How To Be Productive With Your Business While You’re Traveling?

Stay Productive While Travelling

When people are asked why they wanted to start their businesses, there are various answers given, but some common throughlines. Many people look forward to the idea of being their boss because it means that they have the freedom to organize their days, weeks, months, and entire lives in a way that is ideal for their family or travel goals.

In practice, many people discover it’s not so easy to keep up with their work obligations while they’re traveling. The following will examine some of the things you can do to help keep your productivity levels high while you’re traveling. Particular emphasis will be placed on tips that don’t require you to miss out on the travel experience.

Wake Up Early

We all know we should be waking up early, but very few of us do it. Why? Because it’s a hard habit to develop. However, once you’re in the “rise at five club,” it’s hard to stop. Once you’ve gotten over the hump of feeling sleepy (this can take up to two weeks), you can get more done in the quiet hours of the early morning than you can during regular business hours. There seem to be unlimited distractions during the day, whereas in the early morning, we have the time and quiet we need to focus.

Many business owners find a few hours in the early morning with a fresh mind is worth nearly double the amount of work time required in the later afternoon. We know some freelance writers who finish all their assignments between 4 AM and 11 AM and have the rest of the day to do with what they please. And yes, some of them do travel in that time.

Ensure You’ll Have Access To All The Tools You Need

When it comes to preparing for a productive trip, one of the biggest things you can do is make sure that you’ll have access to everything you need. Bring all the items you use to work (laptop, phone, tablet, sketchbook, notebook, camera, etc.) and make sure that anything else you need you can get while on vacation. You might need to get an international phone plan or have calls forwarded to a new number while abroad (typically, this can be done in the airport wherever you’re arriving).

Internet access is crucial for completing your work remotely. Unfortunately, it’s one of the least reliable things while traveling. Make sure that you have a wifi plan and a backup plan. Maybe even a third option like a wifi hotspot device that you can use whenever and wherever you need to. As you can see in detail if you read this article, having your hotspot device is something that any connected businessperson needs during travel. You don’t have to go into expensive prepaid plans or even consider possibly different standards if you manage to reach a bit more exotic destination.

Employ The Pareto Rule

The Pareto Rule, sometimes also called the 80/20 principle, is relatively simple and is designed to help you prioritize your work. Studies have found that, in general, 20% of your work is producing 80% of the results. Applying this principle involves taking stock of the work that you do every day, week, or month and analyzing which tasks, clients, or steps produce the majority of your results, financial or otherwise.

Foremost, this principle allows you to put all the aspects of your job in order of priority to know what needs to be done first. Secondly, subscribers to this principle encourage you to make cuts. The inverse of the rule is also often true; 20% of your tasks or clients tend to cause 80% of your headaches. By removing or outsourcing these elements from your work, you can make your entire day smoother and more manageable.

Get Some Sleep

When we’re traveling, many of us tend to get slack with our sleeping habits. We want to see the new city at night, but also at dawn. We’re jet-lagged and moving from town to town at strange hours to save money on train tickets. We’re spending more time than usual walking or hiking and don’t want to miss out on one second of experiencing this new way of life. But we know that maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is one of the most crucial aspects of being a productive (and happy) human being. Ensure that you’re getting enough sleep as you travel, maybe even a little more than usual, because of the physical exertion and time zone adjustments.

The above tips and tricks should keep you on schedule for work results, even if you’re traveling. When you plan things out before your trip, you should be set. It might take a moment to find the right balance, but if you keep striving for it, you’ll get there.