Category: Keyword Research

  • Link Whisper Review: Automatic Internal Link Building Plugin For WordPress

    Link Whisper Review: Automatic Internal Link Building Plugin For WordPress

    “Internal link building is one of the most underused strategies in SEO and Link Whisper takes the hard work out of it by making intelligent suggestions that are easy to manage.”

    Matthew Woodward

    I’m not going to sugar coat this. Internet link building is a powerful method to rank your blog faster on Google results. If you had been doing SEO for a long time, you know that internal link building process is crazily painful and time consuming.

    I can’t agree more, until I came across Link Whisper plugin. Before we dive right into the Link Whisper review, I used to build internal links manually. With this plugin, I am able to create hundreds of internal links in just a few minutes. 

    Carry on to learn more.

    What is internal link building and why it matters?

    Internal links are links that go from one page on a domain to a different page on the same domain. They are commonly used in main navigation. These type of links are useful for three reasons:

    • They allow users to navigate a website.
    • They help establish information hierarchy for the given website.
    • They send the right signals to Google for rank juice and ranking.

    This is how an internal link building structure looks like:

    Internal Link Building with Link Whisper

    Link Whisper Review: The Summary That Matters

    I had used Link Whisper for over a week now and I got to say, it is rather awesome to say the very least. Here’s the summary of Link Whisper which I feel you will find them useful.

    Advantages and disadvantages of Link Whisper

    Link Whisper is a powerful SEO plugin that helps you to build internal link, in just a few clicks.


    • Automated and manual internal link building system
    • Zero learning curve (best for beginners)
    • 1-click report for all internal and outbound links
    • Build internal links without going through each post manually
    • Disabling or deleting the plugin does not break the link
    • Automatic keyword suggestion for link building
    • Inbuild broken link checker
    • Easily build hundreds or thousands of internal links in just minutes, not hours or days
    • Compatible with nearly all editors and themes: Classic, Gutenberg, Beaver Builder, Thrive, Architect, Elementor, WooCommerce, Kadence Blocks, and most other editors and themes
    • Doesn’t slow down WordPress site


    • There is no free plan available
    • Yearly payment (there’s no life time deal at this moment)


    Link Whisper is an excellent SEO plugin for website owners who want better search engine results and rankings through building internal links. What makes this plugin extremely unique is the ability to add internal link building without breaking your site, no coding skills required and more importantly, automatic link building (a plug in and play plugin).

    What is Link Whisper?

    Link Whisper is the newest WordPress plugin that helps you build internal links faster and smarter. This tool gives you the control to do internal building on one dashboard instead of going to multiple posts and editing them.

    There are several advantages using Link Whisper plugin to build internal links. Here are some of them.

    Automated Link Building

    Automatic link suggestions as you write your blog

    Links Whisper is smart. Powered by artificial intelligence, Link Whisper starts suggesting relevant internal links when you start writing your article right within the WordPress editor.Depending on how many articles you have on your site and the relevance of your existing content, Link Whisper will suggest dozens or more internal links from the content you are editing.

    Just check the box and hit save. Internal links are done in just a few clicks.

    Build internal links with old blogs quickly

    Ever wondered if you have any “orphan” content out there that doesn’t have a single internal link built to it?With Link Whisper you can quickly see which pages have very little or no internal links pointing to them.But it doesn’t stop there! You can just as quickly click “add” new internal links TO those articles with very few internal links pointing to them.

    Internal Links With Old Blog PostsAutomatic Keyword Suggestion

    Automatic links from keywords of your choice

    Want to build internal links faster? Try Link Whisper’s “Auto-Linking” feature!Simply input the keyword you want to build links from and then specify the URL you want those links to go to. Just like that and Link Whisper will automatically build links from all past and future mentions of those targeted keywords to the page of your choice.

    Internal links reporting dashboard

    With the in-depth link reporting, you can take control of your site structure and get the data you need to truly optimize your site.Not only can you get a great overview of your entire site, but you can also see how many outbound internal links and external links are coming from each article. The links stats dashboard gives you a complete understanding of internal and external links as well as any broken links, errors, or posts that could use some additional internal links.

