Tag: gridpane ltd

  • GridPane Lifetime Deal: The Deal Breaker In WordPress Hosting Control Panel

    GridPane Lifetime Deal: The Deal Breaker In WordPress Hosting Control Panel

    I wrote about Gridpane early this year (here’s the article on Gridpane) and I even did a Gridpane comparison on another blog. For the record, I’m a hardcore Gridpane fan which I can be rather proud of to be honest. Last month, I received an email from the Gridpane team on the final Gridpane lifetime deal (Gridpane LTD) and there were only 7 slots left. Now, I was “WOW” and before I knew it, I took our my credit card to pay for the lifetime deal.

    Here’s the thing.

    There were only 7 slots left and it is based on first come first served basis. Trust me, that was the longest 72 hours of my life as I did not hear any response from the Gridpane team on the LTD except for “we had received your message and we will send an invoice to you soon.”

    Reginald Chan

    Gridpane is the world’s first WordPress control panel. No, it is not a managed WordPress hosting solution per se. Instead, it is a tool that makes your website loads faster on VPS by allowing you to automatically optimize the server with the best settings, without knowing any server knowledge. More importantly, Gridpane isn’t built for anyone but selected few who know exactly what they are doing and what they need from a VPS solution.

    Gridpane Lifetime Deal

    Prior to getting Gridpane lifetime deal, I kept asking myself if this is something worth it. I mean, the final Gridpane LTD costs a whopping USD$2,500 and that’s approximately RM10,500 in Malaysia (that’s my conversion rate of 4.2).

    Is Gridpane LTD that worth the money?

    What’s included in the Gridpane LTD?

    • A lifetime deal under the Developer plan ($100 per month without the LTD)
    • Unlimited servers
    • Advanced security and firewall settings
    • Creation of teams or subaccounts (up to 10 slots without charge)
    • World class hosting infrastructure

    Gridpane LTD: Is Gridpane really worth the money?

    The funny thing is that I even get this question on Facebook from some of my peers too. Now, let’s do some quick calculation.

    Initial investment: $2,500

    Potential charges for hosting (assuming mid-tier hosting plan): $30 per month

    Potential charges for addon hosting services: $10 per month

    That’s around $40 per client and with around 5 clients a month, I get around $200. A clean profit would be around $150 with the assumption of no manpower cost and $50 goes to a VPS service like Vultr high frequency.

    In order to breakeven with the initial investment, I need 16.6 months (rounded to 17 months) before I can make a profit for a lifetime.

    Gridpane LTD is best for some (not everyone)

    Why I publish this article? Well, for starters, I want to make it straight up clear with everyone who have doubt.

    • Gridpane is not a WordPress hosting
    • Gridpane LTD is all about the long game
    • Gridpane is best for those who cares about website traffic, performance and security
    • Gridpane is an excellent tool for website developers and agencies who have clients using WordPress CMS

    How to get Gridpane LTD? When will Gridpane LTD comes back?

    I’m pretty confident that Gridpane LTD won’t come back anytime soon (their CEO made it a point to emphasize this).

    But what if you really need Gridpane LTD? I can’t promise you much, but my WordPress agency do collaborate with several website developers around the world with Gridpane. If this is something you are keen to explore, feel free to reach out to me or my team using the form below.

    Contact Form Demo (#2)