Tag: passive income

  • How I Made Money Online Through Blogging?

    How I Made Money Online Through Blogging?

    We all want to make more money on the side (without leaving our day job). For the younger generation, one of the best ways to make money online is through blogging.

    I made pretty decent earnings from the Internet — all thanks to hard work and some luck. I make my money through affiliate marketing and to give you an idea on how much I actually made, take a look at the screen grab below.

    affiliate earnings

    Let’s be honest. $11,697.87 is a lot of money and I know that you can use this for a whole lot of reason!

    Make money online through blogging is not impossible. It takes time and effort — and if you can stay close to it, you are going to reap the benefit after some time.

    Discovering The “How”

    How can you can make money from blogging today?

    I bet you have this in mind. Carry on reading below and let me show you how it can be done (correctly).

    1. Find your interest (niche)

    find niche for blogging

    All successful bloggers have one thing in common — they do the thing that they love. This means that if you love writing about WordPress, then that should be the niche for your website. If you have deep love for finance related news, you should start a blog covering that topic.

    You can start a blog that is not really your interest but after several weeks of hard work, you will feel burn down — and you will stop blogging altogether.

    The trick here is to find a niche that you have interest in and start a blog with that in mind.

    2. Search engine optimization (SEO) is always important

    search engine optimization

    You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars a month for expensive SEO tools. However, successful bloggers often invest into at least a single SEO tool to help them rank better on search engines.

    I use KWFinder (click here to create a free account) and it is definitely one of my must-use tool before writing a blog post. KWFinder can help you find long tail keywords and analyze your competitor’s backlinks.

    Must read: What is KWFinder and how to use KWFinder (review)?

    3. Focus on content

    content first

    Starting a blog is the easy part — determining your focus is another. When you start a blog, you are going to be bombarded with SEO, WordPress setup, plugins and many more.

    But there’s one trick to this. Writing a blog post is all about the content — so make sure your content is readable and engaging.

    If you are starting a new blog, you should spend more time on the content than the SEO aspect. This means that you should focus heavily on the way the content is showcased to your potential audience and what you can do to make them wanting for more.

    For me, I use Thrive Architect to create highly interactive content to keep website visitors longer on my site. If they stay long enough, they will enter my marketing funnel which involves using Thrive Leads to collect emails and build my email list.

    4. Make money online through email marketing

    email marketing

    I made a lot of money from blogging through email list. The fastest way to start an email list is using MailChimp. MailChimp allows you to create multiple email lists for free (up to 2,000 email subscribers and 12,000 emails per month).

    Want to know more about MailChimp? Here’s the step by step guide in using MailChimp for bloggers.


    If you are an affiliate marketer like me, MailChimp is not a good option to start with. Sure, the free email marketing solution certainly attracts heads but do you know that MailChimp will shut you down (without notice) if you use their service to promote affiliate products?

    If you are looking for a reliable email marketing solution, I highly recommend you to use AWeber as it is affordable, powerful and it doesn’t stop you from trying to make money from blogging.

    5. Promote your content through social media

    social media marketing for bloggers

    Last but not least, social media is definitely something you need to consider using (if you are serious enough to make money from blogging).

    The next time you publish a blog post, take a step further and schedule it on social media. You can do it either manually (which takes a little bit of your time) or you can use third party social media tools to help you schedule content. I use PostPlanner (it costs like $3 per month) to save me at least 3 hours a day. Of course, this is because I have over 500 blog posts to share to my audience at various times, along with 5 different social media platforms.

    Are you ready to make money online from blogging?

    I hope you find this quick guide useful in your quest of making money through blogging.

    Have any questions? Leave a comment below and let’s discuss further!