    Internal Links Report DashboardBroken Links Report

    Broken links report

    Wonder if you have an 404 pages or broken links on your site? Link Whisper makes it extremely easy to see all your broken internal and external links.You can also quickly edit or remove any broken links within Link Whisper.

    Link Whisper Review: How to use Link Whisper correctly?

    Link Whisper is an easy to use SEO plugin for WordPress that helps you build internal links on automation.

    Here’s how to use Link Whisper correctly to build internal links for SEO faster.

    Step 1. Link Whisper is a paid plugin. Lucky for you, you can try it for 30 days and get a full money back refund. If you want to build internal links without spending money, I recommend you to try Link Whisper and ask for a refund on day 29. Click here to get Link Whisper (and get yourself $20 discount).

    Step 2. Install Link Whisper plugin to your WordPress site. Upon installing the site, the plugin will do a full site scan. To see the dashboard, head over to wp-admin » Link Whisper (left side column) » Report.

    The Link Whisper dashboard looks like this.

    Link Whisper Dashboard

    Step 3. Click on Links Report on the top toolbar to start doing internal link building. This is what you will see after clicking on it.

    Internal Link Building Using Link Whisper

    As you can see, there’s one post which was published that has no inbound internal links. Let’s build some internal links by clicking on the Add button.

    Step 4. Next, you will get a list of blog posts that you can easily add internal links directly to the given blog post. See below.

    Automatic Link Building With Link Whisper

    • Phrase represents the hyperlink and anchor text that you will be doing the internal building with.
    • Post represents the internal link building source.

    The Edit Sentence allows you to customize the hyperlink text to fit your blog or goals. It is important to note that Link Whisper will do automatic suggestions and replacement (if you enable it).

    Step 5. Tick the boxes you want to build internal links with and click Add Links. It takes around 2 seconds to complete and you will see the confirmation popup.

    Successfully Add Internal Links

    Link Whisper Review: Should I be getting Link Whisper to build internal links?

    I’m not going to sugar-coat this for you. Link Whisper is an excellent SEO plugin to build internal links quickly and effectively. 

    If you have a high traffic blog like I do with over 600+ articles, internal link building can be a crazy task to do. As a matter of fact, I hire VA (virtual assistant) for $20 per hour to fix my internal link building strategy.

    With Link Whisper plugin, my VA can do more work faster and more efficiently. Plus, I could possible reduce my VA spending too!

    Link Whisper Review: How much does Link Whisper costs?

    We came to the most important part of all—how much is Link Whisper?

    Currently, Link Whisper is running a promotion that offers a straight, $25 discount for every purchase.

    Link Whisper Review Link Whisper Pricing

    Summary: Link Whisper Review 2020

    Link Whisper is definitely my new go-to SEO tool to help with internal link building process. There’s no doubt that it is super useful and makes internal link building easy and effective. Overall, I can’t recommend Link Whisper enough and I encourage you to try it yourself.

    The limited Link Whisper promo code lasts for the next few days only! So hurry up!

  • Best 10 SEO Tips for Beginners

    Best 10 SEO Tips for Beginners

    The rapid advancement of technology has led to numerous changes in the world of search engine optimization. However, certain principles have not changed over the years. For instance, using certain keywords with the intent of improving organic rankings doesn’t work with search engines today.

    However, choosing the right keywords has always worked. Your keywords should reveal more about your users and what they’re problems are. Most beginners take keywords for face value. Keywords may have several different meanings. The intent behind any search is critical to your ranking.

    Therefore, you need to be cautious when interpreting the keywords that you are targeting. The best way to understand the user intends to enter your keywords into a search engine and see the kind of results that come up.

    With lots of SEO techniques being paraded in front of you every day, it’s quite difficult to determine which ones to follow and ignore. What SEO tips lead to results?

    Eliminate anything that slows down your site’s speed

    In SEO, page speed is an important factor that you should prioritize. In the past, anyone could get away with a site that loaded slowly. People could wait for more than five minutes to access their favorite sites. Today, a slow site will destroy you. A slow page not only frustrates the users but also discourages them from buying your products or services.

