Tag: best mic for podcasting beginners

  • Top 3 Best Mic For Podcasting Beginner 2020

    Top 3 Best Mic For Podcasting Beginner 2020

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    ​Best Mic For Podcasting Beginner 2020

    ​There is no better time to start a podcast this year than now. The process is rather simple—get some cheap podcast equipment, record a podcast and submit the RSS to podcast distribution sites such as iTunes, Stitcher and Spotify.

    ​But, you have heard and seen the professional podcasters do it. They all had great podcast equipments.

    ​Don’t worry.

    ​What you need is a simple micrphone that can help you launch the podcast in 2020.

    ​And here are the top 3 microphones for podcasting beginners.

    ​The Best Podcast Microphones For Beginners

    ​When I first started podcasting, there were so many microphones in the market that I totally lost count. I had absolutely no idea which is the better option.

    ​Thankfully, I landed myself several podcast microphones that I had used until today!

    ​Here are the top 3 podcast microphones for beginners.

    1. ​ATR2100

    ATR2100 Best Mic For Podcasting Beginners 2020

    ​If you are looking for a good podcast microphone, you can’t go wrong with ATR2100 (click here to see it on Amazon).

    ​It works well for both solo and group podcasts, and you can easily hook it up to your PC or Mac in just seconds. Yes, this is a USB microphone for podcast.

    ​ATR2100 is by far the most popular microphone option for podcast beginners​and you can also get a nice set of tools with it to make your podcast experience even better!

    ​2. Blue Yeti

    Blue Yeti Best Mic For Podcasting Beginners 2020

    Mention ​”Blue Yeti” and nearly every podcaster had heard about it. This is a better grade podcast microphone for beginners—and it costs slightly more too.

    ​Comparing Blue Yeti and ATR2100, Blue Yeti offers better sound quality and comes packing with more features compared to most of its competitors.

    ​Getting this podcast microphone is not only a sound investment, this is probably the best investment you can do for yourself because you can use it all the way up to professional podcasting levels.

    ​Check out Blue Yeti microphone (discounts) on Amazon.

    3. Movo ​PM10

    Movo PM10 Best Mic For Podcasting Beginners 2020

    If you are planning to start a podcast with literally the lowest investment, you can’t go wrong with Movo ​PM10. Priced at only $14.95 on Amazon, this is a grab.

    ​As a matter of fact, I use Movo PM10 for all my podcasting needs and the reason is simply because I’m always traveling. Traveling doesn’t allow me to bring the entire podcasting set and only the essentials.

    ​Movo PM10 comes with condenser, noise reduction and USB to plug into my smartphone voice recorder. This is by far the cheapest and my favorite mic for podcasting beginners.

    ​Grab Movo PM10 on Amazon now!


    If you are starting a podcast, don’t overthink it. Start with the cheapest and lowest investment you can afford and upgrade only when your podcast is generating traction.

    ​P.S. Movo PM10 is by far my favorite and best mic for podcasting beginners.