We all write for different reasons, but the one thing that will always remain true, regardless of the reasons we write, is that blogging is a very effective way to get your ideas across to your audience. Whether you’re a writer who simply wants to share your thoughts to your audience, or if you’re a business that wants to make sure that your prospective buyers are able to find information on your business and what you’re selling, a blog is an essential component of any digital marketing campaign.
As digital marketers, we are all aware of the prime importance of good written content. It not only demonstrates that we are credible and trustworthy figures in our chosen field of expertise, but it is also an opportunity to demonstrate the breadth of our knowledge and the quality of our service.
But the importance of good written content goes beyond these obvious reasons. After all, nobody wants to read a piece that’s as bland as a meal that’s cooked without spices. As technology continues to develop at an ever-increasing rate, the effects that these technologies have on various aspects of life become more apparent and more impactful. The realm of digital marketing is not exempted from this.
Personalized Content
Artificial intelligence will be able to process huge amounts of data and to assimilate this information into current databases. This is what’s going to allow it to do predictive analysis that will also allow it to determine what content to recommend to a user. The determination will be based on how the user reacted to previous content, making patterns more evident. If your content clicks with a certain demographic, then it’s more likely to also be deemed interesting by other members of that demographic.
Voice Search SEO And Smart Assistants
The use of smart speakers is becoming more and more mainstream. This technology has slowly made its way into many households and this is also indicative that there is indeed a viable market for the smart home. This means that a lot of search queries are going to be performed in a more conversational tone. The use of keywords may still be useful here, but it’s going to take a backseat in favor of more natural and more conversational content. All you have to do is to look at copy that ranks well in search to see that this is becoming the norm.
User Intent
Artificial intelligence will also be able to identify user intent, whether it’s informational, transactional, or navigational. This means that you have to be clear on what type of content you’re trying to write while also making sure that your content is written in a manner that’s as easy to read as possible.
The world of technology is once again moving forward. With the introduction of technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the internet of things, it’s easy to see that we’re about to experience a lot of change. While not everybody is welcoming to change, the single immutable, unwritten rule about change is that people should prepare for a challenge rather than brace for a disaster.