Web Hosting Malaysia Under RM200 A Year (A Guide for Beginners)

Web Hosting Malaysia Under RM200

Web hosting talks. My favorite topic of all time. As an online marketer and serial entrepreneur myself, I had my first real insights on the importance of web hosting in 2014. I was using a cheap web hosting Malaysia and I was having an awesome time in Perth, Australia (7 days trip). Little did I know that my websites were hacked and even after the restoration, there aren’t much things left for me to do, except to start over. From then on, it was game on for getting the best web hosting solution in Malaysia with the cheapest and most affordable pricing.

As a disclaimer, I am the founder of ServerStack.io, Malaysia first web hosting company that focuses entirely on our clients (server performance, pricing etc.) instead of purely profitability. I launched this company because that was exactly what I was looking for myself!

In this article, I will be going through some of the best web hosting Malaysia under RM200 a year.

Running A Business Post Covid-19

Business After Covid-19

Business After Covid-19

I’m not going to lie to you. Running a business post Covid-19 in Malaysia is challenging. Business owners are cutting cost everywhere and they want the best results and fast, minus the large fees.

I totally get it.

However, it doesn’t mean that you should be getting a web hosting that costs under RM100 a year a.k.a cheap web hosting.

I manage a web hosting company mainly for B2B clients (some B2C clients) and trust me, the maintenance for web hosting is high. For starters, you have monitoring tools that you need to pay, staffs salary and above everything, hardware maintenance.

Web hosting companies can offer dirt cheap web hosting price simply because:

  • Overselling the hosting servers
  • Perform little to no upgrades to their hosting infrastructures
  • Super bad in customer support (I know, right?)

Reginald Chan

Find a web hosting company that offers excellent hosting solutions with decent pricing. In Malaysia, you can find a decent web hosting solution anywhere between RM200 to RM500 per year, depending on your website needs.

Top Web Hosting Malaysia Under RM200

I know you can’t wait for this. So, let’s dive in, shall we?

Exabytes Malaysia

Exabytes is one of the longest and oldest web hosting solution in Malaysia. They offer a wide range of hosting plans and if you are looking to have a cheap hosting under RM200 per year, you can sign up for their 5 years plan hosting plan for massive discount.


When I first started blogging in 2004, ServerFreak was the first web hosting company I worked with. They are awesome people and their customer support is one of the best in Malaysia. You can get web hosting under RM100 with them for a single website without any super long commitments.


ServerStack.io is the newest web hosting company in Malaysia. The company consists of 7 team members who provides affordable web hosting services in Malaysia to website owners, WordPress developers and web design agencies. Their VPS hosting plans are the cheapest in Malaysia too.

How To Choose The Best Web Hosting Malaysia Under RM200?

Web Hosting Malaysia Under RM200

Web Hosting Malaysia Under RM200

Web hosting in Malaysia is competitive and there’s no denial. But, there are some tricks when it comes to choosing the best web hosting in Malaysia under RM200.

Here are some nifty tricks you can use right now (yes, go try them out):

  • Ask questions about web hosting and what to expect
  • Ask for free migration services
  • Ask for free domain name
  • Ask for special discounts (especially NGO’s and charity bodies)
  • Ask for web hosting SLA (service level agreement)
  • Check the duration of refund (some offers 30 days money back guarantee)
  • Check how easy it is to scale up (or down) on a specific host

Is web hosting under RM200 worth it?

Well, it depends. There are companies that offers very good web hosting plans under RM200 and some who will charge you for everything to cover back the cost. Well, that’s business to be honest.

So, be careful for what you wished for. A good web hosting solution can varies by far, depending on what you need. Again, I’m bias but ServerStack.io offers one powerful hosting solutions in Malaysia with a fraction of the cost and with 30 days money back guarantee. 

And if you need any discount, just ping me up and I’ll be sure to get the team to look at it!