We all have stalkers.
We all know that with the free Instagram viewer app it is very much possible to access anyone’s Instagram profile anonymously. How to figure out who is stalking you on Instagram? What if they’re not following you or liking your posts, what if they just watch them and comment? How do we deal with the digital stranger that is watching our every move online? I would like to share my own experience with this topic.
But before that, here’s a quick and comprehensive guide on view private Instagram profile (no hacking required)!
The first time I was aware of being watched by a “digital stalker” was when an unfamiliar name started popping up in my comments section. When logging into Facebook one day, I found a notification letting me know that there had been a new comment on one of my Instagram photos from someone whose username I didn’t recognize. This in itself was not unusual, except that this comment did not resemble a “normal” Instagram comment. It appeared to be a derogatory and judgmental remark about something I had posted. Because of Facebook’s new layout at the time (it has since changed back), the comments were in a drop-down window, and I could only see the first comment. I clicked on “load more” in order to find out who this stranger was, and to my surprise, there were now over 100 comments on the picture! The first one being:
A woman named Claire had put up a photo of her dog walking alongside a busy road. The traffic was heavy and cars were going fast, but her dog was happily trotting along with his leash dragging on the ground behind him. Her caption read: “A busy morning of dog walking – I love how this one kept looking back to make sure I was still there!”
I stared at this comment in shock for a moment, and then something clicked in my head. I knew exactly who this was! She had been following me for over half a year now, watching every post I put up. This woman would comment on nearly every photo or video (which were mostly photos of food) with the most peculiar comments from an Instagram stalker, such as:
Her comment on an image of a cheeseburger!
“No wonder you’re so fat your belly is bigger than your face! Have you ever heard of exercise?”, “Look how greasy that food looks, nothing but garbage.”, among other insulting remarks. At the time I did not know who this person was and how we actually ‘met’.
But I can tell you that it is very scary!
I decided to finally investigate her, which turned out to be much more difficult than it should have been. I know that I’m an open person and have tons of friends on Facebook whom I do not keep secret from each other (I don’t even think that’s possible), but this woman did all she could to hide who she was and her evil plans.
Fast forward to now, this article will be all about how to stay safe on Instagram and of course, simple tricks to determine who stalks my Instagram profile.
Step 1:
The first thing we need to do is find out who this person is. We’ll start with the username. I already know her full name, but let’s say that you don’t have it and don’t want to ask any of your friends for fear they might tell you.
When you load up Instagram on your phone and go into the comments section, you will see that the usernames are conveniently located at the top of every comment. When you click on one, they pop up in a small square box under your photo or video for whatever reason.
This is what it looks like when a new comment is made:
When you click on “load more comments”, then this is what pops up:
You can see the username right there. All you have to do is click on it and a new window will pop open, revealing that person’s profile page. It all goes down from here!
Step 2:
Let’s say that I made it this far myself without getting caught (in my case, I was caught red-handed). I was able to discover the identity of this person and now have her full name. The next thing that you want to do is go onto her profile page and look at some of her friends and family members.
Now, this won’t always work; there are a ton of people on Instagram who never add any friends or family members and keep their profile private. These people are usually either stalkers, spammers, or just plain weirdos (and yes, there’s a difference).
If you do find that this person has friends and family on her account, then I highly recommend sending direct messages to all of them! The only thing is that they might not be able to tell you who she is and they might even try to cover for her. For this purpose, I made a list of things that they may say or do when confronted with the situation:
They will either deny knowing anything about it, or claim that she changed her name! It’s possible that there are more people out there using the same username, so don’t fall for this one.
They might just be really nice people and not want to get involved. Be persistent and try your best to convince them that they need to tell you who she is! If that doesn’t work either then send them a link to this article, maybe they’ll feel guilty enough afterwards?
Step 3: This is the final step to finding out who stalks my Instagram profile.
If you are still unable to find her after following these steps, then I have one last solution for you. It’ll take a little bit of patience though. Start off by adding yourself as a friend and sending this person a message:
“Hi! I’m interested in your account because you look like a really cool person and I’d love to add you as a friend! How do I add friends on Instagram?”
If they ask for your username, which is likely, then just make one up (it doesn’t have to be good) or lie about it. Otherwise, come back here and continue reading!
They will most likely not accept your request or send you a message saying that they only add friends on Facebook. In fact, they may never even respond to your friend request or say anything about it at all. It’s best to just move on and try again later. If you don’t get a response after the third time sending them a message, then you will have to simply keep trying. Eventually they’ll get tired of all the messages and block your account or even delete their Instagram!
Step 4:
If you are lucky, then this person will actually make an effort to talk to you and try to convince you that they are who they say they are. If this is the case, then you can easily find out who they are!
If this isn’t working for you then there’s one last step to take: send them a friend request and wait a week or two. If they don’t accept your request, then do not try anymore because it will start getting annoying. You’ll be forced to just ask them for their Facebook so you can add them that way instead.
