Which Is The Best Click To Call WordPress Plugin?

Best Click To Call WordPress Plugin OptinMonster

Discover The Best Click To Call WordPress Plugin For 2019

Do you know that click to call is one of the most effective ways to generate leads is through your WordPress website?

But wait.

What is click to call?

Click to call is one of the latest option when it comes to lead generation. Imagine a pop up appears right before you, right before you leave the page and then, it displayed a single call to action, which is to click to call. When website visitors click on the button, it will display the phone number and on supported mobile devices, it will open up the call option.

Why is click to call a new way of website lead generation?

Click To Call Lead Generation

The answer (for me) is simple.

Website visitors (especially when you are selling a product or service online) is often time more convinced to engage with you directly instead of using the contact us form.

As a matter of fact, BIA/Kelsey reports that businesses will get 162 billion mobile phone calls by the year 2019.

Want another stat?

When it come to contact rates, there’s just no competition. Inbound phone calls have 100% contact rates while research from InsideSales estimates that 71% of web leads are never contacted. 100% contact rates versus 29% — which do you prefer?

And with that, it is proven that calls are more important than ever.

So, how do you collect lead generation through calls on your WordPress website?

Answer: Install Click To Call WordPress Plugin

Click To Call WordPress Plugin

WordPress is home to over 150,000 plugins and among them, there are many click to call plugins that you can choose from.

So, which should you be using?

The short answer to this is “OptinMonster.”

OptinMonster = Best Click To Call WordPress Plugin?

OptinMonster LeadPages Competitor

The recent OptinMonster update with the click to call option made it one of the best (and leading) lead generation software for WordPress websites.

Once you activated OptinMonster click to call WordPress plugin, you can create lead generation forms such as this one.

OptinMonster Click To Call WordPress Plugin

In just a single click, your website visitors will be able to communicate with you directly via mobile or phone line.

Pretty cool, right?

How to create click to call button on OptinMonster?

The first step is to edit or create a new campaign. If you don’t have an OptinMonster account, you can do it right here.

For existing campaigns, click on the ‘Edit’ button as seen below.

How To Create Click To Call Button On OptinMonster

Once you have created your campaign, you need to create a button with a link that dials a phone number.

First, add a Button element to your campaign.

Setup Phone Link OptinMonster

In the button settings, go to the Action panel.

Action Button OptinMonster

Set the Action to Click to Call.

Click To Call

Set the Phone number to the telephone number with no spaces, dashes or other special characters (except a “+”).

Add Phone Number To OptinMonster Button

NOTE: It’s recommended to include the full international dialing code with the number to ensure the call will be placed regardless of where the visitor is located (e.g. “+15555555555”).

From there, you can go back to the button settings and edit its display using the Button and Block Styling panels.

Summary: OptinMonster Click To Call WordPress Plugin

In a nutshell, OptinMonster is a great click to call WordPress plugin that is proven to generate you tons of phone calls.

I installed OptinMonster click to call lead generation button on my business website and within 12 hours, I received two phone calls (leads).

The best part?

There is absolutely no cost into ads or banners as the lead is directly generated from Google organic traffic.

Want to try OptinMonster click to call WordPress plugin?


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