How To Make Money Using (ClickFunnels) Automated Webinar?

ClickFunnels Webinars

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Have you come across Facebook ads asking you to participate for a limited time webinar and having tons of engagement?

There is no denying that the current Facebook algorithm focuses on ONE thing — videos.

And, webinars are highly effective video-based marketing strategies that influencers and big brands use.

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Here’s what I think.

You are here because you can either be:

  • Undecided if webinar is the RIGHT for you?
  • You are looking for more information about webinar (and automated webinar)

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As there are many articles and tutorials about webinars, the best way to learn about webinar and automated webinar is through selecting one specific webinar brand.

Therefore, I’m going to use ClickFunnels webinar system for sample in this article.

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What is a webinar?

To learn more about webinar, let’s take a look at this video by ClickMeeting.

Don’t worry, it’s only 2.21 minutes long!

A webinar is often a meeting or seminar that is conducted over the Internet where participants around the world can participate in (removing the distance barrier).

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Webinar starts getting traction middle of last year (2017) and even more in 2018 because it is proven to convert extremely well.

So, what exactly does “well” means?

Some influencers are getting around 50 to 65% conversion rate at the end of each webinar.

Now, what??!!

As an online marketer myself, I want to know how I can achieve a whopping 50% conversion rate using webinar and more importantly, learn more about webinar at the same time.

I realized that there are two things that come into play.

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Part 1: Webinar Consistency

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If you are a member of ClickFunnels (pretty much the best funnel builder in the market), the first few things you will learn is all about webinar.

A webinar is used not only for turning visitors into customers, but it is also a great way to build your email list!

Let’s see it this way.

If those who have subscribed did not actually turn up for the webinar, you can still reach out to them via email and invite them for a webinar replay.

More on automated webinar replays shortly after this.

The first part of webinar consistency is to follow up on the lead generated from the webinar.

Often time, we are wondering “what’s next?” or “what should I do now?”

With proper implementation between your email service provider and webinar system, follow up emails is the easiest way to provide assistance to them.

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ClickFunnels is the answer. Instead of having multiple systems doing multiple things, ClickFunnels is an all-in-one marketing system that allows you to (perform and manage) all your marketing efforts under one roof.

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Important tips on being consistent with webinar marketing

Consistent schedules. I get it — most entrepreneurs don’t have the luxury of time but you need to allocate some time every week to run live webinars. You don’t have to run the webinars daily and probably once a week is sufficient. Always remember that consistent webinar schedules are the key to webinar success.

Automated webinar replays. This is golden especially when you want to make webinar works for you. While webinar allows attendees to attend the webinar regardless of their location, time barrier is still there. Therefore, organizing webinar replays will help you increase the sales and conversions. With automated webinar replays such as the one offered by ClickFunnels, it is an absolute time saver to say the very least!

The money is in the list. Yes, you heard this a zillion times now. Making sure you build your list from day one and use follow up emails to convince them to sign up for the offer. Whatever it is, never stop building a list, Period.

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Part 2: Automated Webinars Replays

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Do you know what made Clickfunnels extremely successful?

No, it is not because Russell Brunson is an awesome marketer.

No, it is not because the software is the best in the market.

No, it is not because ClickFunnels is the pioneer and used by thousands.

It is because they automate a lot of their marketing process …

Including using webinar replays using ClickFunnels webinar replay system.

ClickFunnels webinar replay system allows ClickFunnels members to promote their webinar and do it on automation. For example, webinars are meant to drive traffic and conversion.

However, what happens when NO ONE attend your webinar? 

You lose sales.

You lose money.

You lose a lot more than both the above.

And it sucks.

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With automated ClickFunnels webinar system, you can now focus on creating one webinar a week, automate the webinar daily and triple (or probably 10x) your conversions!

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Does this make any sense to you?

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Are you ready to make money with (ClickFunnels) webinars?

When it comes to webinar systems, there are many in the market including the all-time famous ones such as Everwebinar and GoToMeeting.

As a busy entrepreneur, I find that it is way much easier for me to automate everything under one roof and therefore, I use ClickFunnels webinar system to do the heavy lifting for me.

What do you think? Leave a comment below and tell me more about it!

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For a short time only, Russell Brunson (co-founder of ClickFunnels) is giving our FREE funnels for you. Yes, that’s a completely well-done and done-for-you sales funnel for free. All you got to do is to sign up for a free training and at the end of the training, he’s giving you a complete funnel for you to use, without coding skills.



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