Website Design Proposal: Your ULTIMATE Guide To Close More Sales

How do you create (if that’s the right team) a great website design proposal?

As an entrepreneur, I’m always finding for quick ways to make money online, on the side and without leaving my day job.

Managing a website design company on the side is definitely one of the easiest ways to achieve such. It is also one of the highly recommended tips especially if you are looking for small business ideas under $50 and something that you can start this weekend.

Without further adieu, let’s dive right into creating a website design proposal.

What is a website design proposal?

There are many versions to this and for me, the definition of a website design proposal is simple.

A web design proposal is your opportunity to sell yourself as well as your work.

This is the only platform you need to convince your potential client on your skills, expertise and knowledge in this field.

And your website design proposal will determine whether you make it (or you don’t).

How to create a website design proposal?

website design proposal

These are the steps you need to do before, during and after creating a website design proposal.

Step 1: Creating a website design proposal template

Template creation allows you to churn out web design proposals fast and without needing to spend hours creating one from scratch.

The template should includes information such as:

  • Introduction of yourself (and your team)
  • Advantages/Benefits working with you
  • What you can offer
  • check-circle-oSamples of your work (or mock ups)
  • check-circle-oContacting you for quote

Step 2: Getting started with the website design proposal

professional photo

You should start by introducing yourself. A professional photo of yourself and your team is critical to create the great first impression.

In this part, avoid selling yourself or the services. Instead, focus to be as human as possible and being real is important.

Give a short and interesting summary to avoid your potential clients getting bored.

Step 3: What are the benefits working with you?

Website development projects are always similar and what makes them different is the experience before, during and after the project.

If you want to be a successful freelance website developer, you need to wear many hats including being a sales person.

Always remember that having the best skills is not effective if you are unable to produce sales.

Here are some of the benefits you can consider:

  • Fast turnover
  • Affordable prices
  • Addons and perks which are free of charge
  • checkMultiple website design revisions without charge
  • checkInclusive of web hosting and domain name
  • checkSSL certificate and other security features
  • checkInstallation of plugins

Step 4: What are you offer (more than your competitors)?

You are not the only one in the market and you should know your competitors.

In this case, your website design proposal should include offers and benefits which are not offered by your competitors.

unique selling point

These are your unique selling points (or known as “USP”) which can possibly make your clients say “Yes!”

Include these USP in your website design proposal to ensure that you stay a higher chance of closing the deal.

Step 5: Samples of your previous web designing work or provide web design mock ups

The next step is to show your clients on your previous works. If you are brand new in this industry and struggling to get your first web design client, consider using web design mock ups to portray your skills.

How to create your web design portfolio?

  • 1Purchase a domain from Namecheap
  • 2Get a web hosting service from BlueHost
  • 3Install WordPress as your website content management system (CMS)
  • 4Install a professional website theme (I recommend Thrive Themes)
  • 5Create a landing page that serves as your portfolio

Important note: I recommend Thrive Themes because it is easy to use and comes with 9 Thrive plugins that allows you to market your website and help you increase your sales. Read my 2018 Thrive Themes review or click here to see the Thrive Themes demo page.

Step 6: Make it easy for your clients to contact you

This is one of the biggest mistakes done by web developers when they are sending their website design proposal. They did not provide a point of contact for the clients!

I’m a huge believer in making it easy for your clients to contact you. You need to provide these in all your website design proposal:

  • 1-click email (use
  • Direct number
  • WhatsApp or WeChat phone number
  • check-square-oPhysical address (if applicable) for clients to find you

There are clients who are less ‘techie’ and therefore, you need to make it really easy for them to reach you.

Take a look at my digital marketing agency website, Marketing Lancers. There’s an automated chat box for them to contact me or my team at any time!

The whole idea is simple. You need to reduce any barriers or reasons for them NOT to contact you for further discussion.

Are you ready to send your first website design proposal?

I hope you find this guide useful especially in creating your own freelance website design business.

Need help in starting a web design business? Click here to read the guide!


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