    2. Try to figure out what are the keywords which he or she is using or focusing
    3. Count the density of the keyword(s)

    Obviously, this is clear. Out of 10 blog posts I counted, 7 of them have a very good density of keywords and they are very precise. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

    I know once or twice could be okay but having like 7 to 8 articles out of 10 with the same ‘˜modus operandi’ aka M.O.? This is way too good to be called coincidence I would say.

    I know there are a few bloggers who are really good and doing all this manually. However, a huge part of them doesn’t. Instead, they turn their heads into content optimization tools or blogging tools that helps them to enrich the article content.

    Like it or not, many serious bloggers invested thousands if not hundreds on SEO tools to ensure their blogs and websites survive the cut.

    Think maybe that your blog don’t need any SEO optimization? Here’s a free report that you can use to check on your blog’s SEO status.

    If you are looking for content optimization techniques, I believe this article will keep you on the right track, The Best SEO Tool For Optimizing Your Website.

    Blogging tips #5: Blogging industry is very competitive nowadays. Only those who are really serious in this business will actually grow and be successful.

    6. The reality of monetizing a blog or website

    I don’t mean to disappoint you but if you think Google Adsense can drive your earning like crazy, then you are wrong. Sorry.

    Smaller blogs make money through Google Adsense. Bigger blogs make money through affiliate sales.

    I believe I do not need to share with you which blogger is making money through affiliate sales and I certainly know quite a few bloggers who are making not three, not four but at least five digits of affiliate revenue monthly.

    You see, I would consider this as the approach of making money blogging followed by different bloggers. Refer below to see on my earnings using one of the affiliate programs I joined:

    eBay Affiliate Program is a good way for bloggers to earn money through affiliate sales
    An example of my affiliate earning using eBay Affiliate Program 

    From the image above, I could easily be earning more using affiliate sales compared to Google Adsense clicks. Makes sense? Go figure!

    Blogging tips #6: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Don’t focus making money with Google Adsense. Instead, focus making money blogging with Google Adsense and affiliate programs as well!

    7. Traffic above earnings

    Most bloggers focus on monetizing blog instead of increasing blog traffic
    Traffic is the source of any blog monetization methods. Boost traffic and blog earnings will follow 

    Why most bloggers fail and give up within the first 3 months of blogging? This is because most of them have the money sign on their forehead even before getting a stable traffic!

    If you have plans on starting a blog to make money, then start thinking how to generate enough traffic first!

    Traffic is the core factor which will affect your blog earning. The more traffic you are getting, the better chance of creating a money blog or at least, generating a nice and small income through blogging.

    Blogging tip #7: Money blogs are generating money because of traffic and not the other way around. 

    8. Control the number of advertisement on your blog

    Most bloggers does this same mistake over and over again. As a blogger, you want your blog to be content rich and not advertisement rich. If you have in starting a blog, then make sure you control the limits on advertisements on your blog.

    The number of advertisements which Google Adsense allow is only 3 per page. This clearly shows that not only Google Adsense acknowledge the importance of the banners, they also value the importance of content quality.

    Blogging tips #8: Too many advertisement and banners aren’t good for blogging business. Reduce them and see traffic grow within the next few weeks if not months!

    Increase your blog earnings by placing banners on hotspots only
    Placing the right advertisement at the right location will increase click rates

    Over to you

    So, what do you think of these 8 blogging tips?

    Like it or hate it?

    Tell me all about it and if you have anything under your sleeves that you want to share. Who knows, you maybe be featured in my post as well!

    Like this article? Please help me to share using the red button below.

  • Top 12 Killer (Must Have) Blogging Tools For Bloggers

    Top 12 Killer (Must Have) Blogging Tools For Bloggers

    As a blogger, have you ever wonder what are good blogging tools you need? I bet you do and that’s why you are here right? Well, don’t worry about it as I was in the same boat as you in the past. It happens to all of us, especially when we are desperate to find great blogging tools to enrich our blogs and websites.

    What are blogging tools that worth your time and effort?

    Through my blogging experience, there are many blogging tools where we can use for blogging. And yes, most of these tools are free but there are some which are paid tools (or premium blogging tools as we call it). Without much delay, the below are the blogging tools that I am currently using in my daily blogging life and I do hope that these tools will work well for you as well.

