Quarantine Survival Kit At Home And Remote Workers [Complete Guide]

Quarantine Survival Kit At Home And For Remote Workers

Are you stuck at home with the government-imposed lockdown? Or maybe, you are self-quarantine at home? Don’t worry, I was forced to be at home in April 2020 when the Malaysian government improved a strict movement control (essential travel restriction with a 10 kilometre radius). That’s when I decided to start my self quarantine survival kit.

Important note: Everything will not be normal when you are staying in one place for a long time. Keeping stock of the right (and essential) products will keep you sane … at the very least.”

Here’s my survival kit during a home quarantine.

What should be included in a home quarantine survival kit?

Home quarantine is one of the most common forms of quarantine. This happens when the state you in is imposing a lockdown (either full or partial). Here are the top items you need to have in your survival kit.

Reliable Laptop

I’m a stay at home dad who works using the Internet. Therefore, having a reliable laptop is critical for my personal financial survival!

When you are quarantined at home, you can either opt to work from home (if your company permits) or find some small business ideas to generate cash during this downtime. As I had been working online since 2004, I had created multiple income streams using the Internet, thus, having a good laptop is critical.

Self-isolation, quarantine or movement restriction may last longer than most of us expect—so, be ready for the new normal!

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Strong Internet Connection

The best laptop is not useful when you have an unreliable Internet connection. Get a good Internet connection and you should well be working properly at home (or watching Netflix).


I’m not going to lie to you. Staying at home (like 24 hours a day) for 3 months can really make a person go crazy. I stock up cookies at home to ensure that I could enjoy the snacks at any time of the day.

On-Demand Movies

Yup, you hear me loud and clear. I’m guilty of spending 2 hours a day with movies. Hey, I work 5 hours a day and I strongly believe in work-life balance.

Subscribing to on-demand movies are great ways to stay sane and have a good time at the comfort of your couch.

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Fresh clothes

One of the most important quarantine kits is to have a nice range of fresh clothes. There is nothing better than wearing clean clothes at home!

During my time quarantine, I prepare 10 sets of clothing that I could rotate and use. And trust me on this—wearing fresh clothes during quarantine is the best single thing you can do to make you feel good!

A Loaded Credit Card

Shopping during lockdown used to be challenging in the past but thanks to technology, online shopping is no longer an expensive experience. With a loaded credit card, you can easily do shop at home and get the items delivered to you the next working day.

In Malaysia, we have Shopee and Lazada which offer next day delivery. If you are in the United States or in Europe, there are Amazon and eBay to start with!

What should be included in a work survival kit?

A work survival kit is slightly different from a home survival kit. A work survival kit will include work-related tools to help you be more productive at work, even when you are working remotely.

Productivity Apps

Productivity apps help me to be more productive on a daily basis. These apps help me to order things I need to do on a daily basis.

Some of the best productivity apps are:

RescueTime App

RescueTime is a cool time tracking app I used recently. This tool tracks my activities and how many times I visit a specific website or task either on mobile or desktop.

RescueTime is a free to use app and if you need more features, there’s a paid version that you can subscribe to either on a monthly or yearly basis.

Click here to try RescueTime for free!

Encrypted USB Drive

If you are working for a large organization, using an encrypted USB drive is an important tool to stay safe from hackers and keeping relevant content away from everyone easy access.

If you are looking for a good encrypted USB drive, here are some of the best I recommend you to use.

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Office Wear

Working remotely is the ‘new normal’ when it comes to post-Covid19. However, do you know that you can keep yourself from negative distraction when working at home just by wearing office wear?

Gift Basket

If your team is working remotely during self-quarantine, sending gift basket to your peers and colleagues are great moves to build bonds. After all, everyone loves gifts, right?

Gift Card

If sending gift basket isn’t your style, sending gift card is also a good move. Last month, I send some gift cards over to my clients as a gesture of appreciation. This helps to create a positive relationship between you and your clients!

What’s Your Quarantine Survival Kit?

Now, it is your turn. What’s your favorite quarantine survival kit? Tell me in the comments below and let’s discuss further!