Tag: challenges small businesses face in social media

  • 5 Social Media Challenges Faced By Business Owners (And How To Solve Them)

    5 Social Media Challenges Faced By Business Owners (And How To Solve Them)

    Erik Qualman once said, “We don’t have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it”.

    Can you believe that, folks? Social media is a key generator for your business; let it be either an online or a brick and mortar business, you need social media to literally survive in this world.

    The challenges small businesses face is inevitable. Yes you — small business owners will face tons of obstacles which will either demotivate you or burn a hole in your pocket. As a social media consultant, I dare to say that there will be challenges in social media especially in two phrases; entry level and sustaining a marketing strategy to compete with the rest.

    As Erik said above, social media is no longer a luxury; it is a needs that will determine success in business.

    So, what are the challenges small businesses will face in social media? How do you overcome them?

    Let’s break them down in this article, shall we? (more…)