Tag: how to increase website traffic

  • Explode, Skyrocket And Increase Website Traffic With Minimum Effort

    Explode, Skyrocket And Increase Website Traffic With Minimum Effort

    I bet the title attracts you huh? Pretty sure the title makes you wonder on how I can increase website traffic without much effort right? Nope, this is not a prank and I am not in a business of BS-ing. Carry on reading below to know how you can build website traffic the right way.

    I have always been a huge fan when it comes to increasing my website traffic. Personally, I am bored with those conventional methods to increase traffic. I wanted to be different and I wanted more web traffic.

    It all happened recently where I decided to write on several reviews especially on blogging tools I used for my writings. You can find the article written here; Top 12 Killer (Must Have) Blogging Tools For Bloggers.

    I realized that I could actually gained some exposure through that. Well, I am not talking about writing quality content or doing good backlinks to that article. In fact, I am talking about using social media to boost my website traffic.

    One of the best ways to increase website traffic is by using social media
    Do you know what is the best way to increase web traffic? 

    Here’s a few facts about increasing website traffic:

    • The more publicity you get on social media, the better chances search engines will rank the website
    • The more people shares on that particular website or blog post, the better it will rank on search engine result pages
    • It is always faster to spread the word with the help of others instead of going in as a lone ranger

    Make sense with the above? Think hard if they don’t but I bet they do right?

    Write good content even before thinking of increasing website traffic

    This is basically the rule I practise, all the time. It doesn’t matter if you want to increase your web traffic or make your site popular, good content is a must.

    This is the golden rule guys! Don’t break it.

    Simple methods I always use in blogging is to ensure that I have the relevant information, expertise and experience before writing reviews on those blogging tools.

    And here’s the juicy part…

    How I increase website traffic with minimum (some) effort?

    I used to work in a corporate company (in Sales and Operations team) in the past and one thing I learned was, ‘˜If you want something, then ask for it’. For me, this is absolutely relevant in this blogging industry. You may have composed a 1,500 words article that has great content, quality and very information. However, the article is going nowhere if it is not getting the right limelight to shine.

    This blogging idea actually struck my mind when I was writing my last article. I realized that everytime I tweet and share an article, only (or at most) 50 of the 900 plus followers I have will actually click on that. In fact, I would consider myself lucky if I would even hit 50 clicks on that. That sucks right? Live with it and that’s what life really is.

    Then I thought to myself that it would be absolutely great if I could get others to help me to spread the word. I am not talking of getting services at Fiverr to increase my count. Instead, I am talking about getting not only real people but important figures like the developers to help sharing them on social media.

    As a small time blogger, I only have about 900 plus followers, However, look at those famous bloggers and developers. They have thousands of followers. Ask yourself something. Who will create a better ‘˜impact’ when it comes sharing information on social media? You or those developers?

    The answer is very clear. They are important figures in the eyes of many compared to us. Things these important figures share will have a better chance of getting more exposure. I am talking about multiple times more exposure than what you can actually gain for Christ’s sake!

    Getting blog posts shared by high profile people can boost your web traffic
    Josh from Thirsty Affiliates was more than happy to share my post on Twitter 

    *Josh, if you are reading this, thank you for that Tweet. Hope you have a good weekend mate! 

    Did I even mention that Josh is one of the leading guys from Thirsty Affiliates? You know, then guys who turns ugly URL to some beautiful ones? Check it out right here!

    Preparation before submitting my articles and blog posts

    I wrote several lengthy blog post and I rechecked for their contents. After publishing it for a day, I contacted a few developers and told them that I did a review on their product. Of course, I ended up asking them in a nice way to share it if they liked it. No string attached!

    Out of 5 developers and companies I wrote about, 3 responded and they were more than pleased! Two of them told me that they will feature my article either on their websites or share them using social media. That was huge and I thanked them like crazy.

    Another company replied by saying that it is not their company policy to do such. However, the management had agreed to offer me a lifetime long discounted rate for their products. In my blogging books, this is moderate huge but for my wallet, it is more than huge! Haha!

    What I did when I received those emails from them? I head over to my stats IMMEDIATELY!

    I looked at how many traffic I am going to get. Right after the first tweet, I got myself a nice boost of website traffic of 19 views. Not bad at all (I am not greedy yet)!

    Social media can be a great tool to improve website traffic
    Stats results within 30 minutes of the first tweet


    Sharing articles on social media can improve website traffic drastically
    Traffic improves a little following the next hour 

    The rest is pretty self explanatory. I received pretty good traffic for that one specific post for the next couple of hours and am pretty sure in the next coming days.

    Improve website traffic by thinking out of the box

    You see, the above is just an example. This is not only specifically for reviews. Do you know that you can even quote a famous blogger or person and get them to share the post for you?

    I am no god or guru when it comes to improving web traffic. However, through experience and many try-an-error methods, things seems to go on smoothly as what planned. At times, website traffic can explode without you expecting and that makes everything even more possible, if you know what I mean.

    Now, over to you. Do you have anything in mind to share?

    I bet you do and what are you waiting for? Use the form below and share with all of us what you think.

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