Copywriting & Local SEO Techniques for US- Based Small Businesses

local seo

Are you a small business that invests a lot in advertising and website content? But they still don’t seem to bear impressive results, do they? Try using a local SEO strategy.

Many small and medium brick-and-mortar companies or those operating online ignore the fact that their primary audience lives in the same area where the business is based. Thus, all their copywriting and SEO efforts target someone imaginary rather than a real client.

Elizabeth Price, the head of marketing at, agrees that copywriting and SEO strategies targeted at attracting local customers do not receive enough attention. Thus, their company has already started its local expansion by using local subdomains and geolocalization of contextual advertising. It usually requires a greater eye for detail because even the spelling you use can make a difference.

Here are several factors Elizabeth advises to pay attention to when it comes to local SEO.

local seo

Local Keywords

Finding the right keyword is already a challenge. But finding the right local keyword is art. It is much harder because certain cities may have their own names and jokes. Try to research well looking for word combinations applicable to your brand or product.

Moreover, if somebody is visiting your city or town, let’s say it is Colorado Springs, they are likely to type something like “coffee shop in Colorado Springs” rather than just “coffee shop.” Localization of keywords can bring surprising results because more and more people would notice your business.

No More Generic Title Tags

Small and medium-sized businesses are often short-sighted when they use generic title tags. Buttons like “Home,” “Our Services,” or “About Us” are too generic to attract local customers. Google also does not support such generalization. The more creative you are, the larger your audience will be.

The recommendation is to replace tags like “Products” with the following scheme: Primary keyword – Secondary keyword | Brand name. Thus, your tag will definitely win if it looks similar to Floristic Services – Sacramento | Polly Flowers.

SEO Tips For Local SEO

Testimonials from Locals and Regulars

It is essential for your business to have satisfied clients among locals. Their reviews and feedback can be used to impact the purchasing behavior of the local population. Once they see a testimonial left by someone they know, you can easily convert them into customers.

SEO is about making people talk about your brand online. Testimonials from happy customers, especially from locals, will undoubtedly boost your sales. Therefore, do not ever hesitate to ask regulars to leave their feedback on your Facebook page, your site, as well as on Yelp or Google My Business.

Voice Search

By the end of 2020, more people are expected to use their smartphones for voice search. No one is going to type the request; everybody will just pronounce it. Therefore, your local business needs to make sure that Siri, Alexa, and other virtual assistants are able to find it using voice search.

People who do voice search use questions. This is the main difference between voice search and typed requests. Such questions often include the name of the service or brand and the local element, such as the name of the city. Keep this factor in mind while optimizing your SEO.

Local Content

If you are going to expand your local clientele, change in your content is a must. Those new blog posts that you create should relate to local news, activities, or events. Such proximity will ensure that your business has a stronger and more reliable connection with locals and regulars.

Given modern technologies, if you really want to go local, your website can have several versions. You can create a child theme with separate content that would open only for local people based on geolocalization.

Mobile-Friendly Interface

Regardless of whether you plan on gaining local clientele or not, a mobile-friendly interface is a must for your business. The thing is that most people use their smartphones to search for information. If your website loads too long or makes it impossible to read information from mobile devices, you are likely to lose to the competitors.

Make it easier and more convenient for your customers to access your page, and it will definitely pay off. Do not ignore what most people expect today.

Backlinks and Online Business Directories

Use online business directories with your brand’s name, address, and other contact information to improve your visibility online. Such a technique will definitely boost your local SEO success.

Also, focus on backlinking that can help you get localized search results. Your content must be of high-quality to make others interested in link building. Link building with other local businesses can boost your local SEO as well.

Final Words

SEO and copywriting techniques adjust to the needs of the market. Since many companies in the U.S. start paying attention to their local clientele, local SEO turns into an opportunity. At the same time, technologies develop, demanding businesses to reflect current trends such as voice search.

To make the most of local customers, businesses need to create a new marketing product for them. Generalized content will no longer suffice.