Tag: how to make my blog famous

  • 5 Baby Steps To Make Your Blog Popular Under 30 Days Or Less

    5 Baby Steps To Make Your Blog Popular Under 30 Days Or Less

    How To Make My Blog Popular

    ​5 Baby Steps To Make Your Blog Popular Under 30 Days Or Less

    I can’t remember how many times I had said this line, ​”it is always easy to start a blog.” The process of making your blog popular is another. If you are a beginner in blogging, I’m sure you have these in mind:

    • How to make my blog popular?
    • How to make my blog popular in Google search?
    • Hhow to make my blog famous?
    • How to make my blog more popular?
    • How to make my Word​Press blog popular?
    • ​Best way to make my blog popular

    Yes, the common list of “how-to’s” and generating more traffic for your blog. In this article, I’m going to discuss and share very simple blogging hacks to will open the floodgate (traffic) to your blog.

    The Quickest Way To Make Your Blog Popular Is …

    Paid advertisement.

    ​Yes, you read it right. Google and Facebook, along with half a dozen of social media platforms are there to supply you with endless traffic—if you can pay for it.

    ​Now, here’s the problem.

    ​You think that you are just starting up, a beginner or wouldn’t want to spend a single dime because you are stingy (ouch).


    ​Here are some of the best ways to make your WordPress blog popular and enjoys free traffic from Google.

    Create Solid Blog Topics (That Provide Answers)

    The only way you can generate free blog traffic through Google is by staying visible on the first page of Google. While having a massive list of backlinks certainly helps, no one is going to link to your article if your article is not useful.

    “​Focus on creating blog topics that answer specific questions because that’s exactly what website visitors are looking for.”

    ​Create Round Up Posts

    ​One of the fastest ways to make your blog popular is by borrowing others’ readers and followers. This can be done through doing monthly or quarterly round up posts.

    ​Round up posts can be very time consuming—but it is by far one of the best ways to generate free traffic back to your website (not to forget social proof and social sharing).

    Be Visible On Other Networking Platforms

    If you want to make your blog famous, you need to keep up with the promoting your blog.Promoting a blog doesn’t necessarily requires paid marketing (Google Ads and Facebook Ads)—you can stay visible by being active in networking sites such as Quora (here’s the full guide on how to use Quora to generate free traffic) and Facebook Groups.

    Build Authority With Guest Posting

    I can’t deny the importance of guest posting. When you are doing guest posts, you are sending signals to others that you are somewhat influential. Plus, you will also have the opportunity to promote one or more blog links that will help you improve your overall SEO score for your blog.

    “​Create a level of credibility through smart and calculated guest posting opportunities. A good guest blogger doesn’t only focus on building links, he/she focuses on building an authority level for themselves.”

    – ​Reginald Chan –

    ​Build An Email List

    What is the best way to make my blog popular? By having an email list, of course!

    ​With an email list, you can easily remind your audience with new post updates (which helps to drive traffic). When there are more views on your post, it will send positive signals to Google that your blog is popular—thus, having higher chances to be visible on Google Search.

    ​Start an email list for free (with no credit card)

    ​When it comes to building email list, I use AWeber because it is affordable, powerful and it integrates well with a wide range of CMS, including WordPress. Try AWeber ​for 30 days with no credit card. Click the button below to start now.