At some point in your life, you might get the unfortunate opportunity to witness untapped talent. You yourself might possess intellect or special capabilities that could help take an organization to the next level, if only the right people engaged you in a meeting or gave you an assignment where you could showcase your skills. This can be irritating to witness, and chances are, employees won’t stick around for long. Creating a work environment that promotes the sharing of intel and unique information has many benefits in the long run, and here are just a few.
1. Improves the Quality of Products or Services
The more an employee knows, the better he can execute. Formal education can provide a foundation of knowledge that the daily tasks of the job will simultaneously build onto. The experts at can guide you through all the best online education solutions your company is looking for if you take this route. By providing your bottom line with fundamental knowledge, you can set the standard you want for your company and watch as the overall quality of your goods and services rises to meet your standards.
2. Stay Ahead of the Curve
We’re living in fast times. By the time something becomes popular, you can bet that somewhere, something is being developed that will take its place. Take the app Vine for example. This was a lovely little app where people could record videos and post them. It really added to viral culture and people were enjoying it… Until Instagram added the video feature to their already very successful app. Now since people could post photos and videos in the same place, they didn’t have a need for Vine.
This is why knowledge sharing is so crucial. If you can pool together all of the innovative ideas your employees might have, then you stand a better chance of staying relevant. If Vine had developed their app so that it offered something more unique that would separate it from the pack, much like Snapchat did, then they might still be up there as a major competitor in social media platforms.
3. Increase Company Morale
If you’ve ever been the little guy, then you know how satisfying it feels to get the spotlight every now and then, much less get one of your ideas implemented. There are many ways to boost company morale, and maximizing the flow of information is one of these ways. Not only will it benefit the organization in the long run to have the best course of action or methods of production in place, but your employees will feel valued and respected for getting to share their ideas. This will result in a more informed staff and higher employee retention.
4. Employee Retention = Skilled Staff
As mentioned previously, allowing employees to throw in their two cents about ways to improve some aspect of a company betters the chances of them staying on board. What happens when employees continue to renew their contracts? They begin to grow and flourish into experts in their field and are extremely knowledgeable about the organization they’re working for. So, by creating a culture of sharing in the workplace, you will later see that your staff can grow into a group of highly skilled, loyal veteran workers.
5. Diversify and Expand Resources
What is inside an employee’s head could possibly be the best resource an organization has. So many avenues of opportunity open up when you increase the flow of knowledge throughout your company. There could be a massive time or money saving method that is going to waste because the right people aren’t getting any spotlight. There are plenty of ways to practice resource management, but the one that’s disregarded the most often are the resources that each individual worker can provide. By including employees in the affairs of an organization, you diversify and expand your set of resources for employees, making an altogether happier staff.
6. Supportive Company Climate
When colleagues communicate often, they tend to sympathize with each other and the challenges of each position more so than not. Increasing the sharing of knowledge within a work community, whether it’s information about a job or a client, associates will naturally learn how to provide a listening ear with no judgements. They will also get to practice solution-based thinking for both themselves and their team, resulting in a more proactive work environment that supports each other.
It’s astounding the changes that just a little more communicative practices within a company can cause. By sharing thoughts and ideas surrounding important topics in the workplace, you’ll soon notice the positive trickle-down effects it has on the production and office atmosphere. Implement a knowledge sharing philosophy in your company today and reap the benefits tomorrow.