You probably aware that having your own domain is an important step in branding especially in Malaysia. But how about using a branded email address for your business? Using a branded email address is important because it creates a form of trust. Instead of sounding cheapskate, scam or simply ineffective with a Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo email account, a branded email address offers more advantages than disadvantages.
The question that I would love to highlight today is how to get free email hosting with your own domain in Malaysia?
Carry on reading to learn more.
What is email hosting?
Business Email Hosting in Malaysia
Before we even start with email hosting and how to get email hosting free in Malaysia, let’s talk about email hosting.
What is email hosting?
Email hosting is a service in which a hosting provider rents out email servers to its users. While there are free versions available with many hosting companies, many businesses take advantage of the flexibility and power of professional email services.
Here’s the problem.
Don’t go cheap on email hosting and please, don’t go for free email hosting in Malaysia (or any parts of the world).
Ever heard before “good things not cheap and cheap things not good?”
I bet you do, especially you are a Malaysian!
Professional email hosting in Malaysia is all about ensuring emails land in your receipients’ inboxes, getting high delivery rates and avoiding the spam folders.
Trust me. You ain’t getting good results if you are using Gmail, Hotmail or Yahoo and that’s for sure!
How to get free email hosting with your own domain in Malaysia?
How To Get Free Business Email Hosting In Malaysia
Now, let’s get down to the juicy part of this story today. There are two parts to this — so pay close attention to get this right the first time.
There are two simple ways to get free email hosting in Malaysia:
- Through an existing domain hosting
- Using a professional email hosting solution
Option 1: How to get free email hosting with an existing domain?
Let’s say that you have a website registered under your business and you are currently hosting in Exabytes Malaysia (it’s the best hosting company in Malaysia and you can check out their latest deals right here). You should be able to see the option to create email addresses and accounts on your cPanel.
Here’s how it looks like:
Email Hosting Creation In cPanel Hosting
SImply click on the Email Accounts and you can create one or more email accounts in just a few seconds.
Create Email Accounts
Take note on the numbers above (from 1 to 4) as they are indicators for easier navigation.
If you have a web hosting account, you should be able to create one or more email addresses based on your domain name. This is how you can get free email hosting with your own domain name in Malaysia without spending any extra money. If you are not sure, I recommend you to reach out to your web hosting company to get some clarifications.
Option 2: Use a professional email hosting solution in Malaysia
Now, what to do if you don’t have a business website (yet) and looking for professional email hosting solution instead?
Here, I want you to understand that I don’t recommend you to get Microsoft365 or GSuite if you have limited knowledge. Setting them up can be tricky and more importantly, these are international businesses. In other words, you won’t be able get instant help and support in case you hit a deadlock in email hosting.
The quickest and most reliable solution is this: Using a professional email hosting solution in Malaysia.
Of course, this leads to another question.
Which is the best business email hosting solution in Malaysia?
My honest answer would be Exabytes Malaysia (here’s the link to know more about email hosting).
Business Email Hosting Malaysia
Now, how to get a business email hosting with Exabytes? Well, it’s fairly simple to be honest. Here’s how it is done the right way (and under 5 minutes).
Step 1: Head over to Exabytes (click here) and click on Email Hosting. Adjust the slider to determine the number of email addresses (users).
Email Hosting Creation Using Exabytes
For sample, I selected 10 email users and the price will be updated on the right side. It costs RM32.39 for 10 users if you host your emails on Exabytes (that’s RM3.24 per month and per user which is very affordable).
Step 2: Here, you need to determine if if you have a valid domain to point your emails to. In other words, I need to have the domain in order for me to create an email
Selecting email hosting domain
Step 3: In this step, you need to configure the email hosting plan a.k.a. selecting the duration of the service. If you are going for business email hosting Malaysia, you won’t be changing domain name or business name anytime soon (it’s fixed). So, getting the longest term would be the best value for you since you will be getting tons of discounts.
Configuring email hosting plan
By now, you should have everything pretty much set up right.
Did you notice the domain pricing in the order summary? You need to purchase the domain if you have yet to. That’s the only way to send a branded email through a business domain.
At this point in writing, Exabytes is offering anywhere between RM 20 to RM80 per year for domain name registration. It’s pretty cheap and way cheaper than GoDaddy to be honest.
Summary: How to create free business email hosting with my domain?
I certainly hope that this article gives you some light in how you can create free business email hosting with your own domain name.
Need help? Hit me up in the comments or contact me for more assistance!