    Link to websites with relevant high-quality content

    According to Brian Clark, linking out to other websites is essential for your growth. Most people think that linking out to relevant high-quality content is bad because it takes people away from their site. But this is not the case. Remember, your goal is to help your readers solve their problems.

    Avoid writing for search engines

    Most bloggers and content creators are so focused on improving their rankings that they ignore the power of engaging and valuable content. If you’ve been doing this, it’s time to stop. Search engines won’t buy research papers like students or the products on your site. Write for your content users and forget about search engines.

    Encourage relevant sites to link to you

    Inbound links do play an important role in search engine rankings. By combining dofollow and nofollow links, you’ll have a natural link profile and Google will reward you. The key to getting relevant sites to link to you is creating high-quality content.

    Stay up to date with the latest changes in SEO

    To master SEO, you need to follow the trends and algorithm updates that may affect your site. Staying informed about any new changes will greatly increase your chances of winning. This applies to the beginner and the experienced professional equally.

    Use meaningful URLs

    If users have a hard time reading and understanding your URL, then search engines will be confused. It’s better to have a long and easy URL than a short and complex URL. Remember, search spiders are programs. Therefore, they need to be guided accordingly.

    Understand the link between SEO and social media

    Social signals may not affect your rankings. But it’s important to understand how social media can affect your search results. Since social media platforms play an important role in our lives, it can define a big section of our online authority and presence.

    Use appropriate keywords in your images

    Images are critical in search engine optimization. Google has an entire section dedicated to images. This should communicate the importance of pictures. Users use keywords to search for a particular image.

    Publish unique content

    Unique content improves your fresh score and search engine rankings. Never sacrifice high-quality and engaging content for anything.

    Know your numbers

    In the SEO world, results are everything. You can track your performance using Google Analytics. This service provides graphs, stats, and charts.


    With these ten tips, improving your performance and rankings shouldn’t be a difficult thing. It’s important to spend some time doing your research on search engines before trying out anything. Search Engine Optimization is a complex process and it takes time for results to show.

    Therefore, do not become discouraged if things don’t work out as quickly as you expected. One of the keys that will help you become good with SEO is to be a lifelong learner. The moment you stop learning; you start falling behind. Thanks to the rapid advancement of technology, you can easily access, sites, blogs, and tutorials that will help you learn and improve your performance.

    Finally, never sacrifice high-quality content for anything. Your goal is to help users solve their problems. When you help users get what they want, they’ll help you get what you want in the long run. Start using these tips today!

  • 5 Best WordPress SEO Plugins For Bloggers To Improve Your SEO Ranking

    5 Best WordPress SEO Plugins For Bloggers To Improve Your SEO Ranking

    Best WordPress SEO Plugins For Bloggers

    Best WordPress SEO Plugins For Bloggers 2020

    Some months back, I was wondering if I’m using the best WordPress SEO plugin for my blogs (yes, it’s plural). You see, I migrated Yoast SEO to Rank Math in early 2019 and Rank Math was great. But, I couldn’t stop thinking if there is other better WordPress SEO plugins that I should be using which will help me in my WP sites rankings.

    After a good two months of research, I came into conclusion on the best WordPress SEO plugin that I should be using.

    And here’s the funny thing.

    My research had opened up MORE SEO plugins—which ultimately, I decided to create this post.

    I hope this post helps you to decide the best SEO plugin for your WordPress site!

    Which Is The Best SEO Plugin For WordPress In 2020?

    If you are looking for a quick summary, here’s are the top WordPress SEO plugins that will help you increase your blog ranking quickly and effectively.

    Our Top Rated Products

    #1st RatedSEOPress Best WordPress SEO Plugins For Bloggers


    I discoverd that SEOPress is the best WordPress plugin that fits my needs. Unlimited websites and all SEO features including schemas, markps and broken link checker, you can easily remove several plugins at one go with SEOPress.

    #2nd Rated#2nd Rated#2nd RatedRank Math Best WordPress SEO Plugins For Bloggers

    Rank Math

    Prior to SEOPress, I use Rank Math due to superiority (multiple primary keywords and social SEO). This is a best free WordPress plugin for bloggers and it offers tons of SEO features to help your article rank faster on search engines.