    Using the right blogging tools will help bloggers and webmasters improve their sites.
    What are the best blogging tools available? 

    Free blogging tools for bloggers

    1. Google Drive

    Store blogging materials in the cloud thanks to Google Drive
    It is best to write draft and keep it for later revision before posting on your blog 

    Google Drive is one of the best free blogging tool I ever used. Before this, I was using the old school way which is using Microsoft Words and saving each file on my laptop. Why i love Google Drive so much is because I could easily compose an article or blog spot on it, save it and adjust later when I have the time. It is absolutely great since I can be blogging nearly every position on Earth as long as I have Internet connection.

    Try Google Drive now!

    2. Google Keywords Tool

    Google Keyword Tool is one of the best free tools for bloggers to use
    Google Keyword Tool is a great way for bloggers to find quality keywords 

    People talk about Market Samurai, Micro Niche Finder and even SEMrush. Well, I use all of them three honestly but trust me when I tell you that nothing beats Google Keywords Tool. While the three are absolutely doing great in my blogging career, I cannot deny the fact that I uses Google Keywords Tool more than any of these three combined.

    Just a few clicks, I am able to sort out keywords relevant to my writing and improve the content optimization of my blog. Do I need to remind you that it is free as well?

    Nothing beats free stuff, huh? Check out Google Keywords Tool here.

    3. Evernote

    Evernote is a good way to store blogging drafts online
    Bloggers can easily retrieve back blogging drafts kept in Evernote 

    I bet nearly 95% of bloggers in this world would have Evernote app in their smartphones, tablets and even laptops. Thought of a great idea or blogging inspiration? Why don’t use Evernote to jot notes down?

    I travel and move a lot. Whenever I get an idea on a topic, I would just pop up Evernote and write that down. It doesn’t matter if I am not using those notes at the moment but I am pretty sure (and happened before) that I would use them one day in the future.

    Give Evernote a try and sign up for free account now!

    4. Dropbox

    Dropbox is a great way to keep important materials online
    Share your articles, documents and images between devices thanks to Dropbox 

    I can’t deny the fact that Dropbox is playing a huge role in my blogging career. When it comes to saving pictures or photos to use for my blogging, I will definitely keep them in Dropbox. The ability to sync across devices makes Dropbox an even more worthwhile application for any bloggers or webmasters.

    I am currently using the free one which 62 GB of space (thanks to my Note 2) and you can imagine where I am going from there. A must have for all bloggers. Period.

    Get a free 2 GB Dropbox account for free and start sync data across devices and computer.

    5. Yahoo smush.it

    Reducing image size can improve website loading speed
    Yahoo smush.it will help to reduce image size and improve website loading speed 

    There is a WordPress plugin for smush.it but I am using the web one instead. Every photos or images uploaded can be compressed and optimized to reduce it size. And what’s the use of it?

    The smaller the picture or image is, the faster it loads up. I am not sure about you but this is definitely one of the must have blogging tool for me.

    *p/s Do note that at times, the Yahoo servers might be slow and thus, uploading images could be a little hassle thought.

    See how Yahoo Smush.it works here.

    6. WordPress SEO by Yoast

    Wordpress SEO is the best SEO plugin for WordPress
    WordPress SEO offers free and unlimited use of SEO tools to boost website ranking and content optimization 

    I am pretty sure the term search engine optimization or SEO is no longer a stranger to all of you. In fact, there are many SEO companies or SEO agents which you can use to improve your blog’s SEO and ranking.

    However, have you asked yourself if that is truly necessary?

    WordPress SEO by yoast is a free WordPress plugin that offers great SEO functions for your blogs and websites. What it actually does is doing multiple analysis on your content and determine the SEO level through it.

    Once an analysis is done, it will then give you suggestions which may help you boost your SEO score even further. Sounds good? Certainly is for me!

    If you are looking for a free but GREAT SEO plugin for WordPress, I truly recommend this from the bottom of my heart. Trust me, you will not be disappointed.

    Yoast’s official website.

