I bet you all know that I am a huge fan of Genesis Framework and I even wrote a neutral article comparing Thesis Theme and Genesis Framework which you can find it here, Thesis Theme vs Genesis Framework.
It has always been my dream of creating my own genesis child theme but honestly, I am no developer and all those CSS, HTML and codes really make me crazy at times. I got to admit it. I am also pretty sure that happens to you as well especially for those who are novice in web developments and blogging industry.
I even came across a great writing on how to build Genesis child theme from scratch thanks to Bill Erickson from Art of Blog. I read that article probably 20 times now and trust me when I tell you that it is extremely well written. If you want to have a look at that, you can check it out using this link.

Bill recommended to use a child theme as base and customization can start from there which is a hell of an idea indeed. However, I was more tempted to build something from scratch. Yes, I want the WordPress theme to be unique for me only and I am well aware my limitation on those coding works.
Then, I found the light in the tunnel when I came across Dynamik Website Builder. At first, I was very skeptical on the idea and I thought it could just be another lame website. Sorry Dynamik team for that! I read through about Dynamik Website Builder and was highly considering to get it. Bear in mind that I had just got myself Scribe Content Optimization and I wouldn’t want to burden my financial in just one month. You can read all about it here, Scribe … The Best Content Optimization software developed by CopyMedia team.
*disclaimer: I am not paid to promote Dynamik Website Builder nor I have plans to promote it. This is written fairly on my own experience and if you would purchase Dynamik Website Builder using my affiliate link, I would be more than happy and drop me a line so that I can thank you personally!
Without much delay, let’s see what Dyanamik can offer, shall we?
What is Dynamik Website Builder?

Dynamik website builder is WordPress design tool which help both novice and experienced developers (and bloggers alike) to create their dream themes for WordPress.
Dynamik Website Builder features:
- Complete homepage control with 49, 1-click home page configurations
- The ability to put anything and anywhere using Custom Widgets and Content Areas without limitation
- Complete control and flexibility in terms of website theme designs
- 1-click option to activate or deactivate responsive WordPress theme
- Instant activation on front-end website which makes customization easier than just plain easy
- Choose from 165 webfronts (all included!) for your WordPress theme
- Fast, efficient and clean codes for your WordPress blog or website
- Dynamik runs on Genesis framework which is one of the best WordPress framework in the world
Hold on there amigo! 8 reasons are not enough to make Dynamik the best WordPress theme builder. Here are 3 more reasons to which makes Dynamik Website Builder a great choice! It also provides:
- 1-click lifetime upgrade
- Lifetime support
- Use Dynamik Website Builder on unlimited websites including your clients’ ones
Tempted yet? This is what others got to say about Dynamik Website Builders
“I’ve always wanted to offer clients the option of having their sites built in Genesis, but didn’t really want to step headlong into PHP to be able build the sorts of designs and layouts I like to offer. Now, with Dynamik for Genesis, I can put together fully customized sites in very little time using the hundreds of design options that are built in and ready to go. I can easily add content areas to different pages to give sites much more depth than those that just run the same structure, sidebars etc throughout. With all this power and flexibility, no need for PHP coding, AMAZING support, and a built in real-time front-end CSS builder for those that want to push things further, Dynamik has to be THE stand-out child theme for Genesis. I couldn’t be happier with it.” – Ben Pyman
“I love Dynamik! I am not a developer or designer, but Dynamik is so much fun that it has turned into a hobby for me. It may sound nuts, but sometimes I pretend that I have clients and then I build websites for them. Everything is just so fast and easy. On top of all the fun, is that by way the options are presented, the CSS builder and forum, I have learned a lot. Long live the mighty Dynamik!” – Junior Atoms

And I head over to the Dynamik Website Builder pricing page instead…
I asked myself, ‘Seriously?!’ when I saw the price. It is an one time payment of $79.95 and it’s mine forever. That wasn’t really good as I felt it is a bit expensive for my taste. I did a quick calculation as well as I might be buying several child themes from StudioPress the next few months (yup, I did not purchase the famous StudioPress Pro Plus All-Theme Package yet and only bought Genesis Framework and a few child themes according to my liking).
As for the record, I had recently purchased StudioPress All Theme Package recently and it is rocking great. You can check them out here; Pro Package offers over 40+ Professional Themes.
It doesn’t need a PhD education level to tell me that buying Dynamik Website Builder could actually save me more money in the long run. This is very important for those who do not want to spend a lot of money on WordPress themes or have a very absent minded like me. One point taken and thank you.
At the same time, I also noticed the big fat advertisement saying that it offers a full 30-days money back guarantee as well. If you read a few of my review posts, you will notice that I tend to try out products which are offering money back guarantee. Well, I just need to be on the safe side right? Another point taken!
How Dynamik Website Builder looks backend?
Here are some print shots of what it looks like on your WordPress admin area. Easy to configure and most adjustments can be done using drop down buttons. crazy huh?

Dynamik Website Builder Review – My take
Install it is fairly easy as I am already running on Genesis Framework. You need Genesis Framework to run with Dynamik and if you have not gotten it yet, you can check out my affiliate link here.
A guaranteed 30-days money refund – Excellent!
Within minutes, I felt that I was on Thesis Blank Theme and I told myself, maybe and I mean maybe, I did the wrong choice. Starting from scratch was pretty hard and I wasn’t prepared. Instead of starting and trying to ‘˜give it a guess’, I decided to download Dynamik Website Builder manual and flash read on it. Yes, just reading things I think I want to know about. Haha lazy me!
It certainly sounds easy on the manual and I bet it could be a bit hard in reality. Duh, why bother when I still have 29 days on the clock for refund right?
Unlimited designing abilities for WordPress themes

The next day, I told myself I am going to build my own WordPress theme one way or another. And after 3 hours figuring out and doing customizations, I have created my lovely theme! Clean and minimalistic as what I truly wanted. I knew at that moment that I have yet to unfold Dynamik Website Builder full potential yet.
Why? Simply because I created a full and complete theme with custom widgets and stuffs without touching a single CSS code! WOW!
Over the days, I was changing my themes from fonts colours to width sizes. Yes and I changed it over the next one week. It was amazing, really. I don’t know if there is more words to describe it but really! I am far more than just impressed.
Creating WordPress themes is easier than ever – Dynamik Website Builder
I am not planning to make this post too long and therefore, let me sum up a few things here. If you want to create a brand new and unique WordPress theme without wasting too much time, then you should get Dynamik Website Builder like me. Just to share, this site is using Dynamik Website Builder and damn I am loving it so much.
So, the biggest question is, ‘Are you ready to take website designing to the next level using Dynamik Website Builder for Genesis?’
It doesn’t matter if you are not yet convinced (what?!) but it’s okay. You can check out their website (Catalyst Theme) using this link and see for yourself as well. Moreover, no harm visiting their website right?
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