    #3rd RatedYoast SEO Best WordPress SEO Plugins For Bloggers

    Yoast SEO

    I’d used Yoast SEO longer than I can ever recall. This is an awesome WordPress plugin that performs decently well for bloggers. It is rather easy to setup and it doesn’t take an SEO wizard to use the plugin and configure your site for SEO properly.

    #4th RatedAll In One SEO Pack Best WordPress SEO Plugins For Bloggers

    All In One SEO Pack

    Make no mistake with AIOS. This SEO plugin is extremely easy to use and setup. All In One SEO plugin is a good choice for bloggers (too) who are looking for a simple plugin to start sending the right signals to Google (for more blog traffic).

    #5th RatedBroken Link Checker Best WordPress SEO Plugins For Bloggers

    Broken Link Checker

    I’m going to cheat a little. Broken Link Checker is the most popular SEO plugin when it comes to checking for broken links. Yes, it is not really a full-fledged SEO plugin. However, it is really easy to use (literally a plug-and-play plugin with no skills or prior knowledge required). The down side, this plugin requires heavy resources to run especially for large sites.

    Choosing The Best WordPress Plugin

    If you are looking for a reliable WordPress plugin, you can’t go wrong with SEOPress.

    Okay, I heard you.

    SEOPress is a premium WordPress SEO plugin that costs $39 per year for unlimited sites. And if you are not ready to invest right now, there’s also SEOPress free version which gives you all the basic goodies of an SEO plugin.

    SEOPress Best WordPress SEO Plugins For Bloggers

    SEOPress Pro

    Personally, SEOPress is one of the best WordPress investment I had done. With its inbuilt Dublin Core, I am able to format and structure my posts and pages to rank higher on Google.

    What Is The Best Alternative To SEOPress?

    For me, there is no denial that SEOPress is the best WordPress SEO plugin for bloggers. If SEOPress isn’t your cup of ‘tea’, a good alternative to SEOPress is Rank Math.

    At this point of writing, Rank Math is a free WordPress SEO plugin that offers significantly more SEO features compared to other free SEO plugins in the market.

    As the summary, SEOPress and Rank Math are two of the best WordPress plugins for bloggers in 2020—and you can’t go wrong with any of them.

  • SEO Basics: What You Need To Know

    SEO Basics: What You Need To Know

    Search Engine Optimization popularly known as SEO is simply a process of boosting the quantity and quality of traffic on a website through organic search engine results. SEO increases the visibility of a website or webpage to search engine users, and it’s likely you are reading this article because you want to draw more traffic to your company’s website.

    For starters, basic SEO is not rocket science. If you put your mind to it, you can actually learn to run basic SEO without having to pay an expert to do the job for you. This is because there are so many articles and videos put online by the experts that are available for free that will teach you.

    In this article, We will be running through simple steps to understanding basic SEO, but before then, it’s important that you understand how search engines determine what content should come up first when users search for related items.

    Here are a few things to note:

    1. Search engines consider your website users’ engagement. How many users consider your website relevant enough to actually click on it, and how long they stay on your site.

    2. How original your web content is. Plagiarism is totally not helpful for successful optimization of your site or page.

    3. Search engines also consider the speed at which your website loads. It is said that users hardly wait longer than 3 seconds for a site to load. This could totally defeat the purpose of SEO if it is not considered.

    4. When a user sends a search query, the search engine looks for quality and relevant content in response to the query.

    5. Through a process called “crawling”, the search engine determines if your web page is relevant to the searchers query. Crawling is the process by which a search engine scans or reads your websites’ content while assessing it to know if it is relevant to a search query. This is mostly determined by evaluating the keywords in your content as related to the information needed by the user.

    6. Quality is determined by how many websites are linked to your blue widget site. Your site has to be linked to credible websites that are often linked to, before a search engine considers it, of quality.

    7. Not ensuring that your website is also mobile-friendly is like shooting yourself in the foot. It’s most likely that more users want to access your website or webpage through their mobile phone, and if it’s not mobile-friendly, it can be a turn-off.

    8. Ensure that your website has an SSL certificate. A secure Sockets Layer or SSL assures your user, that your website is secure. A website with an SSL can be identified by the padlock symbol on the URL bar.

