Triberr Review: The Definition, Advantages And Disadvantages

Grow your audience and increase brand awareness with Triberr

Triberr is a blog amplification and content discovery platform. 

Triberr sends over two million visits monthly to their blog members – Traffic Generation Cafe

For me, I didn’t know what the hell Triberr is until last month and yes, I discovered it pretty late. Well, better late than never right?

It all came down to one day where Adam Connell hit me on email that I should consider joining it if I want to be a better blogger. Okay, he’s a marketing man and thus, I knew exactly where he was coming and what he thought Triberr was.

Since I am always trying to increase my social engagement than just plain SEO, I said why not and got myself registered within 5 minutes. The whole process of setting up my complete profile was about 15 minutes since I integrated it with Facebook and Twitter. Lazy me!

Welcome to the world of Triberr!

Triberr is one of the best social engagement platform for bloggers
What’s your first impression of Triberr? Here’s mine 🙂

When I first got into Triberr’s dashboard, I had this in mind (seriously), “What the !@#$ had I just landed myself to?”.

I’m a lazy dude at times and I was hoping for a more detailed ‘get started tutorial’. Well, to my despair, there ain’t much guidance on how to navigate. Remember, this is a new account and thus, I have zero tribe.

The next option? I decided to hit the search button and search for blogging keyword.

It came up a few hits and I felt that was cool since I’m able to see the number of members, reach outs etc. When I saw the number of reach outs, my mind got straight into marketing mindset (thanks Adam!).

You know … 12,000 reach outs means 12,000 potential readers! I was drooling all over my keyword. Not really 🙂

I decided to join a few tribes which good number of reach outs.  <— This is wrong guys. Don’t go here. Tell you more below!

Okay, joining was easy and I was in the tribe. Good but what’s next? I decided to say hello and after a few hours, nothing came back. Not even a single “Hi”.


Now, reality kicks in and I decided to search for some info on how Triberr works. Hey, don’t judge me! I’m also human, you know?!

I decided to change my moves and joined tribes which are best fit my interest; blogging, marketing and SEO. Now, this is where it all makes the difference!

Comments were pouring in faster and better. I get a reply for nearly every ‘shout’ I did and that’s fabulous! There’s no better place than a lively place right?

Help! I don’t want to stay in zombieland!

How to make Triberr work for you?

Now, this is probably the 10th article you read about Triberr. No? Don’t matter about it and lets make this reading count!

Triberr is all about blog marketing, discussion and social shares. Good thing is Triberr will import in your blog articles and allow you to share with the rest of your tribe mates. Pretty good for a free service right?

On a free account, you can basically ‘approve’ a maximum of 100 posts per day. You also have the option to share the articles on social media as well. A huge, huge plus one for social engagement if you ask me.

You had just joined Triberr and wondering how to make it work for you right? The answer is, there ain’t an easy way out for this. You need to build your reputation … yes from scratch!

Depending on what you have in mind, the steps might be different. I’ll try to cover as much as possible here so that you’re not leaving empty handed!

Triberr offers huge advantage to bloggers and writers to grow your website audience
What’s the essence to make Triberr work for you?

1. Joint the right tribe that suits your niche

I think this is the most important of all. There ain’t any point joining a tribe that doesn’t relate to you or your writing. Yes, the tribe may have a huge reach outs but there isn’t any use if no one is going to read it.

To say Triberr as a huge blogging platform could be an understatement since they are sending out millions of blog traffic per month. Opportunity is always there for you to grab it and therefore, you need to plan your move carefully.

I doesn’t have much time and therefore, I decide to be active on several tribes only. Furthermore, I have just started my own tribe, Blogging Moments and my personal suggestion, you got to take a look at it right now.

Don’t worry, the link will automatically open a new tab for you and I’ll wait 🙂

Disclaimer: The tribe is brand new so bear with me!

2. Focus on small but quality tribes

If you want to grow in Triberr, you have to focus on quality, not quantity. This means that you need to ensure that the tribes you join is active, related niche and most importantly, the willingness to share.

Joining these tribes would actually make it more worthwhile for your time and giving your more satisfaction. Trust me!

Quality tribes usually have tribe members who will share your articles and give feedback which can help you (and your website) to improve, overtime.  What’s the point of joining a tribe who does zero shares and provide no discussion right?

If you want to join a good tribe, you need to do some homework first in advance. Knowing what the tribe is all about is more than just important to grow your brand, name and of course, link building.

3. Take the opportunity to connect with others

Triberr is a great place to meet up with fellow bloggers. It doesn’t matter the rank, popularity etc. At Triberr, everyone is basically equal and grab this ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunity to say hello!

I like to use Triberr to work for me … especially when it comes to connecting people. How would I start? This is the rule of thumb I always use:

  • Join a tribe
  • Say hello and a little intro about yourself
  • Share a link of your website (just one)
  • Share links of other members on social social media
  • Share valuable information with them on both Triberr and social media as well

If you are a new or inexperienced blogger who looking for some exposure, Triberr is the gateway for you to build your brand from scratch.

