about reginald


Hi, Reginald here … and welcome to my website!

Thank you for visiting and I bet you are here because you would want to know something about me right?

I started my career back in 2006 and through the years, I had been working hard to achieve the then ultimate goal, making tons of money. I worked in Food and Beverages industry and moved on to the corporate world where I had multiple first-hand experiences in customer service (tourism industry).

As time passes by, I was leading teams across Asia Pacific in a Fortune 1000 company. And if you think that was it, you’re wrong!

I decided to pursue my true passion — and as a matter of fact, I have no idea what I really wanted back then. Sure, I had a day job just like anyone else but I lingered a lot in the online world. My actions don’t only allow me to earn money through my day job (very lucrative by the way), I was able to build multiple secondary income streams through my side gigs such as this blog.

My True Calling

I realized my true calling when I was doing a TEDx talk for one of the top universities in Malaysia. Here’s a photo of me 🙂

speaking at TEDx

I realized that there are so many people (especially the young generations/teenagers) do not actually know what they really want.

In other words, they have no idea what their passion is.

And this is the single, most popular reasons why so many of them actually fail in life!

I realized my true calling because I had been doing the same thing over and over again (in the past decade — at this point, the year 2017); I was motivating people on why they should find a job that they love, and inspiring people to go beyond what their comfort zones.


The Decision Is Made

This blog is nothing about how great or successful I am. This blog is all about helping people like you to find their true calling especially in your careers and life.

I hope you find this blog useful and hey, I would appreciate if you can take a moment to connect with me on social media:

Looking forward to connecting with you further!