How To Start A Copywriting Career In Malaysia?

How To Become A Copywriter In Malaysia

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Starting The Career As A Copywriter In Malaysia

You heard about copywriting career in Malaysia and you want to know more. How do you become a well-paid copywriter in Malaysia?

In this article, I’ll share with you the exact steps I took to start a copywriting career in Malaysia.

But before that, here’s what you need to know about me.

My Introduction

My name is Reginald and I have been a copywriter in Malaysia since 2004. Back then, I started a blog due to the passion of writing. Little did I know that the passion I had turned out to be a full-fledged business opportunity that allowed me to earn stable 4-digit income every month.

In this article, I’ll share with you the journey and pathways I took to become a copywriter with no experience.

Want to become a copywriter?

I had just launched that focuses heavily in copywriting. I recommend you to take a look there and learn advanced tips for copywriting.

Check It Out

Is Copywriting In Demand In Malaysia?

The demand for professional copy writing services is constantly growing in Malaysia. Over the last 5 years, the demand for copywriting is either steady or on a constantly growth year over year.

Take a look at the Google Trends below.

Copywriting Demand In Malaysia

If you are able to produce excellent content or copies, you can make some serious money online.

On average, a copywriter in Malaysia can make around RM50 to RM200 per article writing, and over RM1,000 for landing page and conversion page.

The amount of money you earn is based on your experience as a copy writer.

How To Become A Copywriter In Malaysia?

Become A Copywriter In Malaysia

Follow these steps to start your journey as a copywriter. 

It is important to understand becoming a copywriter in Malaysia takes patience and a lot of passion. The starting part is always the hardest and you just got to hang in there.

1. Passion Above Money

Passion For Copywriting

Being a copywriter in Malaysia can earn you a lot of money. As a matter of fact, if your clients are from overseas, you are going to make a lot of money as a copywriter due to the conversion rate.

However, you should only be a copywriter if you are passionate. If you do not have the passion, you are going to burn out a lot. Ended up, you wont be happy with the job and you will quit.

2. Know your writing niche

Copywriting Niche

The first stage of starting a copywriter career in Malaysia is to choose the type of content you are going to produce. No two industries are the same—therefore you need to find the industry or topics that interest you the most.

I recommend you to early on with the industry you have interest in because it gives you some level of motivation and satisfaction upon completing the content writing project.

Plus, producing a content for an industry that is new to you will be tough on you and when you hit the dead block, you will feel demotivated.

3. Create A Portfolio

Copywriting Portfolio

When you are just starting out, you wouldn’t have a portfolio … and that’s okay.

You still need to project a professional outlook and therefore, you need to have a portfolio to ‘show’ to your potential clients.

Here’s the thing. You don’t need a full 10-page website to display your worth. All you need (to start) is to have a 1-page landing page to describe who you are and what you do.

And you can do it rather cheaply be honest. Here are two copywriting tools for every new copywriter:

Creating a portfolio for yourself is extremely important especially when you want to start a copy writing career in Malaysia.

4. Learn And Ask

Copywriting Mistakes

No one is perfect. There will be times where you make mistakes in the content and you may even piss off some of your clients. 

But you need to know that it is okay. 

It is okay to fail and make mistakes … a couple of times. 

The most important thing is to remember to get back up and learn from your mistake.

Plus, this is the part where you start thicken your face and ask local businesses for an opportunity to write for them.

Wait! It is hard to secure a copywriting job if you have no experience. So, offer them a free service … in return of a personalized testimonial. This will help you build an authority in the local market and build trust at the same time.

5. Improve Copywriting Skills

Improve Copywriting Skills

Being in the copywriting industry means that you are always going to get a lot of competition. 

The only way to win your competition is by outdo them.

How do you outdo your competitors in copywriting? Here’s what I always do (which work like charm):

  • Learn from your mistakes
  • Try new copywriting methods
  • Choose the right type of clients
  • Ask different questions
  • Split test everything

6. Use The Right Copywriting Tools

Copywriting Tools

As a copywriter, using the right tools matter a lot. I can’t remember how many times the right tools had helped me in my copywriting journey—both in creating great content and saving me precious time.

So, which are the best tools for a copywriter?

  • Grammarly

    I can’t deny how important Grammarly had helped me with content writing. It is extremely affordable and easy to use.

  • BlueHost

    Having a reliable website hosting company to host your portfolio online is important. I recommend using BlueHost because it is affordable and comes with free domain name.

  • Thrive Architect

    Most great copywriters have professional portfolios done up for them. I use Thrive Architect to create professional 1-page portfolio without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars.

  • CopyScape

    A good alternative to Grammarly is CopyScape. There are free and paid features which you can use to make sure your copies are genuine and perfect in many parts.

Become A Copywriter In Malaysia Today

The process of becoming a copywriter in Malaysia is a long road. However, there are many fruits of joy at the end of the journey.

If you want to become a copywriter today, don’t wait. Start right now. Start right here.

About Me

Young at heart and a deep passion for entrepreneurial success, Reginald is devoted to share everything he had learned about online marketing with the public. Follow him for more awesome postings.




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