    7. W3 Total Cache

    Cache plugins are used to improve website loading speed
    W3 Total Cache is a one of the best WordPress cache plugins of all time 
    • Google – 500 milliseconds of extra load time caused 20% fewer searches
    • For Yahoo – 400 milliseconds of extra load time caused a 5-9% increase in the number of people who clicked ‘back’ before the page even loaded
    • For Amazon – 100 milliseconds of extra load time resulted in a 1% drop in sales

    Optimizing website to improve loading time is important. It optimizing your website is not inside your book, then you should do it right now. Nowadays, website that loads slower could easily affect their website ranking on search result pages.

    W3 Total Cache is often named as the best WordPress cache plugin. I got to agree with this as my website loads a second faster (maybe more) when this plugin is activated. High recommended for bloggers who are interested to boost their website loading speed.

    Check out W3 Total Cache on WordPress.org.

    8. Flickr

    Share your images on blogs easily using Flickr
    Flickr enables bloggers to share photos and images without taking up server space 

    I am not sure how many of you uses Flickr but I can tell you that I use it pretty much. I am a previous imgur user until the free storage capacity blocks me from using it to the max. Okay, I can’t be spending all my earnings on blogging only right?

    Run and controlled by Yahoo Inc, I am pretty sure my photos are in good hands. What makes the cut even further is the latest free ‘giveaway’ which is awarding all users 1TB of memory space which makes photo sharing for bloggers even juicier!

    Try Flickr today for free!

    Premium blogging tools

    9. Scribe Content Optimization

    Content optimization can help blog and website rank better on search engines
    Scribe is one of the best content optimization tools for bloggers 

    Let’s say you want to bring SEO to the next level. This is where I recommend you this ‘˜state-of-the-art’ content optimization tool by CopyBlogger, Scribe. I personally use Scribe for all my money blogs and it proves to be more than just a great investment.

    Don’t get me wrong as I uses WordPress SEO by yoast as well. However, the final SEO analysis is done using Scribe and it will pinpoint on keywords or SEO opportunities which I might accidentally left out.

    I am always worried of my SEO (even though I know I shouldn’t) for my money blogs. I want my blogs to rank well and get good organic traffic to them. With Scribe, I knew I am already half way there. You can read more the product here: Scribe Content Optimization.

    Don’t forget to request for your free SEO report using this link!

    10. Thirsty Affiliates

    Change ugly URL to pretty URL using Thirsty Affiliate plugin
    Say goodbye to ugly URL thanks to Thirsty Affiliates 

    Thirsty Affiliate is the latest plugin I bought for myself. Reading through my previous blogs and you will notice that I am a member of ShareASale (affiliate program). I always wonder how other bloggers share their affiliate links using so a nice URL.

    A little Google-ing and I found out that most of them are using Thirsty Affiliate. Well, what this WordPress plugin do is changing the ugly url to something beautiful. Example as below:

    Ugly URL: https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?cl=185140&c=ib&aff=250804

    Beautiful URL: https://www.reginaldchan.net/recommends/thirsty-affiliates/

    See the difference? This doesn’t only protects my affiliate links but at the same time, making it very pleasant to the eyes. Not only that, it could even improve the chances of getting an affiliate sale right? You can have a look at what Thirsty Affiliate is offering by clicking this link: Thirsty Affiliate Website.

    11. Hybrid Connect

    Mailing list is important to ensure that blog subscribers are notified immediately on new posts and events
    Hybrid Connect is the latest OptinSkin alternative that provides great service, value and customer support 

    People say building a mailing list is important and I certainly cannot disagree with any further.

    I read about Hybrid Connect on Adam Connell’s website, Blogging Wizard (you can find the link here). Adam, if you are reading this, thank you for your recommendation!

    I am pretty sure most of you are aware of a plugin called OptinSkin. Well, Hybrid Connect works exactly like OptinSkin with more features packed in it. It offers the ability to put sign up box for mailing and newsletters nearly every inch of the blog.

    What makes it better is the customer support. When I purchased Hybrid Connect, it wouldn’t work my Dynamik theme (due to my customizations) and they fixed it up. They didn’t stop there. Instead, they even offered me help when they noticed there was an issue with one of my codes.

