VSchool Trend Malaysia: Introduction And Review of VSchool Trend Online Learning Platform

VSchool Trend Malaysia Learning Program

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You heard about VSchool Trend on social media and newsletter coverage (featured on the Star newspaper). You might even heard about VSchool Trend on Astro. As we are moving towards technology advancement, the usage of online education/online study is getting one of the most popular options for young parents, working adults and parents.

What is VSchool Trend Malaysia and what is this online education program all about?

Carry on reading this article to see if this is a worthy education investment for your kids. Mothers, take note!

Introduction to VSchool Trend

VSchool Trend Malaysia Review
What is VSchool Trend education platform?

There are two ways to describe VSchool Trend online education system.

  • An online education portal system. VSchool Trend is an online education system that creates education opportunities through online portals. This VSchool Trend review is geared heavily on this part.
  • A career opportunities for parents especially mothers. VSchool Trend is offering career opportunities and those often call themselves as VSchool Trend agents. I will share more on this in the next post (so stay tuned).

Before that, let’s watch a quick introduction video on what VSchool Trend is all about (this video had been aired on Astro).https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gAwdw2AAD0

VSchool Trend Online Education System

VSchool Trend Malaysia Learning Program
VSchool Trend allows your children to study online

One of the most asked question is “Does VSchool Trend works?”

Online education in Malaysia is common among the youth, young parents and working adults. But, the concept is still something new that requires time to gasp.

In Malaysia, the most common education concept is going to school, college or university as a full time student. The availability of online education portals such as VSchool Trend is gaining momentum in Malaysia and certainly not something ‘new’.

Real-life disclaimer: When my wife first introduced me to VSchool Trend for our children, I thought it was ‘just another’ online program. After understanding what VSchool Trend Malaysia is all about. I was really surprised (and pleased) to take up VSchool Trend.

How Does VSchool Trend Works? [VSchool Trend Review]

I got my Degree from Open University Malaysia (OUM) and online study in Malaysia is something I’m super familiar about.

But, let’s say this is the first time you heard about online education in Malaysia and VSchool Trend Malaysia, here’s what it is all about.

VSchool Trend offers an online platform for students from Standard 1 (Darjah Satu) to Form 5. Yes, VSchool Trend is an online education system (approved by the Education Ministry in Malaysia) for primary and secondary school children.

Make no mistake. VSchool Trend is not replacing the education in Malaysia. It offers additional education resources in the online space (instead of going to physical tuition centres).

VSchool Trend offers some advantages over other online learning platforms in Malaysia.

Carry on reading the below section to learn more.

Advantages Using VSchool Trend Online Platform

There are many advantages using VSchool Trend Malaysia. The below are two different advantages based on segments:

For student

  • Constant updates (daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly)
  • Colourful and interactive notes
  • Audio and visual learning
  • Over 500,000 exercises (yes, that’s half a million or more)
  • Fully online and easy to access
  • Mobile, desktop and laptop apps
  • Reliable exercises and training
  • No travelling distance (save time)

For parents

  • Constant updates (daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly)
  • Easy to access
  • Mobile, desktop and laptop apps
  • Fully online
  • Full parental control
  • Automated monitoring (report card)
  • Reliable exercises and training
  • No travelling distance (save petrol)
  • Affordable plans

Syllabus Offered In VSchool Trend Malaysia

VSchool Trend is a comprehensive online education platform that offers syllabus based on the Malaysia Ministry of Education. 

Here are some of the syllabus you can find in VSchool Trend Malaysia:

Standard 1 – 3 (SJKC / SK)

  • Bahasa Cina 华文
  • Bahasa Inggeris 英文
  • Bahasa Malaysia 国文
  • Matematik 数学
  • Sains 科学

Standard 4 – 6 (SJKC / SK)

  • Bahasa Cina 华文
  • Bahasa Inggeris 英文
  • Bahasa Malaysia 国文
  • Matematik 数学
  • Sains 科学
  • Sejarah 历史

Form 1 – 3 (SMK)

  • Bahasa Cina 华文
  • Bahasa Inggeris 英文
  • Bahasa Malaysia 国文
  • Mathematics/Matematik 数学
  • Science/Sains 科学
  • Sejarah 历史
  • Geografi
  • Reka Bentuk & Teknologi
  • Asas Sains Komputer

Form 4 – 5 (SMK)

  • Bahasa Cina 华文
  • Bahasa Inggeris 英文
  • Bahasa Malaysia 国文
  • Matematik 数学
  • Sains 科学
  • Sejarah 历史
  • Additional Mathematics/Matematik Tambahan
  • Biology/Biologi
  • Physics/Fizik
  • Chemistry/Kimia
  • Accounts/Prinsip Perakaunan
  • Economy/Ekonomi
  • Business/Perniagaan
  • Geography/Geografi

As you can see, VSchool Trend is a comprehensive online tutoring system in Malaysia that covers a wide range of education. 

How VSchool Trend keep Up With Content Updates?

There are over half a million modules and exercises in VSchool Trend. So, how does VSchool Trend keeps up with the constant updates in the education line in Malaysia?

This is only doable at VSchool Trend because it has a wide range of teachers and education practitioners who work full time behind the scenes. Their roles are to update content and exercises to help students to get the needed education support they need to excel in Malaysia.

More importantly, these syllabus are geared towards KBSM, KBSR, KSSR, KSSM, PT3, SPM and KBSM to ensure that the students are able to get the latest education tips and best exercises.

Advantages VSchool Trend For Parents

A recent survey showed that this scenario happens to most of the households in Malaysia.

Parents lose sights of what their kids are doing in school and in tuition centres in Malaysia because they are too tied up with work and focusing on earning money for the family. At the very most, parents will ask their children on their progress in school and are often replied with “everything is okay.” The shocking truth is discovered only during parents meet up with the teachers in the school or with the exam grades.

This is not entirely the parents or the children fault. The weakening of the Malaysian economy in Malaysia along with the peer pressure are two common nominators in the cause.

With VSchool Trend, parents can now have bird’s eye view on their children performance without even needing any guess work. As VSchool Trend is accessible via applications, parents can now easily monitor the progress of the children online.

Important steps can be taken by the parents to provide as much support they can to ensure that children are given the needed opportunities and support to grow, learn and excel in education … without stressing them out altogether.

How Much Does VSchool Trend Malaysia Costs?

The pricing of VSchool Trend starts at RM388.00 (one time payment). There are many modules with VSchool Trend and parents can make the sole decision. More importantly, I want to highlight that RM388 is a small value of money especially for parents who are serious in giving the best to their children.

A child do not need to excel in education to be successful in life. But, it is our responsibility as a parent to provide the best platform for them to have the best opportunity to excel in education.

VSchool Trend Trial

VSchool Trend Malaysia Register
How to register for VSchool Trend?

Does VSchool Trend offers trial for students and parents? At this point of time, trials are only available from time to time. Click here to contact an official VSchool Trend agent in Malaysia to check for availability.

Summary: Is VSchool Trend worth the money?

For me, the answer is an easy “Yes” (and I know my wife will agree with me too)! 

After using VSchool Trend for sometime, I believe it has many hidden values in it especially with the online learning portal. 

I recommend you to try it out and you can do so by clicking on the button below to learn more.

Learn more about VSchool Trend here

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