Tag: best marketing tools

  • How To Build Massive Mailing List With Hybrid Connect

    How To Build Massive Mailing List With Hybrid Connect

    Update: Hybrid Connect is now renamed to Thrive Leads (read more about it here).

    Mailing list is one of the best marketing instrument of all time. It doesn’t matter if you are just an upcoming blogger, an affiliate marketer or working for a huge Fortune 500 company; You need a mailing list and you need it right now!

    Wired UK who is the top brand in online news published an article saying that mailing list is more important that social media.

    So what makes mailing list so important in today’s world? 

    Mailing list offers you a chance to:

    • Connect with your readers
    • Provide instant updates and notifications
    • A gateway to promote your products
    • Increase the chance of sales
    • Building authority
    • And the lists on and on …

    Now, if you have yet to start one now … or at least, after reading this article 🙂

    And if you are still not convinced about starting a mailing list, you definitely need to spend 5 minutes (or less) watching these slides.


    The trick here is to ensure that you build a great email list and not just a random list. There’s absolutely no use building a list where you aren’t getting the right ‘return of investment’ or ROI. In short, a better mailing list means more chance of traffic, sales and even creating healthy relationship with your readers.

    Anyone can build a mailing list with those free email management services but beware. These comes with some extremely tough terms and conditions like this one.

    My high end requirements when it comes to building mailing list

    When you sign up for an email marketing service such as AWeber, you have multiple opt-in forms which you can easily embedded on your website.

    For me, these opt-in form is pretty plain. I wanted to have a better and more robust email marketing tool.


    I didn’t want to paste and wait patiently for it to convert! I am fussy and I want these opt-in forms to work on various scenarios such as:

    • Something flashy that could attract the eyes
    • One button sign up and go
    • Placing easily on widget areas and anywhere I wanted
    • Pop up with specific timer

    And that are the reasons why normal opt-in forms will not work. They are not flexible and versatile as what I wanted. No offence but I am very particular when it comes to my tools. I want the best and there is no spot for second.

    Here’s an example of what my opt-in form looks like. I’m offering weekly newsletter and free eBook for every sign ups. Just fill up your email and hit sign up now!


    Introducing, the MOST advance mailing tool … that actually works!

    Hybrid Connect is one of the best marketing tool for bloggers
    Hybrid Connect offers a vast variety of opt-in forms and at the same time, excellent customer support.

    Hybrid Connect was recommended by one of my friend and I thought why not of trying. No harm done right?

    This tool is said to be the most advance mailing tool … ever. Just like you right now, I was like “okay, seriously?” What i can virtually see is that it can be setup pretty fast, lots of templates to work with and of course, easy integration. Now, reality kicks in and Hybrid Connect is offering something I was truly looking for.

    Partially ‘wow-ed’ at the moment I would say. With a 30 days money back guarantee, I knew it was a safe purchase.

    Task #1: Creating lots of ‘connectors’ or opt-in forms

    I consider connectors as opt-in forms for your easier understanding (I’ll explain more in the video). Creating these connectors are very easy and straightforward.

    1. Plot in the connector name
    2. Choose the type of template for your opt-in form
    3. Amend or adjust the names, titles and even sizes of the opt-in form
    4. Select if you want it to be mobile responsive  (super great feature)
    5. Save and you are done!

    All these, in less than 10 minutes of your time!

    Task #2: Connecting your email marketing code into Hybrid Connect

    Oh my! This sounds challenging right? No frust! I’m using AWeber and thus, create a random sign up form, copy the Raw HTML and paste it in the Mailing List setting.

    And that’s absolutely it! Yes mate. You’re all set. Seriously! Hybrid Connect makes integration with email marketing services a piece of cake.

    We (end users) can easily integrate raw HTML data with it. Just copy paste the codes into Hybrid Connect and it will do the rest for you!

    Yes, you are ready to build your mailing list with Hybrid Connect and AWeber in just … 60 seconds, I would say?

    Task #3: Placing them as widget areas

    This is crazy easy and nothing goes easier than this. Trust me!

    All you need to do is to choose the right template or sign up form that fits your taste. Hybrid Connect has well over 40 ready made templates for you to choose from. That’s not all. You can easily customize anything from text sizes to font types with ease.

    No coding needed but you need one thing. A designer’s mind set!

    Basically, Shane and his team made a great WordPress plugin which made building a mailing list easier than ever. I still remember pasting those HTML codes here and there on one of my niche site. It was so messy!