    I was more than just ‘wow-ed’. Thank you Hybrid Connect team!

    Try out risk free Hybrid Connect with 30-days money back guarantee!

    12. Dynamik Website Builder for Genesis Framework

    Dynamik website builder is a great tool to build quality themes
    Start building your own customized WordPress themes using Dynamik website builder 

    I am pretty sure you are well aware that if you want to attract your readers, you need to have more than just a normal blog theme. Good themes are hard to come by but thanks to Dynamik team, building a custom theme for WordPress is as easy as click the drop down buttons. Want to know more about Dynamik Website Builder?

    You can also head over to their official website, Dynamik Theme and Genesis Framework for more information.

    Over to you

    I hope the blogging tools listed above will provide you more than just great experience in your blogging life. Have you used any of these tools? Share with me by replying the comment form below.

    Like this article? Please help me to share using the red button below.

  • How Do You Do Smart Content Optimization Techniques And Boost SEO?

    How Do You Do Smart Content Optimization Techniques And Boost SEO?

    When I started up this WordPress website, I knew I was competing in a very challenging niche … you know … blogging, search engine optimization, WordPress and Internet marketing. In fact, the blogging niche is super competitive especially with so many professional bloggers such as Darren Rowse, Ana Hoffman, Adam Cornell and even Jane.

    Brian Clark wrote, “Scribe 4 Integrates with Raven Tools for Smart Content Optimization

    They have good traffic, followers and on top of all, their websites are pretty ‘˜state-of-the-art’ if you ask me. I knew I got to be better (not against them) but to be at least right behind them. And yes I am well aware that I am competing with maybe 50,000 or even 500,000 serious bloggers who are thinking of making money blogging.

    Therefore, I knew that I need to do more than just content optimization … I need to do smart content optimization and the right search engine optimization techniques to boost my website ranking. Basically, I need to bring SEO to the next level.

    I recently invested in a SEO content optimization called Scribe which is created by the CopyBlogger Media team. Yup you got it right! They are also the creators of the famous StudioPress Genesis framework and child themes! These are what important figures say about Scribe:

    Scribe 4.0 is way beyond SEO – Brian Clark (co-founder of Genesis Framework)

    Scribe is my personal writing assistant. I create content the way I want, and then Scribe steps in to help me optimize it for the social media and search engine audiences I’m after – Jon Henshaw (Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer, Raven Internet Marketing Tools)

    Scribe allows for creative content marketing that gets attention, while keeping content creators focused on business goals. It just works – Greg Boser (President, BlueGlass Interactive)

    Scribe allows for quick and easy optimization, and your content still performs well in social media channels. Scribe seriously rocks – Rae Hoffman-Dolan (CEO, Pushfire)

    One bad habit about me is even before I read and understand what a product is, I always head to the testimonials. When I saw the above testimonials, I knew Scribe is my type of content optimization.

    I read about Scribe and it’s content optimization ability. I was thinking to myself if that is a worthy investment and honestly the service isn’t cheap. Scribe is a paid search engine optimization or content optimization product which is chargeable monthly. Since it offers a 30 days money back guarantee, I thought it was one worthwhile investment. I could easily as for a refund though. And of course, the reviews above were more than enough to moved me out of my seat … so to say.

    While reading, you can also grab this free SEO report to help you rank better on search engines!

    Optimize your blog content and improve your traffic with Scribe SEO
    Scribe make SEO and content optimization looks so easy even for novice

    Getting Scribe SEO installed and running on WordPress

    Pretty easy and just a few clicks, Scribe is ready to kick ass! All you need to do are:

    1. Download the plugin after the purchase
    2. Upload it to your WordPress blog
    3. Head into Settings and put in your Scribe SEO license key
    4. And walaa~ You are all set to go to rock SEO!

    Pretty easy right? In fact it is and I can’t just deny it. In the paragraphs below, I am going to tell you how Scribe SEO is going to change the face of search engine optimization and how you can use it to boost your search engine optimization rating.

    What Scribe SEO is NOT offering

    I like to consider Scribe as an excellent SEO tool like Market Samurai, SEMRush and Long Tail Pro. These premium SEO tools will not make you popular, will not make your blog hit #1 spot on search engines and will definitely not tell you which keyword is best used on your blog instantly.

