Do you know the main mistake that every amateur blogs make in blogging … that are affecting the money making opportunity and traffic generation?
You see, I started blogging back in 2004 and I only make my first $1,000 after a few years into the business. I made way too many mistakes back then that indirectly (and directly) hamper the opportunity for me to make more money and faster.
Carry on reading below to learn the exact, single biggest mistake to avoid in blogging.
The Main Mistake Amateur Bloggers Do: Thinking Of Making Money Online
Here’s the truth.
Deep inside your heart, you know that you are blogging because you want to make money. Don’t worry, I get it too because I have the same thought!
So, what’s the difference?
Almost any blog that can generate stable traffic can make money online and therefore, the thought of making money online shouldn’t be your primary goal.
“Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.”
Brian Clark, CopyBlogger
The above makes all the sense.
You may have the best blog, the best website design, the best content (ever) and super detailed tutorial that cannot be found anywhere else on the web — but if you have no website visitors, all the effort will go into the drain.
All the hard work, the sweat and the sleepless nights will be useless because there’s no one who will ever cherish your blog.
This, my friends … is the biggest mistake done by many amateur bloggers today.
Of course, this leads us to another question.
How do I start making money through my amateur blog?
Follow these exact steps, and I guarantee (yes GUARANTEE) that you should well be on your way to make money through blogging.
I recommend you to bookmark this post as this is the exact steps I took to grow my blog traffic and earnings from $0 to over $1,000 a month.
Step by Step Guide in Making Money Blogging
Define Your Blogging Niche
Knowing what you want to blog is critical. While you can use a single niche or multiple niches per blog, knowing what the main topic you are blogging will ensure that you have the right structure for the blog.
Find Seed Keyword
The way to make money from blogging is through defining the right seed keyword. Knowing your seed keyword is important because you are going to use this to search for more relevant, long tail keywords.
Find Long Tail Keywords
The only way to make more money from blogging is through having more traffic. In order to get more traffic, you need to target low competition and medium/high traffic keywords (also known as long tail keywords). Using free tools such as SEMrush (click here for free trial) will help you discover profitable keywords without taking a whole lot of time.
Content (Blog Post) Production
Once you have the profitable keywords, you should produce content that beats the current competitor. The easiest way is to use Google and search for the top 3 results and analyzing them. Kill the competitors with more backlinks, longer posts and shorter bounce rate. If done correctly, you should be taking over the top spot in under 90 days.
On Page Optimization
Last but not least, keep building links to the posts created and don’t forget to update the post from time to time with more information. Once updated, head over to Google Search Console and request for a new round of indexing.