    But with the help of marketing tools like Hybrid Connect, it is easier to manage and everything can be found in one place; the plugin’s dashboard.

    Task #4: Reporting at its best

    Reporting tools are very important when it comes to building a mailing list
    Bad reporting tools can cause many misunderstanding and many troublesome moments for an Internet marketer

    Placing your opt-in form is one thing. Knowing what’s the conversion rate is another. You need to know exactly which opt-in form is giving you the best conversion and as well as the location that gives the biggest impact. Now, this is where Hybrid Connect triumph perfectly.

    Just tell me which Internet Marketer doesn’t care about conversion rate and reports.

    You can basically get lots of different ‘one-button’ reporting tools such as split testing results, number of subscribers per day or any given time. Hybrid Connect’s reports are easy to read and interpret … and I would be delighted to show you in the video below.

    Task #5: Split testing or A/B testing

    I love this feature offered by Hybrid Connect … but why? I know a few big names in mailing list tools that offer this feature but what makes Hybrid Connect different from the rest?

    It does for you automatically! Oh yes. Once you end a split testing, the plugin will prompt you which connector is the winner of the split testing. Now, it will offer you a choice to choose who and which will be the main connector to build your mailing list. Select the one that you prefer and the plugin will automatically change all of the templates in that specific connector to your choice.

    This means that any other connectors are safe and this save you lots of time. Forget about manually changing them all since Hybrid Connect does it all for you!

    Prepare your popcorn guys. It’s video time! 

    This is actually my first video and thus, do apologies if this does look newbie! Hope you enjoy watching 🙂

    Want to know how much Hybrid Connect cost?

    Hybrid Connect is a very affordable tool for building a great mailing list
    With just one time payment, you can start building a massive mailing list

    What do you think?

    I hope you enjoyed those videos and writing I had about building massive mailing list for your website.I am curious here. Are you using any mailing list tool for your website?

    If you have yet to build a mailing list, you just got to try Hybrid Connect today.

    You can check Hybrid Connect website here or buy them right now  with a 30 days money back guarantee!

    Thinking of AWeber for your email marketing only? Fill up the form below for a FREE test drive or start your first month immediately for only $1!

    “The Money Is In The List

    AWeber proves it to thousands of businesses every day.

    Learn how email marketing software
    can get you more sales, too.

  • 14 Must Have Internet Marketing Tools That Totally Rocks

    14 Must Have Internet Marketing Tools That Totally Rocks

    It doesn’t matter if you are a blogger, SEO writer, copywriter or a webmaster. You need to do at least some Internet marketing to boost your visibility to search engines.

    Have you ever experienced no traffic boost or lack of audience on your website? You probably had wrote more than 10 great articles, did tons of SEO and probably, bought a killer WordPress theme. And yes, your website isn’t converting and you ain’t getting much love from search engines.

    So, what’s the damn issue?!

    You need a good marketing strategy my friend. You may have everything done correctly (see above) and even having a killer title heading. However if no one sees that, you are going nowhere.

    Internet marketing is just like any other marketing services you can think of and yes, it works exactly the same. You have a great product and you need to tell others that you are alive…and kickin’.

    You need to find ways to broadcast the message to the public and spread the word. And lucky for you, we are in the 21st century where social media is plays a huge role in our daily life.

    This post is very long (with 2,334 words to be exact) and thus, I challenge you to do it in just one read. If you are able to do that, hit the comment button and tell me! Don’t worry if you can’t. Just bookmark this and come back later!

    I have compiled a list of internet marketing tools which you can use in order to boost your marketing strategies and their effectiveness.

    I have also divided them into several parts which are:

    • Social media platforms
    • Sharing portals
    • Social media programs
    • Email marketing

    Social Media Platforms

    Social media plays a huge role when it comes Internet marketing
    Using the right social media can easily boost marketing success

    One very important thing is that you need to understand that social media is a very strong and powerful marketing tool. Basically, you can connect to hundreds and thousands of people in just a matter of clicks. Make sure you know what you are doing and if not, you are going to have big problems heading over to you!


    Twitter is more than just great. Compose 140 characters and blast it to all your readers. That’s the power of Twitter.

    When it comes to Internet marketing, you need Twitter and it doesn’t matter if you like it or not. And yes, Twitter is my first choice when it comes to increasing my social share visibility. If you are not using it, you SHOULD start using it right now!

    This is what my Twitter account looks like. With slightly above one thousand followers, each Tweet would mean sending potential information to 1,000 plus ready listeners.


