Tag: website design

  • How To Tell If Your Website Design Is Helping Your Business

    How To Tell If Your Website Design Is Helping Your Business

    Your business’ website is an important part of your online marketing presence. It is your way of showing what your business can offer to the market. To build a better website, you must understand the importance of web design. It is also vital to comprehend this part of the market because it impacts how your audience perceives your brand. The impression you make on them can either get them to remain on your page and learn about your business or will leave your page and turn to a competitor.

    Below is a list of reasons why website design is going to help your business.

    1. It Improves Your Advertising Effectiveness

    Showing your website address on all your promotional material helps you gain additional exposure and will encourage visitors to first check your site for the things they need. Remember that a website that works and encourages potential customers to contact you is an effective website you’ll need.

    2. Sets Impression for Customer Service

    People can judge how you will treat them by looking at your website. Your design gives them insight as to how you view your customer. Your website is like a customer service representative. If your website is modern, clean, and inviting your audience will feel more welcome on your page. You’ll give them a clear picture that you are open and welcoming to new people. 

    3. It builds trust with your audience

    People lose interest in poorly designed websites. If they see your poor design or the information looks past out of date, they won’t trust your site. They may find your site as shady because you do not have an updated web. Some people may be looking to Taiwan web design as their developer. It is important to build trust with your customer so they remain on your site. It creates more opportunities for your business.

    Website Design

    4. Competition

    Every business wants their website to stand out from their competitors. If you have a clean, updated, high-quality website, you can outrank other businesses that offer the same services.  You can show your audience why they should choose your business over the competition. Aesthetic appeal and easy to use interface can speak volumes to the average consumer. 

    5. Consistency

    Businesses either big or small want to build up their brand. Website design is important because they help create consistency across your page. A good web design creates brand recognition.

    In this digital age, most businesses have already developed their respective websites to become more accessible for their customers. With the help of website design, business owners are able to create a user-friendly and welcoming environment where users can get useful information at any time of the day.

    Moreover, when you have a well-managed website, people can rely on you. It builds trust, and when customers trust you, they would not have doubts about getting your products and services. In effect, you will have a thriving and profitable business and that one thing will make your business stand out from the rest.

  • How To Design A Website Fast And Cheaply In 2018?

    How To Design A Website Fast And Cheaply In 2018?

    Are you planning to design your website in the coming months but have absolutely no idea how to kick start that project?

    Good news—that’s exactly what you will find in this post. I have created so many websites for my clients and I found out that there are a few important pointers that you can start using immediately.

    1. Your website design is only as good as your idea

    Start your website design project with a general idea. What do you expect from the website? What do want your website to look like?

    In other words, what do you expect to get from your website redesigning project? Could it be lead generation?

    If you are planning to design your website fast, then consider having a strong idea on what you want. This will help a lot especially when you start building your website design (and avoiding many changes down the road/during development).

    2. Use the right tools to build a website

    In today’s technology, you no longer require to build a website from scratch. Yes, this means that no coding skills is ever required.

    What you need is to use the right type of tools to build a website.

    But wait! How do you create a website design without coding skills? Introducing WordPress website builders. This is how it looks like in real life.

    customize buttons using thrive architectthrive architect hover effectthrive architect customize widththrive architect font customizationthrive architect attention grabbing elementsthrive architect column layout

    Now, imagine using a drag and drop builder to build the website design of your choice. Can you image how fast you can create a website from scratch?

    Important Note: The above are taken directly from Thrive Architect which is one of the top WordPress builders in 2018. Click here to read the full review.

    3. Hiring beginners to build your website

    Beginners are good because they are cheap—but you have to remember that while being cheap is one thing, being good is another.

    This is definitely the cheapest option here but the results may be sub par. You might well be in the losing end and lose more money hiring multiple website designers.

    This option is ONLY good if you have some ideas with website development and you are able to monitor the beginners.

    Summary: How to design a website fast and cheaply in 2018?

    There are many options you can choose from when it comes to website designing. However, there are only a few options you can go for especially when you are looking for a win-win situation.

    Personally, I would say that using WordPress builders such as Thrive Architect is definitely the best option and you can click here to learn more about this tool (and try the demo).