Tag: remove css file

  • A Simple Guide In Removing Unwanted CSS From WordPress Page

    A Simple Guide In Removing Unwanted CSS From WordPress Page

    Every website owner would want to have a fast loading website and one of the best ways to speed up your website is through removing unwanted CSS from the page.

    But here’s a question.

    Why should you remove unwanted CSS from WordPress page?

    Removing unwanted CSS codes will make your website loads faster. Instead of loading all the codes, the server would only need to load a fraction of the codes as unwanted codes had been removed. When this happens, it takes a lesser time for your website to load completely.

    So, how do I remove unwanted CSS from WordPress page?

    For starters, you need to have some coding knowledge to know what codes you can remove. Here’s a quick video on how to remove CSS manually from your WordPress site.

    But make no mistake. Removing CSS from your site could be a tedious tasks especially when you have no coding knowledge (or you are afraid of breaking something on your site).

    If you are using modern day visual builder such as Thrive Architect and Divi 3.0, you can easily remove unwanted CSS from pages with just a few clicks.

    Here’s how it is done using Thrive Architect.

    remove css to speed up WordPress

    I know many of you are Divi 3.0 lover. So here’s a quick video on how you can enhance your website performance using Divi’s new feature, static CSS file generation.

    Ready to speed up your website?

    Removing unwanted CSS is a great way to speed up your website. The process might be time-consuming at first but once you have completed the process of removing unwanted CSS files, you will be thankful on how fast your website will load!

    Tell me what you think in the comments below.