Monetise Your Expertise: Steps To Creating Your Own Online Course
In this time of crisis, being stuck at home can either be a blessing or a curse. For those waiting around for the pandemic to pass, staying in can be a tough challenge. At the same time, there are others that have found ways to fill their days with productivity.
If you belong in the latter category, and have finally decided to use this time to create the course you have been putting off, you’ve come to the right place.
In this article, we will detail the step-by-step of creating your own online course. Without further delay, let’s jump right in:
Step 1: Determine The Right Topic
Choosing the right topic is one of the steps that require the most consideration. While it is obvious that you must choose a topic that you are an expert at, it is also important to consider the demand of the topic.
It doesn’t necessarily need to be a professional training topic. People need help with learning all sorts of skills. Consider the informal expertise you may have developed in unconventional scenarios or from life experiences.
Step 2: Determine Definitive Learning Outcomes
This is one of the most overlooked steps in the process of creating a course. Unless you are able to communicate definitive, quantifiable learning outcomes to your prospective learners, they will not be convinced to take your course.
Consider exactly what a student of your course will take away from the course. Make sure the benefits of the learning outcome are undeniable and objective.
Step 3: Develop And Structure Course Content
Developing quality course material used to be a time consuming and skill oriented task. However, with the introduction of content authoring tools, designing engaging training modules has become much easier.
With that said, even with the help of authoring tools, you will have to put a lot of thought in each training module. Don’t hesitate in taking advantage of all that online learning technology has to offer.
Try to add a lot of interactivities, videos, and animations to your course. Not only would these elements make your course more appealing, they will also help your future students make the most out of the knowledge you are trying to impart.
If all of this sounds too complicated to you, there is always the option of reaching out to professional training material development businesses.
Step 4: Determine The Right Delivery Method
Determining the right delivery method is not a difficult task. In fact, if you have followed the previous steps, your options have already been filtered to just a few.
The choice of delivery method of your course will depend on two things:
The kind of elements (videos, interactivities) you have used in your course material
The choice of learning platforms for your target audience
Only a few platforms will satisfy both requirements- supporting your course content media, and being popular within your target group. Once you have narrowed your options down to a few choices, research on the user reviews and post-sale support of each of the options to make your decision.
Step 5: Marketing Your Course
Besides creating the course itself, marketing is perhaps the most important step in this whole process. After all, if nobody knows about your course, how will they take up your course?
From listing your course on dedicated elearning platforms like uDemy to supporting it with a strong social media presence, the scope of marketing a course goes far and wide.
Just as all the free time you have is great for developing your course, it is also a great time for your potential learners to learn something new. It is one of the best times to author and publish your online course to drive a passive income.
Have questions? We’d be happy to help! Simply drop your queries in the comment section below!