    Steps To Learning Basic SEO

    1. Identify the right keywords. You want your website to rank high when users search for terms related to your website, so you need to identify what related words users search on the search engine. These words are your keywords. One of the ways to determine this is to ask yourself how users search for what you do, the terminologies they use, the solutions they need, and your most likely competitors. 

    The next thing you want to do is measure your keywords against two important metrics. These metrics are: 

    a. Search volume. This average number of monthly searches

    b. Keyword difficulty. This is how easy or difficult the keyword will appear on the first page when searched for.

    There are free SEO tools that you can input the keywords to determine their relevance through the above metrics. Examples of these tools include Google keyword planners, or Uber suggests. With tools like SEM Rush, you can take your search a little further by finding out what keywords give your competitors high rankings.

    2. On-site Optimization. The next thing you want to do after identifying the right keywords is using them to your advantage on your web pages or websites. Note that you shouldn’t overuse keywords anyway. Google penalizes websites that stuff too many keywords into their content and trust me, you don’t want to get on their bad side.

    Relevant places that you want to input your keywords include your Title tags, Meta descriptions, Body of content, which should include headers and subheaders where necessary, and very importantly, your image names and ALT tags. You can also ramp things up by using short URLs with related keywords.

    3. Utilize Schema and Markup. These tools integrate ratings for your site when searched. This gives an added advantage to your website if none of your competitors use a markup tool, and in a situation where other competitors are using it, it becomes a minimum requirement and you don’t want to fall short.

    4. Link Building. This is getting other websites to link to your website or web page. Google affirms that building backlinks with other relevant websites is a top-ranking factor. However, there are many link building myths you need to know as some of these myths will only mislead you and make you lose traffic. Sometimes you may even not have to strive to get links, but you can also ask for them as you wish, but make sure that they are from credible sites. Some people also build links through methods that are not encouraged, and you want to steer clear from those.

    These are a few things you can do to get build links;

    a. Create good content

    b. Write guest posts to websites in your industry, this according to the expert is still the best way to build backlinks to your website. And the good thing is that it is sometimes free.

    c. Comment on blogs and link back to your own website.

    5. Keep Track: The last thing you want to do on this keep track of your SEO performance. You can use tools like Google Analytics, DataForSEO, and Authority Labs to ensure that you are on the right track.

    SEO is very helpful for businesses, especially those that need a strong online presence. With today’s society, who doesn’t, really? However, keep in mind that it takes patience and consistent hard work to get real quality traffic. If all else fails, you can hire a company to do the work for you and save you from all the trouble. The best part about it, their services are not at all expensive, and you get the time to focus on other aspects of the business that desperately need your attention.

  • Improve SEO Ranking With SE Ranking

    Improve SEO Ranking With SE Ranking

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    What Is SE Ranking? How To Use SE Ranking To Improve SEO Ranking?

    I get these type of questions quite often. There are many SEO software in the market and tools such as Ahrefs are used by hundreds of SEO practitioners. However, it can be really costly and overwhelming to say the very least. In this article, I’m going to introduce you to SE Ranking—one of the best and cheap SEO tools to improve SEO ranking.

    What is SE Ranking?

    SE Ranking is a cloud-based platform for SEO and online marketing professionals that provides a complete set of tools for comprehensive site audit, competitor analysis, website ranking, keyword suggestion and grouping, backlink monitoring, automated professional reporting, and many more. 

    SE Ranking

    An easy to use SEO tool to help you achieve better results and improve your SEO ranking.


    SE Ranking is an SEO tool used by business owners, agencies and SEO specialists. What makes SE Ranking different from the rest is the features and pricing structure, which we will go in detail after this.

    SE Ranking Features

    SE Ranking is an all-in-one SEO platform that offers a wide range of tools to help you improve your website ranking. With over 25,000 business owners trusting SE Ranking, this is definitely one of the heavy-hitters in the SEO industry.