    In short, Scribe DO NOT spoon feed you with keywords and SEO gold mine. Period.

    So yes, if you think that Scribe is SEO godness, then CopyBlogger would have sold it for thousands instead. Right, you get the point and yup, I am glad that we are on the same page!

    Scribe SEO is a world class content optimization which will help bloggers rank better on search engines
    Scribe does a great job in analyzing content optimizations, SEO, keywords, tags and titles 

    What Scribe SEO WILL offer

    Okay this is where things get juicy. Scribe can give you detailed ranking analysis on what your posts and whole website are all about in terms of SEO keywords and chances of getting rank on search engines. On top of everything, Scribe offers excellent content optimization. For example, I am blogging about ways to make money online. Scribe will compare my articles, keywords, tags, title and all those meta and finally, giving a detailed report on how I will actually rank using these keywords.

    Scribe SEO will also provide detailed SEO analysis such as what are current Google and Twitter trends for such keywords. It will show you a list of what others are tweeting and sharing on social media so that you can either rank equally with them or even higher than the rest.

    If you think that is all, you are wrong! Scribe SEO will also give you another analysis on how the Google Trend for that specific keyword currently. And the for the record, I classify Scribe SEO as a healthy mix of Google Keyword Tools, SEO tools (Market Samurai or SEMRush) and basic SEO analysis skills all under one roof.

    Best part of all, all this can be done within 10 minutes (or less) of your time! Yes, you can save pretty a lot of time if you use Scribe SEO to help you with your website optimization works.

    What is required for Scribe to work properly?

    As what I said above, Scribe content optimization is not going to spoon feed you with Content Optimization. Instead, you need to have your Title Tag, Meta Description and Content ready. Yes, plan your SEO tactics first before using Scribe Content.

    Once you have these three important things prepared, then you can get Scribe SEO to analysis the content quality, website ranking and even the competitions you are going to face. It also gives you a quick forecast on the chances of you hitting the top search engine result pages.

    And if you are worry about Scribe SEO messing around with other SEO plugins, you are in very safe hands as it will work hand in hand with most SEO plugins available for WordPress bloggers. It even have the capability to work together with WordPress themes and frameworks like Genesis, Thesis and Headway as well.

    Content optimization by Scribe helps make content rich in SEO and quality keywords
    Content SEO is more than just important when you talk about blog ranking 

    What I really think about Scribe for content optimization and SEO?

    Scribe blows my mind away

    I know there are many debates on how efficient on how Scribe SEO does to content optimization and SEO techniques. There are bloggers and webmasters who believe that Scribe SEO is not worth the money. I have tested it and trust me, Scribe content optimization will worth all your money invested.

    I personally use WordPress SEO by Yoast to have a rough draft and to ensure that I am getting as high score as possible with WordPress SEO checker.

    After that, I will run between one to three SEO analysis using Scribe content optimization to check on my contents and fine tuning my keywords.

    Can I live without WordPress SEO? Probably yes and I will still rank on search engines.

    Can I live without Scribe SEO? Yes as well but I am going to have a hard time ranking my blog.

    As you can see, Scribe content optimization is one of the kind SEO tool which can make your blogging life easier, your blogs or websites rank better on search engines and on top of all, increase your traffic.

    Personally, I am running more than one blog and Scribe SEO really save me a lot of time when it comes to content optimization. I would highly recommend this lovely SEO plugin for everyone who is serious in making money through blogging and who want to rank extremely well on search engines.

    This is a superb easy SEO tool which anyone of any age could basically use it. No PhD required!

    I hope you find this article interesting and mind opening. If you are interested to have a look at what Scribe content optimization has to offer, you can head over to my affiliate link, Take Scribe On A Risk-Free Test Drive . I want to stress that if Scribe is not what you want, you can easily request for a 30 days money back guarantee.

    For developers and bloggers who have needs a better and bigger Scribe package, there are also corporate packages which you can take up according to your needs.

    You can also check out their official website, Scribe: More Traffic and Leads, Less Time and Hassle for more details!

    Wait! Before you leave…

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