Tag: wordpress services

  • Do I Need A WordPress Care Package?

    Do I Need A WordPress Care Package?

    WordPress care packages are pretty much on demand WordPress support. WordPress is a powerful and user-friendly CMS for beginners but at times, it can be really challenging for those who have no experience with coding. 

    If you have ever encountered your WordPress going down (error 404, ouch) or a totally destroyed website layout thanks to the incompatibility of new plugins, you know exactly what I mean.

    Launching a WordPress agency with the right skills and people can be really profitable — that’s why there are so many companies including large ones are promoting WordPress care package.

    But, do you know that you DO NOT need WordPress care package as much as you thought you need it?

    Here’s why!

    The Truth About WordPress Care Packages

    When you sign up for a WordPress care package like the ones I personally promote in WP Maven, you are guaranteed with support whenever you need it. This means that you don’t need to wait for day for a response for your support ticket. 

    These on-demand WordPress support allows you to solve WordPress related problems fast and effectively, avoiding any downtime or loss of income.

    Here are some reasons why you NEED a WordPress care package:

    • High traffic website (over 100k traffic per month)
    • A complex WordPress site, making out of over 20+ plugins
    • Cases of hacking and invulnerability
    • Using shared web hosting or low powered web hosting plans
    • You want to sleep well at night knowing that your website is taken care of

    Here are some reasons why you DON’T NEED a WordPress care package:

    • Paying a subscription fee on a monthly basis can be heavy for your wallet
    • You require less than 5 hours of support each month
    • Your website has under 100k traffic per month
    • Your website revenue generation is under $100 per month
    • You don’t mind ‘trying an error’ and fixing WordPress problems

    You see, WordPress care packages are often billed on a monthly basis. This can be rather heavy for many website owners especially when they are only generating under $100 a month.

    In this case, it is better for you to go for pay-as-you-go WordPress care packages that helps you to save money and only paying for WordPress services when you really need it.