Tag: how to start a home based web design business

  • Want To Start A Home Based Web Design Business: Read This Post!

    Want To Start A Home Based Web Design Business: Read This Post!

    Are you looking to build a secondary income stream through web designing business?

    With today’s economy getting tough and harder, having secondary income stream is the best way to stay afload and put food on the table.

    Today’s post is all about how to start a home based web design business (yes, in the comfort of your own home) and without actually ditching your day job.

    The Skills Needed To Start A Home Based Web Design Business

    start a home based web design business

    Having the passion is one thing — having the right skills to get the job done is another.

    Want to start a home based web design business as a side hustle? Here are some skills you need to be really good at it (and make money from it):

    • Some coding skills
    • check-circleGood with numbers (money, baby!)
    • Bold and dare to show off
    • Marketing mindset
    • check-circleSales mindset

    I know some of you might be turned off when reading this but hear me out. You don’t entirely need coding skills to become a web designer.

    Yes, you can become a web designer without coding skills!

    And there are specific steps you need to take to beat your competitors. Read this post if you are dead serious in becoming a web designer without coding skills.

    Knowing Your Numbers




    Fixed cost.

    Clean profit.

    Gross profit.

    Most web designers I know hate numbers and so do I. However, knowing your numbers is going to help you more than you can imagine.

    As a matter of fact, you need to know your commitment monthly to stay afload. And by knowing your numbers, you know exactly how much you can/should/must charge your client.

    Dare To Be Bold

    how to maintain a business from home

    If you are new in web designing, you will probably be worried about your design and I get it.

    However, if you are bold to speak up and show to the world, you will tend to get more constructive feedbacks. Feedbacks will help you grow further and it goes a long way when it comes to maintaining a home based web design business.

    By now, you should understand that web designing services can be a very competitive business. You are not only a graphic artist, but a graphic designer. An artist has no boundaries, but a designer must abide by technological standards like user interface, color theory, typography, grids and layouts. Finding a balance between the two will prove you to be successful.

    Marketing Mindset

    what is marketing mindset

    Here’s a problem with home based business — you are the only employee in the company!

    If you want to start a home based web design, you need to have the marketing mindset because your business counts on it.

    How should you market your home based web design business?

    Facebook marketing for sure and here are some reason why:

    • Highly affordable
    • Able to reach a wide range of audience
    • Easy to setup
    • check-circleEveryone uses Facebook (at least once a day)

    Sales Mindset

    why is sales mindset important

    Last but not least, having the right sales mindset is important if you want success in starting a home based web design business.

    Remember that you are the only one in the company?

    You need to sharpen the sales pitch and close as many clients as possible. You need to be confident and excitedly (etically) brags about every aspect of your work.

    Of course, being humble is still an important factor in any business.

    I totally understand if sales is not your cup of tea, but if you want to be successful, having the right strategy is critical for your business.

    Ready to start a home based web design business?

    Start now! It is never too late … even when you do not have coding skills.

    MUST READ: How To Earn Money From Web Design As Beginner?