4. Auto RSS syndication

Why I love Triberr? Remember that you got to connect your blog’s RSS feed to Triberr? Whenever a new post is detected on your RSS, it gets submitted to every one of your tribemates’ stream.

Makes sense?

Let’s say you wrote a new post and it goes live on your site. When your RSS feeds get updated, Triberr will syndicate and make the article visible on your tribe.

Now, imagine this. You have 10 active tribe members who will always share good information. You’re going to increase the chances of getting more social shares in return. Keep in mind that social shares play an important role when it come search engine optimization ranking.

What makes Triberr doesn’t work for you?

I know a few bloggers who ditch Triberr less than a week there. Some says Triberr is not worth the time while others say that the experience isn’t great. So, is Triberr really that bad?

[Triberr] it’s a wonderful premise. In a world less centered around teaching our kids not to share hairbrushes, car rides, the air we breathe it would work out great. Lately, however, not so much for me and triberr. I’ve noticed a marked lack of reciprocal sharing. I share others’ posts. They don’t share mine. Week after week, nothing changes. I share. They don’t. To be quite frank, I’ve been feeling a little used – Katrina Joyner

Before I quit using Triberr, I decided to take some responsibility regarding how I was choosing to use it. I stopped sharing all of my tribemates’ posts, and took the retribution from some choosing not to share mine anymore either. I began to see Triberr as a curation tool. I did have a lot of great bloggers in my tribes, so instead of blaming Triberr for how I used it, I started to regard it as a safe keeping spot for blogs I intended to read – Amy McCloskey Tobin

So, what really makes Tribber ‘tough’ to use?

Is Triberr really worth it?
Triberr pissed some people off. Why??!

1. Human perception

Taking myself for instance. I dashed into Triberr thinking to create magic and within 5 minutes, I was slapped with the big fail sign. The cause? Yup, you got it right – my own perception.

Human always want to go the easy way … or at least, we try to go easy. The fact is nothing comes easy and same goes to making a mark at Triberr.

If you think that Triberr is a place to make fast connections, then you’re absolutely wrong. Here’s the cold hard fact; there’s no place on earth that offers you fast ‘minute to fame’. If you want to be popular or successful, start getting your hands dirty.

Triberr is a platform, not a tool to create link building. It does great assisting hardworking and determined people to build lasting relationships 🙂

2. Taking and not giving

Life is all about giving and taking. You know … like yin and yang?

In Triberr, you got to act and think like a reader. This means that if you like the post, comment on it and share it if the article is worth while. The more you share and comment, the more you are telling the world that you are alive and … yes, brand awareness.

As a free Triberr member, you would have 100 ‘points’ to share articles and why don’t you use the maximum of its capability? I don’t use all honestly. I only share those who fits my niche and the ones I read. At least, I’m not abusing the system right?

Most people doesn’t get much traffic from Triberr because they aren’t sharing. If you are not visible to others, then you won’t be anyway closer to increase your backlinks and relationship with others.

3. Is exploring your cup of tea?

For me Triberr is no clear cut. This means that from the outer look, it looks plain simple. Nothing big deal about it and this is where most bloggers fall apart.

There are probably many guides out there which offers you the right way to grow with Triberr (including mine). What told and written by me might not work perfectly well for you. You got to adjust, modify and work out plans to grow your social engagement level. Basically, putting your Internet marketing skills to work. Here are some of the must-have Internet marketing tools to help you start on the right foot.

4. Please … no salesman allowed

When it comes to Triberr, no one likes affiliate sales. However, here’s the thin line for that. You need to make sure you are not sharing a sales page or an article full of affiliate links.

Most bloggers does it wrongly because they tend to share sales pages etc and when that doesn’t bring them any sales, they tend to be demotivated and felt Triberr is bad.

Consider this, we are all human and we love reading something useful. Honestly, do you mind reading an article which has 0.5% density for affiliate link? I bet you don’t right?

The point is this: You got to know what you can and what you can’t share on Triberr. Keeping a good reputation is important for your success at Triberr.

My personal opinion about Triberr (plus Slideshare presentation)


Hate it or love it, Triberr is here to stay. I wouldn’t advice you should write it off (but I knew some who does that) at least for now. It is a great platform to share information, guides and build lasting relationships.

Personally, I think Triberr is worth it … regardless if you are using the free account like I do or you’re a Prime member. It is an excellent tool for those who want to create brand awareness and even, publicity (in a good way). Besides that, Triberr has more options such as reblog feature which I have yet to try out.

The only downside? There are many members who actually uses it as a stepping stone to grow their audience. If you want to avoid them, you got to choose your tribe or tribe mates carefully. Joining a wrong tribe will cause you lots of problem in the future.

As the saying goes, the Triberr experience lies in YOU!


Like the article or thinking of connecting with me? Join me on Triberr now and let’s get connected instantly.

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