    Here are some of the powerful features an advantages offered by SE Ranking:

    • 100% accurate keyword position tracking
    • Competitor SEO/PPC research tool
    • Page changes monitoring
    • On-page checker
    • Keyword suggestion tool
    • Manual and automatic SEO reporting tools
    • API access

    Feature #1: Keyword position tracking

    SE Ranking Keyword Tracker

    A lot of SEO tools give you positioning reports, but SE Ranking does it differently. SE Ranking gives you real-time update on keyword positioning. 

    Yes, you read that right.


    If you are always wanting pinpoint accuracy for your keywords, SE Ranking keyword rank tracker is what you need.

    SE Ranking keyword tool also gives you a nice snapshot on the overall performance for each website you track. 

    Rank Tracker by SE Ranking

    By far, this is one of the features that I love dearly in SE Ranking.

    Here are four more reasons why I prefer using SE Ranking (and why you should too).

    • 100% accurate data
    • Complete information
    • Scalability
    • Data security

    SE Ranking robots collect data by simulating user behaviour in a particular search engine and for a precisely targeted location. For each result, SE Ranking stores a cached copy of the SERP, so you can verify the data yourself.

    For every keyword, you’ll get data on its main parameters: search volume, relative traffic forecast, KEI, number of search results, suggested bid by Google, competitiveness, etc.

    The platform is equally efficient when processing any amount of projects, no matter whether they include 50 or 50,000 keywords. You’ll get the same excellent user experience regardless of the magnitude of your work. 

    Your data is only available under your SE Ranking account. All the information you provide will never leak to public research tools.

    2. Competitor SEO/PPC research tool​

    SE Ranking SEO PPC Competitor Research

    Knowing exactly what your competitors are doing is an important part for any SEO campaigns. With SE Ranking, you can easily discover the competition level and who your competitors are by looking at the report.

    Here’s how it looks like in the backend (I use the term “SE Ranking” as the seed keyword):

    SE Ranking SEO PPC Research Tool

    Take note that SE Ranking also syncs nicely with Google Trends. In one dashboard, you can easily determine the opportunity that lies within the keyword, as well as the competition level.

    3. Page Change Monitoring

    Page Change Monitoring SE Ranking

    I love to use this to monitor my competitors. As Google love content that is constantly updated, this is an excellent option for those who are keen of getting ahead of your competitors.

    Here are some of the advantages (and the why’s) you need to use this feature:

    • Content
    • Meta Tags
    • Links
    • Robots.txt
    • Index Status

    Get alerted whenever any content on a page is modified
    Any modifications with meta-markup will immediately be emailed
    Track internal and external linking on the monitored page
    Get notified as soon as a website’s robots.txt file is changed
    Check page index status in Google, Bing, and Yahoo

    4. On-Page Checker

    On Page Audit Tool SE Ranking

    On-Page Checker by SE Ranking is another awesome tool that I really love. As I am doing freelance SEO services, SE Ranking makes it really affordable for me to work on my client’s project.

    Take a look at the image above.

    An on-page SEO audit takes around 10 minutes to complete depending on the size of the page or website. Once the audit is done, you will see the report (as above).

    5. SEO Reporting Tool

    Reporting Tool SE Ranking

    Last but not least, it is the SEO reporting tool by SE Ranking. If you are looking for a reliable SEO reporting tool and white label reporting, this is exactly what you need.

    How to use SE Ranking SEO reporting tool?

    1. Period. Choose the ranking period to be analyzed, compared and displayed in your report.
    2. Drag & Drop.Drag-and-drop the modules you want to display in reports: Rankings / Traffic / Competitors / SMM / Website Audit / Finance report / Marketing Plan.
    3. Schedule.Regularly send out automated reports to selected email addresses.
    4. White Label.Add your agency logo to the report header / footer on every page.
    5. Download.Download the report manually in .pdf, .csv, .xls or .html formats.
    6. Customize.Add notes to any module and make your SEO reports look unique through customization options.

    Summary: SE Ranking Review

    SE Ranking is an awesome SEO tool for beginners, website owners and SEO consultants alike. SE Ranking comes with different pricing plans, making it one of the best SEO tools out there.

    Click here to learn more about SE Ranking and it’s pricing!

    About Me

    Young at heart and a deep passion for entrepreneurial success, Reginald is devoted to share everything he had learned about online marketing with the public. Follow him for more awesome postings.




