How To Start Travel Blogging? [Malaysia Edition]

How To Become A Travel Blogger In Malaysia

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The ULTIMATE Guide To Start A Travel Blog

Want to become a travel blogger and stat travel blogging? Today’s guide is all about how to start a travel blog as a Malaysian!

Let’s dive deep into the real definition of travel blogging.

How To Start A Travel Blog In Malaysia?

What Is Travel Blogging?

What Is Travel Blogging

Bloggers who travel and document their travelling are known as travel bloggers. Travel bloggers can be digital nomads and at the same time, they can do it for the passion of travelling.

Travel bloggers don’t make as much money as affiliate bloggers, but they certainly have higher chances to enjoy top-notch services, hotel stays and other forms of payments.

As Malaysia is home to dozens of tourism spots, it is really easy to start a travel blog.

But before that, let me answer your biggest question of becoming a travel blogger.

How Much Do Travel Bloggers Make?

How Much Do Travel Blogger Make In Malaysia

Popular travel bloggers make a decent income between RM 5,000 to RM 15,000 a month. These earnings can be in the form of cash or related experiences and products. For example, sponsored hotel stays, complimentary food and beverages credits and many more.

At the same time, travel bloggers do make side incomes through Google Adsense either by displaying banner ads on their blogs or/and in their YouTube videos.

How To Start Travel Blogging?

Now that you are pretty sold on starting a travel blog, let’s get into the juicy part on how to start a travel blog (and make money from it).

There are 6 steps and here is the list.

6 Steps You Need To Follow To Start A Travel Blog

Step 1: Get a domain and web hosting

Get A Domain Name And Web Hosting

Start by choosing a good domain name for branding. If you have no idea where to start, here are some nifty tips to choose a good domain name.

Next up is web hosting.

The choice of web hosting is very important … even if the blog is brand new. Using the right web hosting service will ensure that your website is always up even in the darkest moment.

Want to start a travel blog in Malaysia?

Go with Exabytes and it costs you under RM250 per year (for both domain and web hosting).
Click Here

Step 2: Install WordPress CMS

There is no doubt. Install WordPress CMS and it will get your blog rolling under 10 minutes. Exabytes offers cPanel (server management tool) that allows you to install WordPress CMS in just 1-click.

Step 3: Get a good WordPress theme

WordPress Theme For Travel Blog

Starting a travelling blog means you need to have a visual WordPress theme a.k.a. a WordPress theme that offers a lot more visual than text.

The success of any travel blog depends heavily on your ability to turn website visitors into bookers (book hotel rooms) or clicks on advertising banners.

I have a travel blog site which I update from time to time. You can take a look at it here:

I’m using Divi theme to create visual more than words.

Step 4: Publish ‘thoughtful’ posts and guides

Starting a travelling blog in Malaysia is not just about posting about travelling related matters. Instead, you need to focus on publishing posts that answer the questions and providing solutions.

In other words, you should gear your content to topics like these:

  • The ULTIMATE Guide to Experiencing Authentic Nyonya Food in Melaka
  • Top 10 Things Recommended By Penangites
  • How To Spend 3D2N In Ipoh?
  • How To Travel Around Malaysia For Only RM500?

What do the topics above have in common?

They are specific and they provide answers to what the public is asking for.

Step 5: Be socially active

Social Media Marketing For Travelling Blog

The best travel bloggers in Malaysia are always posting on Facebook and Instagram.


Because this is exactly what viewers are looking for—they want authenticity and real photos. Not just those who are done via Photoshop or through massive edits.

Since you are using social media, it is important to have your branding up. This means that you need to keep the same professional tone, contents and verbiage at the very least.

If you are brand new and had just started a travel blogging career, do not expect to gain popularity overnight. It takes anywhere from 3 to 6 months to grow your popularity.

Step 6: Keeping your eyes open

The last step is to follow and keep up with the current travelling trends. For example, Covid-19 outbreak is crippling the tourism industry in Malaysia and overseas. Publishing blog posts on the best travel location in Malaysia will not make the cut.

Instead, focus on sharing information such as what you can do if you are currently residing in a foreign country and how to stay safe when travelling from one location to another.

Summary: Start Travel Blogging Today

Starting a travel blog is by far one of the best ways to make money from home in Malaysia. Not only you are able to work from the comfort of your home, but your livelihood is also not affected by the environment or economy (per se).

If you have a passion for travelling, this is the RIGHT time to start a travel blog.

About Me

Young at heart and a deep passion for entrepreneurial success, Reginald is devoted to share everything he had learned about online marketing with the public. Follow him for more awesome postings.




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