I have been blogging since 2004 and I want to be really honest. Blogging tool changes by the years and I can’t help myself but to find for the best blogging tools for my websites (and my clients’).
Here’s the thing. It is not that simple because it depends highly on what you need and expecting from a tool.
Nonetheless, here’s a quick recap of my favorite blogging tools in 2020.
Table of Contents1 WordPress CMS1.1 WordPress Page Builders1.1.1 Elementor Pro1.1.2 Astra Theme1.1.3 Thrive Architect1.2 Essential WordPress Plugins1.2.1 SEOPress1.2.2 Async JavaScript1.2.3 Autoptimize1.2.4 Fluent Forms1.2.5 Flying Pages by WP Speed Matters1.2.6 Flying Scripts by WP Speed Matters1.2.7 WP Rocket1.2.8 WPForms1.2.9 MonsterInsights2 Summary: The Best Blogging Tools 2020
WordPress CMS
WordPress CMS
Make no mistake — WordPress is the most important tool for bloggers and for my business. I use WordPress every day (close to 355 days in a year) so, yes! WordPress all the way. Sorry Wix!
WordPress Page Builders
Best WordPress Page Builders Plugins
As a freelance website developer and marketing agency, it is important for me and my team to build beautiful WordPress pages quickly. Thanks for WordPress page builders, our work is cut down dramatically (like over 50%)!
Here’s a list of our favorite WordPress page builders in 2020:
Elementor Pro
Elementor is easy to use and powerful in many ways. This WordPress page builder is the most downloaded page builders in the WordPress market and by far, one of the most intuitive tool too! I can’t recommend Elementor Pro enough (so to say).
Astra Theme
As a website developer, I find Astra theme very clean and beautifully crafted. It has a powerful inbuilt page builder, so you don’t have to get additional page builder plugin. A huge upside using Astra is that it comes with lifetime deal and you don’t have to stay on for a monthly commitment.
Thrive Architect
Last but not least, Thrive Architect is our favorite tool when it comes to building engaging blog posts. It is by far an interesting WordPress plugin that doesn’t fail me. If you are thinking of creating high converting blog posts and pages, you can’t go wrong with Thrive Architect.
Essential WordPress Plugins
Best WordPress Plugins for Beginners
Plugins make our lives easier and here’s a list of my favorite WordPress plugins that you should be using. And no, you won’t go wrong with them!
SEOPress is a powerful WordPress SEO plugin to optimize your SEO, boost your traffic, improve social sharing, build custom HTML and XML Sitemaps, create optimized breadcrumbs, add schemas / Google Structured data types, manage redirections 301 and so much more.
Async JavaScript
Async JavaScript gives you full control of which scripts to add an ‘async’ or ‘defer’ attribute to or to exclude to help increase the performance of your WordPress website. Wethather it is to eliminate render-blocking JS or defer specific JS file, this is an important plugin for speed optimization.
Autoptimize makes optimizing your site really easy. It can aggregate, minify and cache scripts and styles, injects CSS in the page head by default but can also inline critical CSS and defer the aggregated full CSS, moves and defers scripts to the footer and minifies HTML.
Fluent Forms
WP Fluent Forms is the ultimate user-friendly, customizable drag-and-drop WordPress Contact Form Plugin that offers you all the premium features, plus many more completely unique additional features.
Flying Pages by WP Speed Matters
lying Pages injects a tiny JavaScript code (1KB gzipped), waits until the browser becomes idle. Then it detects pages in the viewport and on mouse hover and preloads them.
Flying Pages is intelligent to make sure preloading doesn’t crash your server or make it slow.
Flying Scripts by WP Speed Matters
Flying Scripts delay the execution of JavaScript until there is no user activity. You can specify keywords to include JavaScripts to be delayed. There is also a timeout which executes JavaScript when there is no user activity.
WP Rocket
Recognized as the most powerful caching plugin by WordPress experts, WP Rocket is an important speed optimization plugin that works out of the box, without requiring custom settings to make it work. Best for beginners!
One of the best WordPress contact form plugin, WPForms is an intuitive drag & drop online form builder that helps you create beautiful contact forms with just a few clicks.
The best Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. See how visitors find and use your website, so you can keep them coming back. This is by far the most accurate Google Analytics WordPress plugin the market that is free to use.
Summary: The Best Blogging Tools 2020
I want to recap that there are many blogging tools that you could use in 2020. While there is no a perfect blogging tool stack, the above blogging tools are best suited for beginners and small non-WooCommerce websites.
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