Tag: wordpress security plugin

  • What are good ways to make WordPress more secure?

    What are good ways to make WordPress more secure?

    5 Sure-Fire Ways To Secure WordPress Websites

    Have you been hacked before?

    I been through that … and I have no plans to experience that once again.

    According to Sucuri, WordPress is the most affected website platform in 2017 (capping at 83%).

    That’s worrisome especially when WordPress is used by millions of websites today.

    In this article, I’m going to share with you five ways to secure your WordPress website.

    Secure WordPress websites with trusted web host

    Cheap Web Hosting

    Web hosting is by far the most important factor for WordPress websites being hacked.

    When was the last time you go for really cheap web hosting services that charges $1 per month?

    Seriously, you are better off with Blogspot or WordPress.com for that matter.

    A good web hosting company goes a long way

    Many web hosting companies that you can find today are offering sub-par level of hosting services (sad but true).

    In order to maximize earnings, they will cramp as many websites into the server in order to safe cost.

    Here are some tips to find a good web hosting company.

    • 24/7 support
    • Don’t oversell server space
    • Believe in offering high quality web hosting services

    Of course, I did not include the affordability factor as we are all looking for affordable web hosting services 🙂

    If you are looking for great web hosting that offers excellent security features, here are the top three I would recommend anytime of the day:

    Secure your website by installing legit themes and plugins

    Nulled WordPress Theme and Plugin

    Installing nulled WordPress themes and plugins may be easy on your wallet (in the early days) but it will get extremely expensive for you when your site gets hacked!

    Using legit WordPress themes and plugins are always the way to go.

    For example, here is a list of free WordPress themes that don’t cost you a single cent (and yet looking awesome).

    For plugins, you can go for Thrive Membership (for example) for unlimited usage, licenses and with one single pricing structure ($19 per month).

    Secure WordPress websites using security plugins

    Secure WordPress Websites

    Do you know that one of easiest way to secure WordPress websites is by using WordPress security plugins?

    Generally, these WordPress plugins are easy to use and doesn’t require much server management to secure your site.

    While there are many free and paid plugins that you can use, here is a small list of the ones I truly recommend for beginners:

    Secure WordPress websites with CloudFlare

    Secure WordPress Websites With CloudFlare

    CloudFlare serves not only as a Content Delivery Network (CDN) tool, it is also an excellent website security tool that helps you to strengthen the defense of your website.

    Lucky for you, CloudFlare integrates perfectly well with WordPress powered websites and if you want to learn some geeky (and advanced) settings for CloudFlare, here’s a great article to read: How To Setup CloudFlare Page Rules?

    Are you ready to secure your WordPress website?

    The number of hacking (especially on WordPress websites) had increased dramatically over the years …

    And you certainly wouldn’t want to be the next victim!

    I hope you find these securing WordPress website tips useful and leave a comment if you have any thoughts!