Tag: start a lifestyleblog

  • 5 (Seriously Easy) Steps To Start A Lifestyle Blog To Success

    5 (Seriously Easy) Steps To Start A Lifestyle Blog To Success

    5 Steps To Start A Lifestyle Blog That Kick Ass And Makes Money

    Deciding to start a lifestyle blog is easy. Setting up the actual blog is when the real challenge begins.

    As there are many moving parts, it is important for you to get the right information and guide to launch a lifestyle blog to success.

    The process can be overwhelming for many and you may want to pace yourself.

    This guide is created with the single purpose on helping you to create and launch a lifestyle blog (minus the hassle and uncertainty).

    Step One: Choose Your Lifestyle Blog Niche

    Lifesyle Blog Niche

    A successful blog is uncluttered. Regardless of how many categories you want to explore, you still must have a specific niche.

    Taking this first step is important is defining your blog niche

    This will help you to identify your target audience, laser targeting the categories you should have and connecting with other like-minded lifestyle bloggers.

    Starting a lifestyle blog to success is more than a single man’s job. You need connections (a.k.a. other lifestyle bloggers) to help you get more eyeballs.

    How do I find the right lifestyle niche?

    Blogging is all about constantly crafting the content that you are passionate about.

    Since you are planning to start a lifestyle blog, you might want to consider picking up positive vibes as your source of motivation.

    If you’re able to share tips and help people out based on your skill or talent, readers will flock to your blog in no time.

    Step Two: Choose A Platform

    Blog Platform for Lifestyle Blogs

    There are several blogging platforms available for you to use (for free) or buy.

    A quick search online will give you a rundown of the best ones out there. Arguably, the most popular and most used is WordPress.

    Often, it’s the go-to platform for bloggers, especially for the newbies.

    Introducing, WordPress.

    WordPress is the most common choice for several reasons.

    • It is an excellent content management system (CMS) for beginners
    • There’s a wide range of free themes to choose from
    • There are also many tools and plugins to help you design your own website (without coding skills)

    Now, should you purchase your own domain and platform or use the free ones available on the market?

    The answer is “It is wiser to purchase your own.”

    Here are the top four reasons why you should avoid the ‘free’ ones.

    • Most free platforms will require you to post their own ads on your blog.
    • Most will limit your ability to put your own ads on your blog. Some will make it impossible for you to generate income.
    • Free platforms usually mean limited to non-existent tech support.
    • No-charge blog platforms mean generic URL.
    • Lack of security features.

    The biggest issues with free blogging platform?

    Ownership of the site is not yours when you build a lifestyle blog on other free blog platforms.

    Even if you’re still undecided if you want your blog to eventually turn into something profitable, paying five bucks (more or less) a month will secure all your hard work.

    Step Three: Choose A Domain Name

    Choose Lifestyle Blog Domain Name

    www.mylifestyleblog.com is a lot better than www.mylifestyleblog.domainhost.com, don’t you think? As an online reader, do you trust a website more if the URL that looks and reads like an actual site?

    I bet so, right?!

    That’s the power of branding. Deciding the right domain name for your lifestyle blog is always the most crucial step when launching your lifestyle blog.

    The domain name you choose will be the address of your website. Consider and remember the weight of this when you choose the name of your lifestyle blog. Here are tips on how to pick the right domain name for your website.

    • Shorter domain name = Win (easier to remember)
    • Make it easy to say and spell (duh!)
    • Let the name mirror the core message of your lifestyle blog
    • A unique domain name is always the best!
    • Allow flexibility to make it “brandable” (avoid too specific domain name for easier cross promotion in the future)

    You can get cheap domain names at NameCheap that often costs under $10 per year (here’s the link).

    Step Four: Choose A WordPress Theme

    WordPress Themes for Lifestyle Bloggers

    A WordPress theme is like the cloth you wear.

    If you are looking for free WordPress themes, you are in luck!

    WordPress is home to thousands of themes that you can choose from, some which are free and some which are paid.

    When choosing a WordPress theme, here are three important factors you should consider.

    • Deciding on what to display on the homepage (a specific/static landing page or displaying the most recent blog post)
    • Is your WordPress theme of choice advertiser-friendly?
    • How much support do you get if you need help with coding?

    If you have the money to spare, purchasing a premium theme for your blog is a better option than using a free theme. Often, premium themes offer more fluid functionality. They are also more SEO-friendly.

    Here’s an example of a premium WordPress theme (click here for the product details).

    If you have additional funds, you can hire a web designer to make your theme as unique as you like it to be.

    Step Five: Write Blog-Worthy Posts

    Create Lifestyle Blogs That Worth Reading

    Your blog content need to be really good — if you are serious in getting your lifestyle blog the traffic you desire.

    The name of your blog and the design of your website – these are just trimmings.

    Ultimately, your content matters the most and here are some guidelines to write blog-worthy posts.

    • Informative content
    • Fun to read
    • Shareable
    • Easy to take action
    • Compelling by being different
    • Write in the natural tone
    • Be in the shoes of your website visitors

    Conclusion: Launching A Lifestyle Blog (That Rocks)

    Starting a lifestyle blog is fun, glamorous and highly profitable if you can exert effort into it.

    However, it takes time and a lot of effort to get the blog rolling (in getting traffic and revenue).

    Here’s the summary if you want to launch a successful lifestyle blog from scratch.

    Want to start a lifestyle blog or already have one? Leave a comment below and let’s discuss!