    As for the record, I’m not a big fan of Google+ but I still got to share with you it’s effectiveness especially when it comes to link building and SEO ranking.

    If you want your articles, blogs or websites to rank well on search engines, then you need to have some love from Google+. It looks obvious isn’t it?

    The more shares you got on Google+ tells big daddy Google that your product is pretty impressive (or least, something search engines should look at). When it comes to Internet marketing, don’t leave out Google+.

    Share some information with your circles and you are already completed one easy part of the Internet marketing process.

    Yup, you’ve got the point!


    I believe I would know the answer if I would to ask you, ‘Do you Facebook?’

    You couldn’t be wrong since millions are on Facebook daily and if this is not one of your Internet marketing tools, something is really wrong either up or down there.

    The more likes, shares and comments you get on Facebook, the better chance of you marketing your product. And, you do not need to spend any money for it.

    Spend at least 30 minutes a day on Facebook on marketing (and not seeing your friend’s wall) and you will probably do better in your marketing tactics.

    Big companies such as HTC, Samsung and Apple are all advertising (paid) on Facebook and this just prove how important Internet marketing is right now.


    For me, Linkedin will always be a place where ‘˜professionals meet up’. You are marketing a product and do you think it would be an attention grabber if popular figures such as Darren Rowse and Adam Cornell would share your content or website?

    That’s it mate!

    The truth is, if promoting a product is easier when you have respected figures sharing the information. This leads to a more stable, trustable and authority share on social media.


    This is one Internet marketing tool which has a 50-50 success rate in my opinion. What you can do is submit an article (for instant) to StumbleUpon.

    The process of getting ‘˜Stumbled Upon’ is pretty simple. When you submit an article, it will be ‘˜shared’ among its users. And I’m not talking about hundreds or thousands of users. I am talking about more than 100,000 users around the world. Readers and members who think that your article is worth reading will continue to ‘˜share’ it with the rest.

    Obviously, the circle looks easy right? The more ‘˜stumble’ you get, the better chance of you having a successful Internet marketing campaign.


    Digg works exactly the same with StumbleUpon and thus, it saves me from explaining everything (and for you, avoiding any falling asleep).

    You have to be careful using Digg as users has the ability to rank up or rank down your article score. So, getting the best content out there on Digg is very vital.

    Oh yes, search engines are giving the same amount of love to Digg just like StumbleUpon.


    There are many people who disapprove this and which you can Google to see why. For me, SocialMonkee had served me very well.

    SocialMonkee is one part of my Internet marketing tool because I see the advantages in it. The strategy is pretty simple actually.

    You submit an URL, complete with different phrases for titles and content. The system will use The Best Spinner to spin those articles making similar copies to be submitted to other sites.

    My marketing strategy on SocialMonkee is basically playing smart when it comes to URL submission. This means that I am submitting not only my main website (1 out of 20 submissions) and article URLs but at the same time, I am submitting my Tier 2 or any other sites that are pointing to my article. SocialMonkee does not provide very good quality backlink and thus, you should focus more for your Tier 2 sites only.

    Backlink provided by SocialMonkee isn’t perfect (wait, who does right?) and you should avoid focusing them directly on your website. Of course, if your website is well established, then you have nothing to worry about it. However if you are running a new site, you got to be careful. SocialMonkee could easily backfire on you.

    You have been warned!

    Social Media Managements

    Social media management offers easy solutions when it comes to managing various internet marketing tools at one time
    Using social media management can save time and effort when it comes to Internet marketing

    I have listed not one, not two but seven different Internet marketing tools above and handling all of them takes time and effort.

    Social media management provides tools to help you cope up with daily task and most importantly, sending out important social shares on behalf. Here are the list of my favorite social media management tools which I used daily.


    C’mon guys. Buffer is more than just a management system for social media. People such as Kristi Hines and Brian Gardner uses Buffer as one of their Internet marketing tools. Are you next?

    What I love about Buffer is you can schedule articles and improve your social shares. Okay, let’s be frank here. Imagine sharing articles at any specific time of the day is tiring and takes up a lot of your time. This is where Buffer helps to manage those social shares for you.

    Just set a time and day for the share on Buffer and the system will do the rest for you. Crazy? I call that impressive.

    Their support team is also one of the best. You can email or Tweet them and rest assured your enquiry will be answered as soon as possible. This is something (in terms of service) I have yet to see on other social media management until date.


    As much as I love Buffer, I still love HootSuite. And you are probably thinking why am I using two systems instead of one right?

