Tag: enterprise web hosting

  • Web Hosting For Demanding Website Owners

    Web Hosting For Demanding Website Owners

    If you looking for the best web hosting for demanding website owners, you are going to love this article.

    The term “good thing isn’t cheap and cheap thing isn’t good” constantly rings in my ear. When it comes to web hosting, I have quite a fair share of using the best, along with the not-so-good web hosting which resulted in hacking and super slow website loading speed.

    I’m not going to lie — I’m annoying and demanding as hell. My goal in web hosting is all about getting the best out of what I’m paying and making sure my website visitors are happy (which I’m sure you have the same goal too).

    So, here’s a list of the best web hosting for demanding website owners like me.

    Kinsta Hosting

    I recently moved all my websites to Kinsta hosting because of two things—performance (speed) and customer support.

    Kinsta WordPress hosting isn’t your average Joe when it comes to web hosting. It is priced within the ranged of many managed WordPress hosting services which starts at $30 per month.

    If you are demanding (as hell) like me, you are going to love Kinsta hosting.

    kinsta dashboard

    Kinsta Web Hosting Management Dashboard

    For starters, it is powered by Google Cloud Platform which pretty much guarantees ultra fast website loading speed. When it comes to datacenters, you can choose from a massive 15 locations around the world, thanks to Google Cloud Platform. You can also activate the Kinsta CDN (which is powered by KeyCDN) to make your website even faster. If you hate configuring cache plugin like I do, then Kinsta inbuilt cache system is going to save you hours (and sweat).

    Looking for staging environment? Don’t worry as Kinsta hosting got you covered! All Kinsta hosting plans come with staging environment to cater for your web development needs (without additional costs).

    Last but not least, Kinsta support is available 24/7 through live chat. At anytime you need help, just pop your question and you will get your answers within minutes (not hours).

    WP Engine

    The WP Engine brand is no stranger to many in the web hosting world. WP Engine offers both affordable and high end plans to fit the needs of website owners (especially demanding ones like me).

    Unlike other web hosting companies, WP Engine offers 100% website security and in the case where your website is exposed and being hacked, WP Engine will offer complete website restoration at no cost.

    While WP Engine is often considered as enterprise web hosting service, it also offers entry level managed hosting which starts at $35 per month.

    Here’s the new WP Engine pricing.

    wpengine hosting pricing change

    I have no problem recommending WP Engine because it offers live chat support which solves reduces the ‘waiting time’. Of course, you know how annoying it is when it comes to waiting for an answer, don’t you?

    Besides that, WP Engine offers shared web hosting environment which is still very powerful and small to mid size websites. Also, don’t forget that WP Engine comes with staging area which allows you to perform changes to your website without having to worry about breaking anything.

    Liquid Web

    While Kinsta and WP Engine are great managed WordPress hosting providers, what happens when you are NOT using WordPress?

    Introducing Liquid Web for demanding website owners. As website owners, you don’t have the time to work on the never ending ‘server issues’—and you rather get your web hosting company to sort those out. You don’t even mind paying them extra just for that!

    Don’t get me wrong. I totally get it. Time is money, and by wasting precious time on these petty stuffs, you can make more money by focusing on your online business.

    This is where Liquid Web comes into play. Liquid web offers managed dedicated hosting and servers—all in all to make your website loads faster and you can focus on things (your online business for example) that matter most to you.

    Here’s a list of web hosting services offered by Liquid Web.

    liquid web hosting services

    You can also use the button below to take a look at what Liquid Web can offers today.

    Now it is your turn!

    Do you have experience with bad web host? If yes, tell me what you think and your current web hosting service provider in the comments below.