I know this seems like a lot of work, but it will be worth it in the end. Remember to stay persistent and persistent until you find out who she is! I wish you all the best of luck on your journey, and hopefully, this article has helped you get closer to your goal!
I hope that this article helped you find out who is stalking my Instagram profile! It’s pretty simple to do and will make you feel quite accomplished after all of the hard work. If you have any questions, then be sure to leave them in the comments below and I’ll try my best.
Now, for the next part.
Here are some nifty tools you can use to find who stalks your Instagram profile.
As an avid Instagrammer, with a public profile, it is common to wonder who might have checked your profile picture (or profile bio). Apropos of public figures, if your Instagram profile hasn’t taken off yet in terms of likes and followers, visit the best site to buy Instagram followers and do your IG profile a big favor.
While many Instagrammers do follow the ‘Like and Follow’ process, not everyone does the same.
To be honest, there is a huge majority (like me) who prefer checking out the profile without actually following the Instagram account.
This is especially true in case of popular brands. If you’re someone who loves NatGeo but don’t want to inundate your feed with their photos (they post several times every day) then it makes sense to not follow them and instead visit their profile once in a day (or a week) to browse through their recent posts.
And this brings us to the next question.
How do I track profile visitors who don’t care to follow?
Does Instagram let me see who viewed my profile?
Related: 5 Best (And Free) Apps To Check Who Stalks Your Instagram Profile
Being safe on social media is not just for you and me. It is an important step for everyone!
If you think social media is a safe heaven, you are wrong. Watch this short video to learn more.
Reminder: Protecting yourself from stalkers on social media is crucial. Always aim to stay safe and if you need any help, contact the local police for immediate assistance.
Important: Do you know that one of the best tools to scrape data from Facebook is by using Toolkit for Facebook?
Reality and the hard truth
Until date, Instagram does not allow you to know who visited your Instagram account.
At least not now and certainly not an in-app functionality to track your Instagram profile visitors.
How about Instagram business account?
If you have an Instagram business account, you are (also) not able to see who visited your Instagram profile — but with a small exception.
You can see the number of visitors you had in the past seven days, or how many users saw your posts in their feed.
Instagram, like Facebook, is tight-lipped about this particular question, for obvious privacy issues.
To put it simply, they have the data but they aren’t sharing it with anyone, not even you.
How to see who viewed my Instagram profile?
If you do a quick search on Google Playstore or iOS store, there are many cool alternatives to help you discover who have checked your Instagram profile.
But does these third party apps work in uncovering who have visited your Instagram profile?
The question of the hour is, do these apps actually work? Nope!
Here’s the problem.
Most of these apps are fake and they usually pick random Instagram names and display the same to you.
What’s worst is that there are some paid apps which you are required to pay a small amount of money if you want to see more than five names.
Going through user reviews on the Play Store and App Store will paint the same picture.
They pick random names and scramble them up when you check next. Not to mention that an ad will pop up every few minutes.

Want to get verified on Instagram? Here’s how!
One Simple Solution: How to check who viewed my Instagram profile?
So, why does these apps are not able to track the profile visitors?
The Instagram API doesn’t share such information with third-party apps. While some apps do reveal who unfollowed (or followed) you recently, churning out the name of your profile visitor is asking for too much.
More importantly, once you allow these applications to take a look into your profile, you have no idea how these apps will handle your data.

If you are serious in tracking your visitors and checking who viewed your Instagram profile, the now-popular Instagram Stories feature is the best way to do so, since the stories posted by public accounts are accessible to almost everyone (unless they are blocked from viewing it).
So here goes.
The first step is to swipe up on your Instagram story (any of your stories) like this.
Next, click on the eyeball icon and the list of people who visited your story will be nicely displayed.
Note: This includes users who aren’t following your Instagram account.
Now here’s a little (or major) challenge.
This method still doesn’t show you who viewed your Instagram profile as it only shows you who had viewed your Instagram story.
And if this sounds creepy (like someone who you don’t know is constantly stalking you on Instagram), then hit the block button to instant block them.
If you are
followed (without your approval)
on Instagram …
Can I see who viewed my Instagram profile?
I highly recommend you to block them from all your social media channels and not only on Instagram. Plus, seeking help is also highly recommended.
Too many people viewing your Instagram stories?
You can opt to switch to a private account if you wish to keep your private data private.
Manually checking the Instagram Stories on a daily basis could be annoying. However, that’s the only way, at least for now.
So, coming back to the question ….
Sadly, the answer is “No” for now.
There is no process in place which would let you see the names of your profile visitors.
More importantly, Instagram is planning to keep them a secret for privacy reasons.
I hope you find this quick trick in finding who viewed your Instagram stories useful (and as a powerful alternative to who viewed my Instagram profile).
Know a friend who needs this? Share with them now!
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Young at heart and a deep passion for entrepreneurial success, Reginald is devoted to share everything he had learned about online marketing with the public. Follow him for more awesome postings.
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