Tag: Uttoran Sen

  • Blog Engage $500 In Cash Prizes Blogging Contest

    Recently, I came across a blogging contest organized by Uttoran Sen of Guest Crew. Basically, the contest is opened to all bloggers and even members of Blog Engage. We are not talking about $50 or $100 but it is $500 worth of cold hard cash! The below are the prices for the winners:

    1st Prize – $200

    2nd Prize – $100

    3rd Prize – $75

    4th Prize – $50

    5th Prize – $50

    6th Prize – $25

    Yup, there is 6 prizes to grab! This blogging contest runs from 1st July 2013 to 15th August 2013. So, hurry up and join right now!

    The judge of this competition will be … no other than Mr Brian Belfitt of Blog Engage.

    Wait a minute! Who the !@#$ he is?


    Blog Engage is a platform for bloggers to gain more backlinks and relationships
    Brian is the man behind Blog Engage.


    How to join this blogging contest?

    1. Write an article on your blog about this contest

    During the write up, remember to mention Uttoran Sen of Guest Crew as the sponsor and Brian Belfitt of Blog Engage as the judge.

    How to score more points: Simply share, try to get as much traffic and comments as possible for the post. Trackbacks are also allowed.

    2. Register an account at Guest Crew (it’s free)

    Once you had verified your account, head over to the article gallery and apply for an article at the guest crew.

    Alternative method: You can also request for an article from the request gallery and one of the guest bloggers will apply and write an article for you! Just publish the article on Blog Engage as guest post and you are all set!

    3. Be more than just a member on Guest Crew Forum. What?!

    Yup! You’ll earn points for being active in the forum or helping out others. Very easy right?

    Hint: The more active you are, the more points you might get in return. Win – win situation right?

    Wait! There’s more!

    Once you had done registering for the contest, make sure you drop Uttoran Sen a private message on Guest Crew. Just hit the PM button and give the following details:

    Your name

    Your email ID

    Your PayPal ID

    Your Guest Crew user ID

    Your Blog Link

    Now, you are absolutely on the way to win the contest!


    How to score more points?

    1. The keyword here is … sharing is caring!
    2. You gain more points by:
    3. Sharing on social media
    4. Drive more traffic to the article
    5. Get more trackbacks

    I hope this information will be sufficient enough to help you get started on this blogging contest organized by Blog Engage and Guest Crew. So, are you ready to rumble??!

    You can also check out my guest post for the contest here: 9 Tips to Effectively Use Email Marketing.