    HootSuite does everything Buffer does (and vice versa). However, I love to use HootSuite because it integrates all my social media accounts under one roof.

    Oh yes, it does schedule social media marketing for you but integrating everything into one dashboard? I hardly can say no to.

    @HootSuite – if you are reading this, keep up the good work!

    HootSuite offers both free and premium accounts for bloggers. You can register for a free account here and when you use this link, you will automatically be upgraded to a 30-days full premium access for FREE.


    Okay, JustReTweet could easily land in social media part but there’s a reason for me to list it here instead.

    JustReTweet works in two ways:

    1. Share your articles on Facebook, Twitter and Google+
    2. Share other interesting articles on Facebook, Twitter and Google+

    In order to share your articles, you need credit and you can earn them by sharing other articles (not yours) first. Consider this bidding.

    You set the number or shares you want, where to share and how much credit you are paying others to share your articles. Nothing really free in this world right?

    Now, every time you share an article, it will not go live instantly. Instead, the developer was smart enough to set limits on sharing. This means that all these shares are scheduled accordingly and you can only share X numbers of shares a day to avoid spam.

    This is H-U-G-E! When it comes to search engine optimization, social shares plays a huge role and therefore, you should definitely take a look at what JustReTweet can do for you.

    Discussion and sharing portals

    Bloggers can increase website traffic by involving actively on discussion websites
    Discussion portals hold many untold power when it comes to the marketing industry

    The marketing world is getting more challenging each day and you need more tools to help you with. This is where discussion and sharing portals play a huge role for bloggers, writers and webmasters.

    The right portals will help you promote your website and you might even receive more followers if you are doing a great job. Not only that, you can also ask for critiques to make your website grow! Here’s the list of sharing portals I would highly recommend.


    Triberr is something new to me and I only came to know about it when one of my fellow blogger introduced it to me.

    Basically, you can create or join Tribes which consist of people of your niche. You can share information, ideas and even recommendations for improvements with them.

    Not seeing any love about Internet marketing? Read again!

    The more people giving you advices and tips, the better chances you are going to improve and of course, increase your market value.


    Let’s say you have some old articles that needed some traffic boost. Submit them to Scoop.it and walaa~! Assuming that you have some good content and stuffs like that.

    What makes Scoop.it interesting is the fact that you can do these:

    • Find topics that you like
    • Share your articles, blogs and websites
    • Merge all of them into a stunning, magazine-like reading material

    Now, get the point? Yes! Internet marketing at its best. Nuff said.

    Email Marketing Solutions

    Email marketing is very important when it comes to increasing sales
    Having the right email marketing solution is important to ensure emails are delivered promptly to the recipients

    There’s a very popular saying when it comes to Internet marketing, ‘˜the money is in the list’. And in this matter, it is so damn true. I left this out and you shouldn’t.

    If you want to perform the right Internet marketing, you need the right Internet marketing tools. In this case, you need email list or subscriber’s list. Here are two of the best email marketing providers which you can not go wrong with.


    Aweber is not free and I’m sorry. However, Aweber is one hell of an email marketing provider. What makes Aweber so famous is that they focus on click rates and providing spam score. This means more open rate than the email going into the spam or junk box.

    Comparing both Aweber and MailChimp (you can read below), I would say I love the designs and the abilities offered by Aweber. And yes, I am using Aweber as my email provider.

    Currently, they have a promotion where the first month of service would only cost you $1 and if you are unhappy with it, you can ask for a full refund. No question asked. Subsequently, each month will cost you $19 and you get a better discount for every quarterly or yearly payment.

    Tempted to try Aweber for $1?


    I know there are probably thousands who stand by MailChimp and I totally understand that. MailChimp offers free email services for the first 2,000 subscribers. If you have 2,000 or less subscribers, then you should definitely get MailChimp.

    Another bonus on the free account is that you can send up to 12,000 emails per month to your 2,000 subscribers at no cost at all.

    MailChimp is different from Aweber because it has a very interactive layout. Their concept is to have a balanced combination of work and play. I believe their dashboard explains it all.

    If you want a risk free and zero cost email marketing service, you can try MailChimp using this link at no extra fee.

    Back to you…

    I got to admit this article is long and if you managed to read whole article in just one shot, congratulation! Moving forward, I really hope you enjoy my writing about Internet marketing tools.

    Do you use any marketing tools or you have anything to share? Feel up the form below and let’s discuss!

    If you like this article, could you please share this for me using the red Google+ button below?