vlogging Series Episode 1: Choosing A Freaking Awesome Domain Name

How To Choose A Domain Name

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The Launch of vBlogging Series

I want to take the opportunity to thank my lovely wife for convincing me to start a video challenge. She told me that if big names such as Gary Vee and Peng Joon can do that, she don’t see any reason why I can’t!

So, today is the launch of my daily vBlogging series a.k.a. vlogging series.

Choosing A Freaking Awesome Domain Name

Choosing the right domain name is the first step of starting a blog. Make no mistake, a blog name is a name that you will be using for years to come. A lot of effort is needed to be put into this part to ensure that your brand name resonates with your niche and industry.

The full version of the blog post can be found here and this video is to give a quick snippet on the top ways to choose a domain name.

These steps are simple steps that I take all the time to find great blog names. However, out of the 16 steps, I do have a few of my favorite steps (which i list them below).

My favorite methods when choosing an awesome domain name are:

  • Finding expired domain names with ExpiredDomains.net
  • Checking out competitor’s name and find for blog name ideas
  • Short and easy to remember domain names
  • Choose blog names with dot com or dot net extension only
  • Avoid domain names that sound odd and strategy (especially when the blog names are combined)

Here’s an important disclaimer.

There are many ways you can use when it comes to choosing a domain name—and they all work well. You need to choose the best one that you are comfortable with!

Without further a due, let’s get the video rolling, shall we?

Question: What Other Methods Do You Use?

In this video, I highlighted just a tiny fraction of ways to choose a domain name—and I’m sure you have some tricks under your sleeves!

Do you mind sharing the tricks with me? You can do so by leaving a comment below.

Meantime, here are some new blog posts that you may find interesting.

About Me

Young at heart and a deep passion for entrepreneurial success, Reginald is devoted to share everything he had learned about online marketing with the public. Follow him for more awesome postings.




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