Tag: make 10k+ in blogging

  • How to Make Money By Blogging: How I Make 10K+ From Home

    How to Make Money By Blogging: How I Make 10K+ From Home

    There are many bloggers who are able to make money by blogging but not many of them are able to make it past the $10k mark. So, how do they make more than $10,000 a month from blogging?

    I has been blogging since 2004 and in some ways, I admit that I am blessed. In many occassions, I was able to make $10k+ just through blogging.

    Want to know how? Here are the exact steps I took.

    1. Choose the right niche (profitable + interest)

    When it comes to blogging, you need to find the right niche that you are interested in and lucrative at the same time. Now, this is tough.

    It is never easy to find a niche that you are interested in and profitable at the same time.

    Real Life Blogging Mistake

    For those who don’t know me, I love to write about blogging related matters. Here’s the problem—blogging related niche are often not profitable especially if you are counting on Google Adsense. In most cases, I’ll earn around $0.05 per click. Do the math and you will realize that it takes at least 2,000 clicks just to hit the $100 mark.

    Now, let’s take a moment to dive into another part of this (blogging niche). When it comes to blogging, you don’t have to stick to just Google Adsense. You can focus on promoting products of others and earn significantly more.

    For example, most bloggers (including myself) go for affiliate marketing to generate additional income from my blog.

    2. Affiliate marketing is the ONLY way to make money and fast

    Yes, you read it right. Unless there are at least 1,000,000 visitors on your website daily, affiliate marketing is the only way that will help you make $10,000 a month.

    Take a look at this.

    affiliate earnings

    The screenshot above is taken from one of the affiliate products I am promoting on this blog. Currently my earning is over $500 and what happens you replicate this with several more blogs?

    That’s how I made $10k+ through blogging!

    The content for affiliate marketing is simple. You start by choosing a topic that you are interested in. Then, the next step is to search for related products and services that others are offering in the niche. 

    Instead of spending hours creating products and services, you can instantly promote these affiliate products and earn a lucrative affiliate commission upon successful sale.

    3. Start building email list as early as possible

    The trick for successful blogging is to start collecting emails as early as possible. An email list goes a long way, from helping you to build loyal readers to promoting your products.

    Email marketing is not complicated. It is easy and more importantly, it is extremely critical for your success in blogging. How I make 10k+ by blogging was by building an email list from day one.

    If you have no idea where to start, here’s a quick short and free course on email marketing by AWeber.

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    Learn how to grow your email list in less than 4 hours with step-by-step, expert guidance in six short and simple lessons.

    Start the course now

    4. Always invest in tools that help your blog grows

    I love buying and trying new tools; from SEO to social media tools. As a matter of fact, using tools is one of the top reasons why I’m able to make money through blogging.

    For example, the usage of SEO tool such as KWFinder and SEMrush allow me to find for high demand keywords with low competition. This allows me to be able to generate a lot of traffic in a short time period.

    Want to find for valuable keywords? Click here to learn more (for free)!

    At the same time, social media tool such as PostPlanner had also contributed to my success in making 10k+ through blogging.

    In short, there are two angles you can look at especially when it comes to using paid tools. On one hand, you can consider it as wasting of money and on another hand, you can consider them as assistance to help you make more money.

    5. Craft content that interests your visitors

    Don’t just start a blog because your friend makes tons of money from blogging. Don’t just hit ‘Publish’ simply because it is needed.

    If you want to make money by blogging, take time to craft content that will make your website readers want for more.

    This means that your content need to be:

    • Relevant
    • Supported by facts
    • Interesting

    Before you publish a new content on your blog, make sure you have done sufficient research to make the article as useful as possible. And once that is all done, perform some decoration on the content to make it interest.

    For example, having videos and images on your content will help your audience understand the topic better and avoid them from getting bored (with the wall of text).

    Pro Tip

    Decorating your content on WordPress require some coding skills (so to say). If you are just starting blogging as hobby, consider using WordPress visual builders like this one to easily create and manage the design without coding skills.

    Are you ready to make money by blogging (and make over 10k+)?

    Are you new to blogging? Leave a comment below and tell me what you think!