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  • Copywriting & Local SEO Techniques for US- Based Small Businesses

    Copywriting & Local SEO Techniques for US- Based Small Businesses

    Are you a small business that invests a lot in advertising and website content? But they still don’t seem to bear impressive results, do they? Try using a local SEO strategy.

    Many small and medium brick-and-mortar companies or those operating online ignore the fact that their primary audience lives in the same area where the business is based. Thus, all their copywriting and SEO efforts target someone imaginary rather than a real client.

    Elizabeth Price, the head of marketing at, agrees that copywriting and SEO strategies targeted at attracting local customers do not receive enough attention. Thus, their company has already started its local expansion by using local subdomains and geolocalization of contextual advertising. It usually requires a greater eye for detail because even the spelling you use can make a difference.

    Here are several factors Elizabeth advises to pay attention to when it comes to local SEO.

    local seo

    Local Keywords

    Finding the right keyword is already a challenge. But finding the right local keyword is art. It is much harder because certain cities may have their own names and jokes. Try to research well looking for word combinations applicable to your brand or product.

    Moreover, if somebody is visiting your city or town, let’s say it is Colorado Springs, they are likely to type something like “coffee shop in Colorado Springs” rather than just “coffee shop.” Localization of keywords can bring surprising results because more and more people would notice your business.

    No More Generic Title Tags

    Small and medium-sized businesses are often short-sighted when they use generic title tags. Buttons like “Home,” “Our Services,” or “About Us” are too generic to attract local customers. Google also does not support such generalization. The more creative you are, the larger your audience will be.

    The recommendation is to replace tags like “Products” with the following scheme: Primary keyword – Secondary keyword | Brand name. Thus, your tag will definitely win if it looks similar to Floristic Services – Sacramento | Polly Flowers.

    SEO Tips For Local SEO

    Testimonials from Locals and Regulars

    It is essential for your business to have satisfied clients among locals. Their reviews and feedback can be used to impact the purchasing behavior of the local population. Once they see a testimonial left by someone they know, you can easily convert them into customers.

    SEO is about making people talk about your brand online. Testimonials from happy customers, especially from locals, will undoubtedly boost your sales. Therefore, do not ever hesitate to ask regulars to leave their feedback on your Facebook page, your site, as well as on Yelp or Google My Business.

    Voice Search

    By the end of 2020, more people are expected to use their smartphones for voice search. No one is going to type the request; everybody will just pronounce it. Therefore, your local business needs to make sure that Siri, Alexa, and other virtual assistants are able to find it using voice search.

    People who do voice search use questions. This is the main difference between voice search and typed requests. Such questions often include the name of the service or brand and the local element, such as the name of the city. Keep this factor in mind while optimizing your SEO.

    Local Content

    If you are going to expand your local clientele, change in your content is a must. Those new blog posts that you create should relate to local news, activities, or events. Such proximity will ensure that your business has a stronger and more reliable connection with locals and regulars.

    Given modern technologies, if you really want to go local, your website can have several versions. You can create a child theme with separate content that would open only for local people based on geolocalization.

    Mobile-Friendly Interface

    Regardless of whether you plan on gaining local clientele or not, a mobile-friendly interface is a must for your business. The thing is that most people use their smartphones to search for information. If your website loads too long or makes it impossible to read information from mobile devices, you are likely to lose to the competitors.

    Make it easier and more convenient for your customers to access your page, and it will definitely pay off. Do not ignore what most people expect today.

    Backlinks and Online Business Directories

    Use online business directories with your brand’s name, address, and other contact information to improve your visibility online. Such a technique will definitely boost your local SEO success.

    Also, focus on backlinking that can help you get localized search results. Your content must be of high-quality to make others interested in link building. Link building with other local businesses can boost your local SEO as well.

    Final Words

    SEO and copywriting techniques adjust to the needs of the market. Since many companies in the U.S. start paying attention to their local clientele, local SEO turns into an opportunity. At the same time, technologies develop, demanding businesses to reflect current trends such as voice search.

    To make the most of local customers, businesses need to create a new marketing product for them. Generalized content will no longer suffice.